Chapter 59- Desire😍

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Isabella woke up as usual in the large soft bed that she adored so much and sat up to chaos. Klaus was rushing around the room for no real reason, utterly naked and dripping with shower water. Bella frowned as she watched his rush around the room, pulling. Open the empty drawers, he'd seemed to have forgotten they had packed.

"Anything I can help you with?" Bella giggled as she watched him from the bed. His head whipped around and he stared at her in confusion, he hadn't notice her awaken. After a few minutes he wrapped a blanket around his waist that he'd pulled off the end of the bed. Bella pouted.

"Don't get shy now" she flirted and crawled along the bed towards him, her hips swaying as she did so. He gulped at her knew attitude and fought to stop himself from pouncing at her.

"Unfair love" he sighed as he gave in and rushed to her, lifting her up and slamming his lips to hers before dropping them both backwards onto the warm sheets. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling them closer together. His hands instantly moved to either side of her head to support his weight.

"Careful love" he warned as she trailed her nails down his back. He threw his head backwards in a pleasurable moan and she began kissing his neck, leaving obvious love bites. She then flipped them over so she was straddling his barely covered waist.

"Screw careful" she groaned as her lips began moving down his chest. Her tongue lightly trailing over the contours of his toned abdomen. He pushed her back and felt instantly guilty as tears pooled in her wide eyes.

"Hey don't cry princess" he begged her as he pulled her in for a hug, she now sat in his lap as he pulled the blankets over them. The alarm on his phone read seven o clock.

"Do you not want me?" She asked, her head turned away from him so he could not see the deep pain in her eyes that the words portrayed. She still held a continual pain that everyone was destined to leave her.

"Of course I want you, more than anything . you are the most gorgeous , kind , smart women I know and I love you more than anything else in the whole world but I cannot risk hurting you again, not now, you haven't fully recovered from last time sweetheart'' he begged her to see his perspective and she fell into his chest, hugging him as tears fell.

"I don't know what is wrong with me" she sobbed and he froze in confusion, he hasn't noticed anything different , or so he presumed.

"What do you mean?'' He asked, pulling her face up with his hand so he could gaze into her unique eyes.

''I feel so Ill and I'm always tired and my emotions are everywhere, I can never decide whether to laugh or cry'' she tried explaining but she wasn't doing too well.

"You're probably just stressed" he informed but inside he was panicking, he wanted to stay calm so he wouldn't scare her but he didn't know what to do, she was obviously ill but he knew nothing if how to help her as her species was nonexistent.

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