Chapter 188- Fight🐈

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A/N: going on holiday, double update. <3

Isabella woke up and for the first time in a week or so, she felt good about the day, she sat up and brushed hair out of her eyes with her fingers before pulling the silky sheets down to reveal her bump, it seemed to be slowing and that was good but she was still noticeably pregnant and she sighed before pushing her body to the edge of the bed, pain erupting in her back but she pushed through.

She walked into the adjoined bathroom and stared at the mirror before nodding randomly and opening the cabinet abruptly, taking out her makeup kit and instantly working on her face, she felt like she wasn't herself anymore and she was making it now, she wanted to be herself, no matter what.

When she was finally finished she wore her lacy crop top with a white woolen jumped over the top, effectively covering the bump, she wore blue soft trousers also and red velvet shoes, her hair was parted and curled to perfection, each curl clipped into a bun at the back of her head, her makeup simple and sleek.

When she was finally finished she wore her lacy crop top with a white woolen jumped over the top, effectively covering the bump, she wore blue soft trousers also and red velvet shoes, her hair was parted and curled to perfection, each curl clipped...

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"There she is" a voice smiled and she turned to see Katherine and Caroline in the doorway, she giggled and hugged them both. Taking their hands as they guided her down the staircase into the courtyard where Klaus, Marcel, Dorian, Davina, Elijah, Rebekah, Damon and Stefan while baby Nadia sat on the floor, clapping her hands onto the stone. Jeremy and Henrik at her sides.

"Where are the others?"

"Gone" Damon informed her and she frowned. "They went to different places B. France, England...but they said they'll always help us, they just need to take care of themselves first."

"They're gone?"

"Yeah" Klaus walked up the stairs to her and wound an arm around her waist, smiling at her attire, she was definitely back. "Come on baby"

"So it's just the originals and the plus ones now?" Dorian smirked and Stefan scoffed. "Oh, yeah and them" he pointed to Caroline and Stefan who chuckled gently, already used to his behaviour.

"Look, there may not be very many of us but we are going to get through this and to do that...Katherine, Caroline, Bella and the kids need to go to a safe house" Elijah informed and all of the aforementioned members began to contradict instantly.

"No way am i leaving the family!" Was the most prominent phrase amongst the voices.

"Look, it's temporary" Stefan informed and Caroline glared.

"We all just got back together and you want to break up already?!" Bella hollered finally, hormones on supernova as she was practically crying. Klaus pulled her into a hug "you said you'd always be here for me and now your sending me away?"

"Look, I'm doing this to protect you okay?" He demanded "because i love you too much to see you get hurt! Adrian is after the originals not you, if i had a say; Marcel, Damon and Stefan would be going too"

"What about you two?" Caroline asked the other two witches.

"We're coming with you."

"That's great, except one thing" Katherine hissed and crossed her arms, Elijah closed his eyes and sighed, knowing full well that Katherine wouldn't go without some intense persuasion, she wasn't as easy to convince as the other girls.


"I'm not going" the doppelganger smirked and sat on the bar stool, watching her baby crawl around the floor, it was hard to believe her baby was two now.

"Someone has to look after Nadia, Katherine" Rebekah attempted and the doppelganger straight up glared at the blonde. Bella sighed and shifted her weight so she leant against Nik, her legs feeling like jelly, the hybrid wrapped her in his arms as she did so.

"Good, Bella will" the doppelganger informed and said female blinked.

"Excuse me?"

"You'll look after your sister / niece, you want to know what it's like to be a mother? Here's your shot." Katherine smiled and Bella scoffed.

"Look I'm not a babysitter!"

"Well, you have Jeremy, Henrik and whatever's cooking in your tum so why not add an extra?" Katherine sneered, she was infuriated and taking it out on all the wrong things, she would truly regret it later.

"I get that you're upset but if you want to be a bitch about it, take it somewhere else, I'm not it the mood to have an argument Katherine" Bella sneered and hearing her real name from her supposed daughter truly hurt and snapped her back to reality.

"Bella -" she started to apologize but was cut off.

"Save it" Bella growled uncharacteristically and stormed up the stairs, she slammed the door and everyone in the compound flinched.

"Good one Kat!" Dorian clapped and mounted the stairs, entering Bella's room and shutting the door much gentler, they all listened in time to hear "I'm sorry miss stressy but what did that beautiful door ever do to you?" ...sometimes it was just impossible to hate Dorian.

"Fine!" Elijah finally gave in after hours of persistent nagging from his girlfriend.

"Finally!" Klaus gasped "if i have to hear her say please again, i will blow my own brain out" he informed and gulped his drink.

"I second that approach, I've seen Katherine kiss Elijah so many times now that i need a new pair of eyeballs. " Dorian grumbled as he sat on the banister on the balcony above. Bella soon joined him "hey Bella has nice eyes...swap?"

"Not a chance in hell, god knows what those things have seen" she cringed pointing between his eyes.

"Ah Bella don't lie, you'd kill to be me"

"No but i would kill you so i don't have to look at you anymore." She smirked.

"I change my mind, can i stay here? I don't want to spend my next few weeks with this one" she whacked his torso and he cringed "don't do that! I don't know where you've been" he teased and she smirked at him before pressing her hand to his face "ooh Bella, frisky"

"You are so weird"

"You love me"

"Delusional, absolute insanity" she smirked and he laughs.

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