Chapter 8 -Rainy day & Coffee☕

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The thunder clapped outside the window and Bella awoke with a start, lying on a bed in the hotel room. She found herself ridiculous for being afraid of thunder storms, for one she was a vampire and two, she'd lived in Forks Washington for many years, one of the most sunless towns in the continental US. when the thunder stroked again she leapt from her bed. It was dark in the sitting area and she walked over to one door, she could only hear one persons breathing. Peaking through the door she saw Klaus sitting there on his bed Reading. How could he read during the storm?

"Are you just going to stand there all night little love or are you going to come in?" Klaus asked in a serious voice, his eyes darting up from the book and looking at Bella, his eyes roaming over her body, she was wearing pyjama shorts and a baggy shirt. He smirked slightly to himself. As if on cue, Bella entered the room.

"Why are you awake love?'' Klaus asked as she sat beside him on the bed, she was shaking but he wasn't sure why because she was a vampire and they don't get cold.

"The thunder" she whispered but of course the original hybrid heard, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He was slightly amused that a vampire was afraid of thunder and it made him chuckle. The thunder clapped again and Bella jumped, squeaking and hiding her face in the cushions. Klaus sighed before putting down his book onto the table.

Klaus wrapped the fluffy blankets around the quivering Swan girl and bundled her into his arms , hugging her. She rested her head on his collar bone and her hands against his chest. He lay back and she shifted so she lay beside him with her arms around his torso.

"Why are you afraid of thunder sweetheart?" He asked curiously as she flinched.

"Once when i first met Edward we,( his family and i) went to play baseball. They could only play during a storm because of the noise, i was still human. Some nomad vampires heard them playing and came, one took an interest in me and tried to kill me, he tracked me, he lied to me and told me that he had my mother, he didn't. He almost killed me that night." She confessed and looked down at her wrist where the bite was still there despite her being a vampire.

''Oh darling" he said and squeezed her tightly.

"I just have really bad luck i suppose."

"I'll protect you now" he whispered lowly and Bella wasn't sure if she'd heard him correctly.

"What did you say Nik?" She asked and looked into his crystal blue eyes, her brown eyes clashing with his crazily blue ones. She didn't hear his response as she drifted to sleep in his arms.

Bella woke with a start and felt heavy arms around her, she looked up to see Klaus asleep, wrapped around her as if she was a life raft. He had his head resting on her shoulder and his arms and legs wrapped around her, he looked adorable in her opinion though she couldn't move without waking him.

"Nik" she whispered in his ear and he stirred looking at her through adorable sleepy eyes. A light smile formed on his face when he saw her and it led her to believe that he was still half asleep. He unwound his body but still held her close.

"Hi" he said and Bella almost burst out laughing at his sleepyhead. Suddenly he blinked continuously and eyed her suspiciously, he coughed and released her. He looked away, embarrassed. A light blush appeared on his cheeks and Bella found it extremely cute.

"Get ready , we have places to be" he said almost strictly. She sighed realizing the fun Klaus was gone, she jumped out of his bed and left the room with out a look back. Klaus sat there shocked at what happened. She brought out a different side of him. With a heavy sigh he stood from the bed and went into his bathroom, jumping in the shower.

Bella hopped out the shower and dressed in a thick black winter dress which reached just above her knees, she wore black tights and looked out the window to see it soaking and the rain still pouring so she wore black Wellington ankle boots which had white bows on the front. Before leaving the room she pulled on her navy blue winter coat and ruffled her beach waves.

Klaus waited for Bella in the living room, he was wearing stylish winter clothing and a scarf. On his feet he also wore black ankle boots. When Bella entered he had to stop himself from gaping at how gorgeous she looked. She looked adorable yet fashionable. The two grabbed umbrellas and ventured into the stormy weather.

Outside they didn't really talk until Bella saw a puddle, she looked up at him to see him already looking at her. He smirked and the two ran to the large puddle. They grabbed each others hand and jumped in the puddle, splashing each other. They continued walking, laughing to each other, not ever realizing they held hands. After a while of splashing each other with rain water Klaus pulled Bella into a nearly empty coffee shop.

The only people around at this time in the morning were business people, they admired the couple as Klaus sat Bella beside him, still holding her hand, he realized but didn't care.

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