Chapter 70- Doppelgänger👸👸

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Niklaus entered the cafe quickly, avoiding the frosty snow that fell around him in sweeping sheets. Rebekah entered beside him, brushing off the snow that had lay across her thick coat and flicking the ice from her blonde curls. Niklaus's eyes quickly scanned the desolate cafe, beside a few waiters, it was empty.

"Where is she?" Klaus whispered and Rebekah looked around, after a few minutes they spotted her, sat in the back corner shaking vigorously and gripping the table between her manicured fingers; Katerina Petrova.

"Ah, Katerina, long time no see" Niklaus smirked triumphantly, sitting in the leather seat across from her, Rebekah soon joined them, purposely sitting directly beside her in the booth. Klaus grinned as she shook.

"Down to business then" the hybrid finally relented.

"Why have you called me here?" She wavered

"Because, we believe that Elijah still loves you and you love him equally, he deserves happiness, whatever the cost" Rebekah explained, nervous as to how the day would progress.

"When did you begin to care for Elijah's happiness?" Hope undoubtedly shimmered in her brown eyes, as much as she tried to deny it, she loved Elijah more than words could describe and she was wounded when they were forced apart.

"We have always cared! We just never understood what we could do to bring him happiness." Rebekah demanded. The two originals exchanged glances before turning back to the illusive doppelganger.

"I love him" the brunette whispered softly.

"How do we know we can trust her Nik?"

"Stab this fork into your hand" Niklaus commanded and she instantly complied, Rebekah grinned, cringing after a second.

"This is for Elijah" she reminded herself and ripped her fangs into the doppelganger, taking a few sips to see that it was clean of vervain. When she pulled away she instantly began drinking the drink she held.

"Clear" Rebekah responded.

"Brilliant" the hybrid grinned before compelling her again. "Do you love Elijah Mikaelson?"

"More than words can describe" she answered monotone.

"Can we trust you?"

"I'd never do anything to hurt Elijah or his family." The two originals grinned in triumph.

"If you do hurt Elijah or my family in any way, you will find yourself in a place worse than death. " Klaus seethed menacingly, happy when she flinched.

"Well let's go and meet the others" Rebekah beamed and gripped Katerina's arm gently, Katherine was shocked by the sudden kindness from the evil blonde original sister. They all left the cafe together and waltzed to Klaus's car, as soon as the doors were open, Katherine met two angry gazes, it took her a second to register what was happening but she soon noticed that it was the Salvatore brothers, she smiled sheepishly.

"Katherine" they greeted and she sighed, it would take a long time to regain their trust after the trickery she'd forced upon them but she was adamant to regain their friendship. As they drove away, it occurred to her that she had no idea where they were going or why the Salvatores were with the Mikaelsons.

"Why are you with them?" Katherine whispered to Rebekah who sat beside her, it was useless whispering, they all heard her anyway. The blonde grinned at Katherine.

"Because they are part of the family" Rebekah grinned again and slammed her lips onto Damon's who sat beside her whilst Katherine just froze in shock, who would of thought? The blue eyed Salvatore and the female original?

"Oh" was the doppelgangers ever so intellectual response. Klaus soon pulled up the expensive car onto the gravel that crunched beneath the tires. Despite her age; Katherine was shocked to silence by the beauty of the house in front of her eyes.

"Let's go" the hybrid encouraged and they all stepped out, walking to the door, Katherine was even more shocked with the timeless interior, it was amazing. Through the doors they went and soon arrived in the parlor, The doppelgangers gaze instantly swept to the bookcase, a man was stood there with his back to them, scanning the books and dressed in a pressed suit ; Elijah.

"Elijah" she breathed and noticed the muscles in his back stiffen, they all held their breaths as he turned sharply. When his eyes met Katherine, happiness lit his face.

"Katherine" he chocked out, both of them beginning to stagger toward each other. As soon as he could touch her, the suited original dragged her into his arms, holding her tightly as they began to sob together.

"I love you Elijah" she informed and more tears fell from his eyes.

"I love you to" he confirmed "don't ever leave me again" he whispered before their lips found each others. They were interrupted by an arrogant cough, they all turned to see Damon who was shielding his eyes mockingly, making everyone laugh. Katherine took the time to scan the room, her gaze soon catching on a blonde female; Caroline.

"Katherine" she greeted sharply.

"Caroline" she smiled slightly, guilt filling her as she thought of how she'd ruined the poor girls life. Before she could apologize, Caroline beamed.

"No need to apologize, i love this life now" she smiled and Stefan walked toward her, hugging her and planting a kiss on her forehead. The doppelganger was shocked, what a strange day she was having.

"Katty?" A voice whispered and Katherine turned to see Isabella swan, unknown to the others, Katherine had known and helped Bella throughout the time she spent alone in her human life, compelling her to forget.

"Izzy" she greeted and Bella was soon in her arms hugging her tightly as Katherine smiled, Bella perfectly filled the place of the daughter she had lost and she loved her.

"What is happening here?" Klaus questioned, edgy about having his love in the arms of the doppelganger. Katerina stared at the hybrid and pushed Bella behind her, not wanting her to get hurt by the evil original. Noticing her actions, grins split across most of their faces.

"Calm down Katerina, i would never hurt Bella" he laughed at the thought and Bella giggled before jumping into Klaus's open arms. If Katherine wasn't shocked before, she was now.

✔️| My True Family (A Twilight / TVD /TO Crossover)(K.M Love Story) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now