Chapter 107- walls🏠

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Klaus opened his eyes, tears still trickling down his face like a waterfall, he turned to Elijah who had also awoken, looking saddened, suddenly Bella started thrashing and whimpering and Nik cradled her, rocking her.

"Sh,sh wake up love, come on princess, its okay" he whispered and her eyes opened, fresh tears falling from her eyes and down her pale parlour, she buried her face into Klaus's shirt and he held her as her breathing returned to its normal rhythm.

"It was just a dream" she reassured herself and looked up, they were all still in the car driving to the adventure park, how much time had passed? Katherine and Elijah were embracing, wrapped in one another's comforts.

"You never told me it was that bad " Klaus slightly scolded her and she sighed regrettably, she wish she had, she wished she'd told home everything and she regretted keeping things from him in the first place, he seemed to sense her guilt as he kissed her to show his forgiveness.

"I'm sorry"

"No, don't apologize, its okay, hey his about we forget about this for now and focus on having a good day?" He suggested, now speaking to everyone. Everyone agreed but it was clear that Klaus and Bella would further discuss the situation later when they arrived back at the tents.

"We're here" the drivers gruff voice announced and they looked out the windows to see the forest and a large warehouse, they all became increasingly more excited. Klaus quickly compelled the driver to forget.

"You're not a people person are tiu Niklaus?" Elijah queried, having seen Klaus's hatred expression to the man who he'd never met before.

"Nonsense, I love people" the hybrid disagreed "to eat" he finished and everyone just chuckled or rolled their eyes before following Elijah through into the big warehouse. They came to a desk area and hey saw in the background that the high walls of the warehouse had been replaced with artificial rock climbing walls.

 They came to a desk area and hey saw in the background that the high walls of the warehouse had been replaced with artificial rock climbing walls

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The entire place was abandoned beside the staff and that could be for a number of reasons but most possibly, the groups special abilities . the staff quickly hooked each family member onto a harness and Klaus glared at the male who tightened Bella helmet; the young man's hands lingered for a moment too long on her face and Klaus marched forward, embracing his fiance.

"Don't be jealous Nik, I'm all yours" she promised, barely audible to anyone minus Nik. She pressed a kiss on his soft cheek and he smiled happily before directing her to the rock wall.

"I've never done this before" Rebekah admitted to Damon and the other originals agreed that they hadn't either. The Salvatore's (including Bella) looked appalled, rock climbing had been one if their favorite past times over the years. Caroline just stared at the Originals in confusion, how had they never done this before?

"Basically, you climb the wall" Damon explained in a mocking tone and did jazz hands, directed at the room around them. Bella seemed giddy and Stefan knew why, she always loved rock climbing, she'd described it as making her feel 'free'.

"Let's go let's go" Isabella cheered and everyone laughed at her enthusiasm, all of the originals stepped back to watch their family first. Bella walked up to the walk and began climbing up, she quickly overtook everyone.

"Come back here you spider monkey!" Damon yelled as he moved faster to catch up but slipped and fell slightly before regrouping. Bella laughed loudly from above and it echoed. Klaus watched in amazement from below, she'd completed the walk in an alarming speed, but she had not used her enhanced vampire speed, instead just having a skill for the sport.

"Whoa" Klaus whistled, showing his pride, soon the originals had joined the fun and Bella waited at the top for Nik to catch up, when he eventually did, she taught him how to sit back in the harness and abseil back down to the ground.

"Okay, let's go get food and stuff, then we can go to the outside parts?" Stefan suggested and they all smiled and agreed, following Stefan through the desolate establishment to the cafe area. They picked a table, (not that it mattered as the place was empty) and ordered the food that they wanted.

"Bella, do you remember your first time rock climbing?" Damon teased, clearly remembering the day. Stefan and Caroline groaned but Bella just rolled her eyes. The originals on looked the exchange questioningly.

"Basically, she was so excited that she couldn't stop shaking and then she fell and it was sooooo funny." Caroline explained " was funnier at the time" she assured them as they didn't laugh"

"Okay, can I just say that I was only excited because my parents were poor okay? I couldn't even afford a decent computer so no, I never went rock climbing" she justified and Katherine gripped her hand under the table. The doppelganger clearly remembered meeting the girl she now viewed as a daughter.

At the time of their meeting, Bella had lost everything, had no money or a home and was living in hotel rooms whenever she could, she was homeless. Bella was walking down a street at the time of their meeting....

Over a 100 years ago...
Bella finally exhaled, dropping her bag onto the wet tarmac beside a drenched bench, it had reached the point that she was beyond caring. She felt as though life wasn't worth living anymore.

Her father was dead, her mother was dead, her second father was dead and she had nobody else. She just let the rain wash over her, the water sticking her old clothing to her skin. Her face looked up to the heavens and tears mixed with tears, streaming down her face.

Katherine ran though the forest at blinding speed, her expensive coat concealing her from the rain and her hood protected her elaborate curls from the downpour. She reached the minute town and pulled out a umbrella, holding it above her head and removing her hood which was slowly flattening her hair.

The white from her umbrella contrasted her black attire and she scanned the sidewalk, across the road she could visibly see a small form huddled on a bench, a bundle lay at her feet, wet and destroyed.

Katherine couldn't comprehend her actions but she found herself crossing the road, heading to the small bench. As she approached the wooden sitting contraption, she saw a young girl, she was gorgeous, though drenched.

Her mahogany hair stuck to her face and her clothing was worn and didn't protect her very well from the cold. Katherine sat beside her and covered her head with the umbrella. The girl looked at Katherine and he doppelganger got her first glimpse of the innocent eyes she'd learn to hold dear.

"Why are you all alone in the rain?"

"I have no where else to go" she responded, tears dancing in her eyes, Katherine felt instantly protective, she needed to protect the girl for whatever reason.

"Your not alone anymore, I'm here" Katherine promised and Bella gave her first smile in months.


"Really, would you like to take a walk with me? We can go someplace dry?" Katherine suggested, having a peculiar motherly sense over the adorable teenager.

"Thank you, I'm Isabella"



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