Chapter 109- To Be Back🏠

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They arrived back at camp at sundown, the originals had awoken the other family members as they'd reached the parking lot and they had quickly zoomed to the tents, they had all decided as a collaborate devotion to stay on the site tomorrow. Such a jumble of events had happened recently and they needed that break.

Isabella entered her tent and immediately lay on the airbed, staring at the tent over her head, Klaus entered behind her, stopping and looking at her as she stared at the roof.

"Bella love, the hybrids delivered pizza if you are hungry" he informed and she smiled up at him, standing up in doing so and walking toward him, holding her fleecy blanket between get hands. As his fiance reached him, he stretched out his arms, inviting her in for a cuddle which she accepted.

"Let's go and eat before it gets cold" Bella suggested, they had been standing in one another's arms for a few minutes. The hybrid agreed and put his arm around her shoulders, guiding her our of the tent and over to the fire.

Prior to entering the tent, he'd set up their picnic blanket beside the rest of the family's and he'd placed a pizza box on top. The engaged couple sat silently together as they ate the food, everyone reminisced in the peace but for the two female brunettes, they couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen.

After a few hours of chatting and eating, everyone slipped into sleep beneath the stars but Katherine and Bella couldn't force themselves to slip into slumber. Instead they sat talking aimlessly. Bella had her hand linked with her fiances and he was sleeping soundly.

"Stand up!" Dorian's voice ordered in their brains yet they merrily gazed at one another, making no other movement. Suddenly they felt blinding hot pain erupt through their brains as if someone was personally exploding each of the the blood vessels.

"I said stand up!" The voice demanded and this time they obliged, not wishing to feel that pain anymore, they linked hands, each holding their own fear within their hearts. They awaited more orders.

"Well done my darlings, now walk two hundred steps into the forest to your right" Dorian encouraged and they didn't move, however they were then punished by the intense pain and so they complied, each counting in whispers as they walked.

"Two hundred" they finally said together and looked around, seeing that they stood in a small meadow, surrounded in trees, the moon hung high in the sky, a silver glow illuminating the earth but long twisted shadows protruded from the depths of the forests, even scaring the two female vampires.

"Well done sweethearts" Dorian congratulated and they turned to see him standing, or rather floating before them, he seemed pixelated, unreal but the hollowness of his eyes still plagued their subconscious.

"Why are we here Dorian?" Katherine growled out, protectively pushing Bella behind her, though Dorian wouldn't fatally injure either brunette.

"Now now, gorgeous, don't sound so angry, I actually came to reward the two of you" he announced and they frowned at his words, reward how?

"What do you mean by reward?" Bella inquired civilly.

"Well, I realized that I still hadn't gifted you with your family which you saved and you don't seem to trust me but now I'm giving you reason to" he informed, his hand elevating, they all turned to see Henrik and charlie standing side by side, each dressed in the attire of their time and in Charlie's arms, he held baby Nadia.

"Daddy" tears streamed down from Bella's eyes, Katherine immediately too Nadia from the older man, cradling the baby in her arms and rocking her gently. Henrik smiled at the two, knowing that they were the girlfriends of his brothers and he was happy that he had two new sisters.

"Bell, baby look at you" Charlie was crying now, Bella hugged him and he cradled her to his chest, his hand reaching up and holding the back of her head as she cried into his shirt. "You're so grown up" Charlie choked and stroked her hair as they all cried. Bella suddenly turned to Henrik , hugging him and he hugged his new sister in return, he remembered her from the other world, she'd saved him.

"Belle" Henrik hugged her tightly,s surprisingly they were the exact same height and Henrik found joy in the fact. She laughed at his evident joy, still crying.

"Henrik" she giggled. He smiled and pulled away, turning and hugging Katherine in greeting.

"Let's go see the others then" charlie encouraged, seeing that the sun had lightened over their reunion. They all laughed at his large smile.

"Come on kid" Charlie clapped a hand on Henrik's shoulder, the two had met in prison world and had quickly grew a bond. Nadia slept soundly in her mothers arms and the tears still fell down the doppelgangers cheeks. Charlie put one arm around the doppelganger and she smiled at him, already beginning to see him ad a brother which was unusual for her, she'd never been one to grow bonds at that speed.

"Let's see our new family" Henrik enthused and charlie put his other arm around Bella who clutched Henrik's hand in a sibling way.

"Let's" they all agreed and began retracing their footsteps back to camp, once they reached the perimeter of the forest they saw everyone at camp standing around and searching, looking worried.

"Nik!" Bella called and they all turned to the new arrivals, gasping at who they saw with them. Elijah, Niklaus and Rebekah stared at their formally deceased brother who was crying from happiness now in Bella's arms. Suddenly they all burst and ran towards each other, enveloping in a group hug which continued for quite some time.

"I'm glad you are back" Bella whispered to her father, still hugging him, her eyes pinned on her entire family.

"I'm glad to be back" he smiled and placed a kiss on her forehead.

✔️| My True Family (A Twilight / TVD /TO Crossover)(K.M Love Story) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now