Chapter 55 -Sore🤕

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Klaus kissed Bella's forehead affectionately and slid out of bed, the poor girl was shattered and had fallen asleep shortly after they had their conversation, as much as she denied it, he could see that she was in pain. He walked towards the bathroom and quickly showered before exiting the room, he needed to talk to Elijah.

Bella awoke to an empty bed, she searched for her beloved but he was nowhere in sight, after a sigh she exited the comfort of her bed and pealed off the seats to reveal her battered and bruised body. Blood pooled on the sheets and confusion swept through her.

Why did it look like a horrific murder scene? All she remembered was immense love and passion but the evidence showed otherwise. She pulled her stiff body up and dragged herself into the shower, allowing hot water to relax her stiffened posture. She never expected it to hurt that badly but it'd get better.

When the water turned cold she sank onto the floor of the shower and leant her head back. Water still rained down on her twenty minutes later when she heard her name being called from outside.

"Bella!" Caroline's sweet bell like soprano interrupted her reverie and she stood slowly, slipping upwards until she was able to discontinue the water flow. She soon found herself sat on her bed wrapped cacoon style in one of Klaus' oversized white towels. The bedding had been changed and the two blonde females of the household stood before her.

"What happened?" Caroline gasped, her eyes running along the bruises on her body carefully.

"What do you think happened?" The brunette inquired quietly, she loved it so much but she knew that Klaus must feel immensely guilty for what happened. And something was wrong, her body pained more than it should and she knew that, she seemed to have the same feelings as a human.

"We know what happened but I don't understand how you got bruises." Rebekah frowned as she glanced at her bruised arms.

"Me either" the fragile girl whispered and Rebekah smiled at her , exchanging a glance with the ex cheerleader. They each grabbed one of her hands and dragged her out of Klaus' room and to her old one which still held her clothing.

They taller blondes placed the petite brunette into a plush chair and waltzed into the wardrobe, emerging many minutes later with an outfit.

It was a black catsuit (jumpsuit style, not dressing up costume) with full arms and legs and a high collar to cover the bruises. They forced her into it with some difficulty and braided her hair into two dutch braids before giving her glamorous make up and shoving stiletto heels on her small feet.

"Beautiful" the blondes squealed in sync.

"Whatever you say" the brunette nodded, standing and walking down the stairs strangely due to her soreness. She bumped into Stefan who gave her a pity look and kissed her forehead affectionately before she continued, bumping into the other Salvatore on the way.

"Hello little sister" he greeted happily and kissed her cheek with a wide knowing grin, fortunately he didn't say anything more and let her continue into the parlour where she found the Mikaelson brothers chatting aimlessly.

"Hello Isabella" Elijah greeted, spotting her standing in the doorway before Niklaus did. The hybrid turned swiftly and spotting her, his eyes widening and filling with lust at her beauty but he soon switched it, looking guilty.

"Have a seat darling" Klaus gestured to the space on the couch beside him. She sat but winced harshly making him wince also. He pulled her onto his lap so she could sit more comfortably.

"Would you like to go to the market with me today?" He asked her nervously, afraid of what she'd say, was she too hurt to leave the house?

"Yeah, that would be good, I need some fresh air" she smiled happily before standing stiffly and walking to her room, changing her shoes so she wore flats rather than heels and grabbing her hat, scarf , gloves and coat as she saw the ice out the window.

"Come then love" the blond male smiled at her when she got down the stairs, he was dressed similarly but it was irrelevant as he couldn't feel the cold, they had to keep up appearances though.

She opened the door with her gloved hand and they walked out into the freezing weather, she shivered instantly. When they reached Klaus' car he opened the door for her, gently lifting her in so she wouldn't get hurt more.

"Should we do Christmas shopping?'' the brunette asked excitably, Klaus smiled at her affectionately as he pulled out of the mansions driveway and onto the icy road.

"Whatever you wish my darling" he smiled at her.

"Yay! Christmas shopping it is then!" She teased him with an innocent giggle. He rolled his eyes whilst chuckling as he drove.

"Oh, by the way, Elijah has found a new house and he wants to move in before Christmas" Niklaus informed as she smiled happily, everything was working out perfect.

"That should be good. Have you seen the house yet?"

"Yeah, Elijah took me to see it this morning while you were asleep" he had his eyes locked on the road, deep I'm thought. "You'll love the house it's in the forest and has a beautiful view of a lake" he grinned and she smiled at his child-like happiness.

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