Chapter 63- Steamy Shower.🚿

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Shortly after she found his lips smashed against her own, blinding her into a searing kiss of epic passion. When she began to respond to him, she found herself pushed against the shower wall, he was drowning in desire and only in the deepest depths of his mind did he delve into uncertainty over his actions, the last time still stayed with him, though he loved it endlessly she got hurt.

"Maybe we shouldn't" he tried reasoning, his face pulling away from hers and their foreheads pressing together as they tried calming their erratic breathing.

"I want this" she assured, her eyes searching his and he could no longer deny the glint of lust that shone within the violet hue of her unique eyes. She soon found herself propped against the tiled wall, lifted so that her legs wrapped around his waist and their kisses continued.

"If I do anything wrong..." He trained off as tears shine in his eyes, mixing with the water rolling down their skin. The guilt and pain he'd felt over her previous pain resurfaced, it was as though through their physical romance, they'd become closer and a undeniable bond had surfaced.

"You won't" she promised him and kissed him gently, he sighed in content and kissed her passionately.

Bella walked into the bedroom and shock overcame her, Somehow klaus had managed to complete the room in the short time that she'd been unpacking downstairs. He smiled at her as he flattened the bed covers.

"How did you finish it all so soon?'' She questioned, the room was ready to be occupied, everything having been unpacked and placed into the correct location. He'd even perfectly smoothed the covers and arranged the curtains.

''Perks of being a hybrid love" he grinned and she hugged him around the waist tightly, burying her face in his chest, she'd recently acquired the utter need to be closer to him, always needing to be in contact with him and the time they'd spent apart on that day was almost excruciating.

"I've missed you" she mumbled into his chest, not intending for him to hear but he did and he frowned at her sadness, he'd been busy a lot, that was true and he wished to spend every waking hour with her.

"Please can you spend the day with me?" She begged, he had had big plans to go to the abbatoir that day and discuss future plans with Marcel but her innocent tone and desire to spend time with him over balanced his plans and he smiled knowingly, nodding swiftly and switching on the TV opposite the bed, lifting the beautifully laid covers for her to snuggle into the mattress , him sliding in beside her.

"I love you" he promised lovingly, kissing her forehead softly as cheesy cliché Christmas movies filled the large screen. Isabella grinned happily up at him in response.

"I love you" she returned and kissed his stubbled chin affectionately. He laughed heartily and held her tighter as they watched the large screen, eventually fading helplessly into sleep.

✔️| My True Family (A Twilight / TVD /TO Crossover)(K.M Love Story) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now