Chapter 134 - Food🍴

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"Bella, did you know that Jeremy and Henrik now think of you and Klaus as parents?" Elijah queried the next morning, they all sat around in their pajamas waiting for the boys to get up.

"Really?" Klaus asked in shock, he sat beside Bella, his arms encircling her waist.

"They said so" Katherine smiled as she rocked a gurgling Nadia, her and Elijah were heading out to get her stuff for her room that day. Bella and Klaus were taking Henrik and Jeremy to sort their rooms and everyone else was going to help charlie and do their own shopping.

"Wow" was all Bella said and everyone sat in silence as the boys entered yawning, noticing everyone staring at them.

"Right, go get dressed" Klaus ordered them and they groaned but complied, everyone else filing out to go and do the same. Klaus gripped Bella's hand as they entered their room, it was down the corridor to Henrik and  Jeremy's room and they could hear the boys arguing.

"Take your time getting dressed love" Klaus kissed her gently and she smiled  whilst returning his affection. Eventually Bella got dressed, she wore a black crop top, white Jean shorts, a grey knit jumper, brown timberland boots, her golden chain necklace, a golden watch and her sunglasses.

 Eventually Bella got dressed, she wore a black crop top, white Jean shorts, a grey knit jumper, brown timberland boots, her golden chain necklace, a golden watch and her sunglasses

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"Come on!" Jeremy groaned as him and Henrik entered, slumping down onto their 'parents' bed with a groan. Klaus reentered his room and chuckled at the two teenage boys, the blond original then began fixing his hair in the vanity mirror and Bella entered also.

"Come on then" she smiled and the boys cheered.

"I'm not ready yet" Klaus pouted and Bella smiled.

"You look as perfect as ever" she promised and pressed her lips to his, ignoring how the teenage boys groaned.

"Right, go and get your coats, its chilly out there" Bella demanded and they pouted but complied and ran back to their makeshift room.

"You are so motherly" Klaus complimented and she smiled as she kissed him, before grabbing his hand and bringing him down the stairs to see everyone at the bottom.

"We're leaving now" Elijah informed as he rocked Nadia in his arms, everyone nodded as they exited with Katerina not far behind.

"We're going to go and sort out a room for ourselves" Jenna gestured between Alaric and herself.

"Have fun"

"We're taking charlie" Stefan and Caroline smiled and the others returned it.

"And we're going hunting" Damon informed before him and Rebekah vanished.

"Where are the boys now?" Bella groaned, she just wanted to get going but they were taking an age to arrive.

"We're here!" They looked up to see the two brunette teens running down the stairs and pushing each other.

"Don't push each other on the stairs" Klaus demanded, he was worried they'd fall and get hurt. Jeremy might be a hunter but he was technically still human.

"Their okay" Bella whispered to him and he smiled and took her hand, escorting her out of the house with two bubbly boys bouncing behind. Bella unlocked her car and Nik stole the keys as he skid into the drivers seat, watching intently as she got in beside him. The boys got in as well, fighting over seats.

"Just sit down" Bella sighed and they did so as Nik started driving down the road.

"When are you getting married?" Henrik queried his 'parents' and they smiled, linking hands across the leather seats.

"Well, the others are planning hen and stag parties so it will be soon" Klaus smiled, his clear excitement was evident and the boys smiled.

"Where will we go?" Jeremy expressed and Henrik nodded along.

"Well, charlie isn't going so you can stay with him?"

"Cool, we get to stay with grandpa" the boys high fived and the two vampires smiled gently, exchanging glances.

"Mum--- uh Bella?" Henrik blushed though Bella turned to him grinning, tears in her eyes, she now understood why Katherine enjoyed being called mum.

"Call me whatever Henrik" she grinned and he grinned enthusiastically while Niklaus smiled gently.

"I'm hungry" the boys finally announced and both 'adults' sighed in annoyance but Klaus pulled up into the parking lot of the first cafe he found and they entered quickly.

"What can we have?" Henrik asked Bella, they were sat in a booth, the boys facing the adults. Nik and Bella were talking gently to one another.

"Whatever you want to have Henry" Klaus used the boys nickname and Henrik grinned infectiously.

"Pancakes?" Both boys asked in sync, anybody would think they were twins.

"Of course" Bella giggled and Klaus called a waiter over, quickly ordering food for them all and compelling the waiter to make it quick.

"Nik, they can only cook so fast" Bella whispered to him and he shrugged but smirked devilishly.

"So, wedding plans?"

"Where?" Bella queried.

"The house, in front of the lake, we can even set up a gazebo" Klaus explained his envisions.


"Next month at the soonest" Klaus grinned and she giggled at his enthusiasm.


"Everyone who is nice, all of the hybrids, any good friends we've found over the years, the Cullen's? The wolves?" The shifters had returned home shortly after the battle, a few hours after Silas cursed the originals.

"Sounds good" Bella smiled and he returned it as he wrapped one arm around her, the food arrived startlingly quickly and they ate it in silence.

✔️| My True Family (A Twilight / TVD /TO Crossover)(K.M Love Story) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now