Chapter 50- Ex cheerleader🏅📣

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Niklaus quickly escorted his beautiful girlfriend through the doors of the Abbatoir, they were being held open by two men who were presumably compelled humans. Once inside they scanned the crowds until the hybrid hurried towards a corner; Isabella in tow.

"Marcellus!" The original called and said person turned around with a grin plastered on his face, he noticeably blushed when his eyes pinned on Bella which caused Klaus to smirk in amusement whereas inside he was murderous.

''Hello Klaus" the tanned man laughed in greeting before they hugged one another tightly. Marcel then turned to Bella and carefully took her gloved hand, placing a light kiss onto it making Niklaus glare and pull Bella into his side.

"It is a pleasure to see you again miss Isabella" Marcel greeted, eying Klaus suspiciously.

"I'm glad you could make it" the tanned vampire stated before excusing himself and walking towards a women in a crimson dress and mask who was clearly identifiable as being Cami, the waitress that Nik had been flirting with the day that Bella went missing.

"Let's get a drink shall we?" The male vampire asked his girlfriend and Isabella nodded eagerly at the original as he began dragging her gently towards the bar area. When they got there they found the other originals and the Salvatores.

"Ah, you finally made it?" Elijah teased whist planting a kiss on Bella's cheek gently.

"Yep" Bella giggled whilst giving Damon a one armed hug.

"May i have this dance my lady?" Damon said mockingly to Rebekah who laughed and they proceeded onto the dance floor together. Elijah turned to Bella and held out his hand as an offering, she chuckled and placed her silk gloved hand into his larger one, allowing herself to be pulled onto the dance floor by a laughing Elijah.

"She's so beautiful" Klaus mused as he watched Elijah twirl her elegantly, her dress spun around her and people took a step away, giving them space to dance.

"She truly is and she needs someone to look after her" Stefan announced from beside Klaus, sipping his drink slowly.

"I know she does, i intend to protect her and give her everything i can give, anything she desires."

"How do i know i can trust you? You took her away from me" The younger vampire stated accusingly, Anger flared within Klaus at the thought that he'd ever hurt her but he kept in suppressed for Stefan's sake.

"I will never hurt her" Niklaus demanded adamantly.

"Okay" Stefan relented and they both heard the door open, in walked a tall blonde dressed entirely in black. She swept her eyes around the room before they pinned on Stefan and she smiled.

"Stefan'' she called suddenly by their side.

"Caroline?" Stefan gasped in realization.

"The one and only" the ex cheerleader confirmed with a smile.

"Oh dear" Klaus muttered, if Elena and Tyler had betrayed Bella and the Salvatores, what's to say the hyper blonde didn't as well?

✔️| My True Family (A Twilight / TVD /TO Crossover)(K.M Love Story) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now