Chapter 2 -witches and death?🔮

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A/N yay, Bella's a Salvatore. When she turns into a vampire i will do a time hop. Hope you enjoy, Symone Xx

Edited: 04/02/2017

"Come on Bella I'll carry you back" Stefan grins at me and i smile back; instantly jump on his back and we zoom through the forest, it brings back unwanted memories but i force them from my mind and think about my newly forming life. Shortly we arrive and Stefan places me down gently. I turn to see the others. We walk together into the extravagant house, locked in a warm atmosphere.

"Who's this?" Asks a gorgeous blonde women who i am presuming is Elena's aunt. I quickly become shy and shuffle behind Stefan's leather clad body, the others laugh loudly and we are soon joined by a tall man and a blonde haired, blue eyed boy who seems about Elena's age.

"Everybody, this is Bella Swan...well, i guess she's either a Salvatore or a Gilbert now" Elena grins. "Bella, this is Jenna, Alaric and Matt" she points them out for me and i grin in greeting.

"What would you like to be Bella, you can be a Salvatore, a Gilbert, a Bennett, a Forbes, a Lockwood or a Saltzman?" Damon asks as he glanced around, calling names as if they were on a check list. During his words we all sit on the plush red sofas.

''If it's okay with everybody, i would like to be Isabella Salvatore." I grin at them.

Elena's POV
I'm so happy to have Bella as part of the family. Caroline, Bonnie and i where so excited that we have already made her a bedroom, she's only been here for a day and everyone loves her. Jenna treats her like a daughter and it's cute, Bella is only 17, the rest of us are 19 or above. But we are pretending to be younger so we can stay at school for longer. As Bonnie is a witch she has frozen her age so she will be 19 forever, as will Jeremy as he is a hunter. Jenna and Alaric are newbie vampires so it's just me and Bella that age but Damon says he will change her soon.

"Bella" i sing as i skip into the living room, Bella is sat reading through the grimores with Bonnie and Damon. They are trying to find a spell that will stop my aging without me having to drink blood but it seems almost impossible "Come and see your room" i grin before dragging her up the wooden stairwell.

"This floor is the boys floor" Bonnie explains as we walk to the second set of stairs. "This, is our floor" we have red carpets and white walls on our floor, there is a sort of living room in the middle of the corridor as we walk up to a baby blue door, i grin.

"This is your room Bella i hope you like it" i say and open the door. (A/N picture attached, bottom left corner is Bella's room) Bella gapes at her room and we all grin.

"Okay Bella, vamp time" Damon says whilst walking into the room. He grins at her and she smiles back. We are traditional vampires, not like the first vampires ever but the first species of vampire. When you become a cold one you experience excruciating pain for three days but to become a real vampire you feel virtually nothing. Damon steps forward and she drinks the required amount of blood before he harshly snaps her neck, the vampires in the house flinch at the snapping sound emitted.

Soon Bella will be a vampire, and i will be an immortal as Bonnie found a spell. We will be a family forever.

A/N yay, Bella's a vampire, time hop next update. :)
Symone Xx

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