Chapter 128-wipeout?❌

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They would all be lying if they said they were not afraid every person fighting was scared of the outcome, no matter what side they were on. Bella had been killing vampires and werewolves one after another, there was no time to be kind, everyone who attacked her family deserved death.

When the war was first announced, nobody knew his long it'd continue for hut after over four hours, everyone was exhausted yet still fighting. It was safe to say that the originals were winning. Silas's army was being obliterated with the leader nowhere to be seen.

Few remained at that point, ten or less of Silas's strongest vampires but he knew it wasn't enough when Silas saw the originals dismantle his vampires in less than a second. At that point, Elena and Silas knew that they had lost but they were far from giving up...

Silas and Elena watched from the shadows as the blood soaked originals embraced their family, every member of the opposition reminiscent in their victory though a rare few such as the only witch hybrid and Silas's brother himself were still on guard and Silas knew he had to remove them.

"Go go go" Silas called, five minutes after the battle had ended, Silas's final three vampires entered the quarter and one was quickly demolished though the other two made it into the balcony, grabbing Bella and Dorian.

The original and Marcels vampires whipped around when they heard clapping and they turned to see Silas enter the compound with Elena tucked under his arm. The older doppelganger of Stefan clapped as he entered, reminding Bella of Aro volturi.

"Now, down to business" Silas grinned and a barrier threw up, all the vampire and werewolves for thrown backwards except the three originals ; Rebekah, Elijah and Niklaus. Bella struggled in the arms of the enemy who confined her, trying to reach her family.

"First things first" Silas grinned and slammed his hand into Elena's chest, ripping out her heart and leaving everyone in shock. "She was really annoying" he attempted to explain but everyone still seemed shocked.

"Now" he threw a random spell at the originals and they collapsed into unconsciousness. Silas had 1000 years over them to which his power grew and he could easily kill them but he didn't want death for them, he wanted torture.

Silas muttered random spells and then disappeared, leaving everyone in shock, though they wasted no time in killing Silas's remaining members.

Bella sat on the stone floor which was plastered in blood, her fiances head in her lap her blood encrusted hands stroking over his features, the originals had been out for hours and she was vetting worried but she was ignoring the cleanup crew around her who were washing up the gruel from the war.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Rebekah's voice floated through the rooms and everyone looked up to see Rebekah standing glaring at Damon Salvatore, her boyfriend. Everyone exchanged confused looks and Damon looked heartbroken.

The blonde female original looked around ,clearly not recognizing anyone in the room but then she heard a familiar voice.

"Bekah?" She turned to see Marcel and flew into his arms, leaving him in shock and Damon in anger.

"What's happening?" She seemed weary.

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"We were going to see the opera with Niklaus and Elijah, you and I had called Mikael but he never came." Everyone froze, that was over two hundred years ago....

"Marcel, who are all these people?" Niklaus asked, looking evil as he stood beside his sister, he was now awake and Bella was in Stefan's arms looking shocked and terrified.

"Relax brother, I'm sure they are only guests to Marcellus?" Elijah asked and Bella almost cried, her brother, sister and fiance couldn't remember her, Stefan held her up as the same thoughts bounced through his skull, Silas had cursed them.

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