Next Levels

108 19 2

*things between a couple gets pretty serious in this chapter so you can skip it if you arent about that life*
Tilly and Matt woke up in the same position they were in last night. Her head on his chest and his arms around her. They were okay with this. Tilly still had Matt's snapback on and he loved it. They woke up and drove to get some early breakfast.
Back at the apartment Emily is getting ready for a date with Jack. She never even thought to text Tilly and ask if she was okay. She knew she was with Matt and she was safe. Emily trusted Matthew like a big brother.
Emily ate some strawberry poptarts for breakfast and watched some TV. She grabbed leggings and a sweatshirt and went to the shower. She took a quick shower and then braided her hair putting on the fresh clothes.

*Tilly's POV*
Me and Matthew drove a while and were trying to find something yummy to eat for breakfast. God he looked cute driving. I don't know how he is but he makes it work.
I just.. I really am in love with this boy. I am. I can't deny it. I wish I could just show him how much I care and love him.

*Matt's POV*
After Tilly and I woke up we were driving for a while to go and find some breakfast. I knew she would be hungry and I of course was too.
I just. I can't tell if I am making her happy or not. I love her so much. She means the world to me and I can't lose her.
I turned to look at her and I noticed how adorable she was looking and watching the morning waves crash on the beach and the palmtrees sway.
the wind.
Everyday with her made me fall more in love.
After doing her hair and makeup, Emily switched from the casual clothes to something more.. Cute. She rummaged through her closet to pick out a spaghetti strap dress with a sunflower pattern on it and light yellow Keds to match.
She watched TV for about fifteen minutes until Jack got there. He came in and sat on the couch with her. "So where are we going?" She smiled.
"Anywhere you want" Jack grinned.
"Can we go get some pizza and come back here?" Emily put her chin on his shoulder and smiled at him. Although she looked cute she wanted to just go for a walk and come back. Just a date to talk. She loved Tilly and hanging out with her but this was a chance to really talk to Jack without everyone else.
"Sure. Sounds good. Should we drive or?"
"Wanna walk?" Emily said standing up and holding out her hand for him to grab. The pizza place was only about 10 minutes away so it wasn't too far.
Jack chuckled at this gesture and took her hand, "okay, sure."
They walk outside and go to the right of their apartment building. The parking lot extended and a sidewalk was attached. The sidewalk went along the side of the beach. They held hands, Jack's on top and their fingers interlocked. They watched the waves crash against the sand. Emily was relaxed. She always loved the ocean and Jack of course. He made her feel safe. He made her feel beautiful. And for once with someone, she trusted him.
Jack looked at her smiling off at the ocean without her realizing it. He stared at her for a good while, just watching her eyes get lost in the sun and sand.
They arrived at that pizza place and ordered.
"Yeah uh we will have a large cheese pizza and two Cokes to go." Jack ordered the food while Emily sat down on the bench outside. They waited about ten minutes for the pizza to be done and then headed out the door. Jack was holding the pizza and Emily was holding the drinks, sipping one of them as they went.
They had random conversations in their short journey, "oh my god yes The Walking Dead was the best" the continued reminiscing about their old favorite show.
It didn't take them long to get home so they didn't have any deep conversations.
They walked into the apartment and set the food down. Emily got out some plates and they both grabbed a slice and sat down at the table.
Matt and Tilly had gotten breakfast a few hours ago at a little cafe by the beach. Since Matt was doing everything in his power to make Tilly her happiest before she had to go to Illinois, they went somewhere else too.

"So want to talk? Like legit talk?" Jack asked Emily.
"Sure. What do you want to talk about?"
"Serious stuff. We never get to talk that kind of stuff." Emily was relieved he felt the same and actually wanted to talk about it.
"Okay. Are you close with your family?" Emily asked him.
"Yes. I am. You?"
"Eh kinda close with my dad more than my mom. I am with my brothers too."
"How did you get so beautiful?" Jack slightly laughed. He couldn't be serious. He had too much of it in him but he didn't know how to let it out.
"Johnson. I know there is stuff in there you want to let out. So do it. This is our time."
"All of it?"
"All of it." Em replied sternly.
"Alright well. I was bullied when I was little. I was also left by my dad as you know. And when he came back every once in awhile, he beat me. Said it made me tougher or some shit. He made me hate everything and everyone for a while. I started self harming. But then I met Gilinsky and he became my absolute best friend. That boy has saved me from myself a bunch of times. And he is the only blessing I had. We later started on Vine and that took off. I had this girlfriend in their and she treated me like absolute shit. I put up with it for too long though. We were singing and touring for a while and it was good for the fans but hell on me. I just couldn't deal with it. I always thought I was gonna let someone down or something. We have just basically been singing and it's been okay and then I found you. You are the angel who turned hell to heaven." Emily sat there for a second in awe of his story.
"Well I'm glad I could have an impact on such an amazing person's life." She started, making him smile. She bit into her pizza slice and ate a bit, "but I was always bullied when I was younger it lasted from about 5th grade to freshman year of high school. It was terrible. Then I met Tilly and she helped me get through it all. It was pretty tough but I was happy knowing I had her. We made it through our last high school years together and then we moved here. Then I met this guy I totally had been in love with forever and he makes me super happy." She smiled at him eating his pizza.
"Totally in love with me huh?" He smirks at her.
"Um you have sauce on your face." She laughs at him pointing at his nose.
He crosses his eyes trying to see it and she laughs harder at him.
"Whats so funny?" Jack says also laughing.
"You" Emily laughs holding her stomach.
"Oh really? You know what's even funnier?" Jack says fake serious.
"What?" She said back
He ran around the table and she got up not knowing what he was doing. She ran slightly but he caught up with her and began tickling her. She fell to the ground laughing and he was laughing too.
"See. This is funny." Jack said still tickling her sides. She was on the ground and he was on all fours on top of her. They landed in the living room by the kitchen and she was dying of laughter.
"J-j-jack s-stop" she barely got it out.
"Whyyy" Jack pouted. Emily pushed him off of her and stood up looking down at him.
"Because I'm too quick ha!" She ran away to her room and he quickly jumped up. Jack caught up to her and pushed her on to her bed and was on top of her.
"Okay, serious again for a second?" Jack questioned.
"Have you ..?"
"Nope." Emily said nervously looking away.
He looked at her with the question they both knew and she nodded.
Jack crashed his lips against hers making her gasp. Her eyes were closed and he was laying kisses up and down her neck and down to her chest. She was in spandex that she wore under dress and a tank top. Jack was shirtless and in gym shorts. They soon lost these clothes and Emily ran her hands through Jacks hair feeling sweat on her body. She was happy and so was he.
*guys I didn't want to get to immature so I'm not gonna go into full detail*
Emily fell asleep in Jacks arms. She was safe.
Matt and Tilly got home an hour later and since Emilys door was closed, Tilly just assumed she was sleeping. Tilly and Matt had gotten something while they were out though.
"She's so freaking cute I can't deal with it." Tilly said looking at their new kitten.
"Im glad you like her. She's ours now babe." Matt had his arm rested around Tilly and his other was petting the gray fluffy kitten in front of him.
"What should we name her?" Tilly asked Matthew excitedly.
"Um. Whatever you want to cutie."
"How about..." She thought way too hard about the decision.
"Cleo?" Matt suggested after a while of Tilly silently thinking.
"I love it" she smiled kissing Matts nose.
Matthew kissed Tilly goodnight and went back to his apartment.
Tilly fell asleep with the kitten on her bed and Emily with Jack.

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