No Longer

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(A/n hey fam so I wanted to say ily and ik its taken forever to update, but ya know, ya girl is a junior now lmao. hope you enjoy!

Songs for the chapter:

This Town- Niall Horan (this song is so fvjdnvjdfvnfv good)

Mercy- Shawn Mendes)

"You have got to be fucking joking." I shouted at Grayson as I watched his eyes. I could not tell if he was afraid or just a dick. I could barely even look at him at the moment, and I never thought I would feel this way about him. He has always been my only friend, best friend, and I had never been mad at him longer than a day.

"Eth. Dude. Let me explain." He said, his eyes filling with tears a bit and I had to remind myself the panic he has caused us the last few days. 

"No. You had us so worried. Why would you do it?" I clinched my fists at my side, trying to keep my cool. Grayson didnt respond to me. He just looked down as I watched him closely. A tear fell down his cheek as I forgot about that Mario kid sitting in the corner of this sketchy ass alleyway. 

"Tell me. I wasn't asking. I was telling you. You are out of options, now tell me." I gritted my teeth at him and caused him to look up at me with a scared expression. I had always viewed my brother as someone to do nothing but help me and be on my side. Now, he is like an enemy to me. 

"You want the whole story?" Grayson finally spoke up. My heart wants to call him Gray, but in my mind, I just can't. It doesn't seem right. 

"I don't want to fucking talk about what we had for dinner, asshole." I said rolling my eyes sarcastically, waiting for the twisted story of why he would trick me and Chey. She is my everything and I hate that he put us in danger like that.

"Okay. Well, I will start from the beginning I guess. I really liked Tilly, when I met her ya know. " I looked over at Mario who's eyes lit with anger at that sentence, "She kinda just shut me down. It hurt so much Eth. You don't know what it is like to be rejected cause you've always been the less awkward twin. I get so nervous, I have never even really had a girlfriend. Anyway, with Cheyanne and you being constantly together and I just got kinda jealous. It sucked for me, but I had to pretend like I was fine. I didn't want Cheyanne to be all sorry for me and everything, I wanted to tell you how hurt I really was, but I just couldn't. It's like you don't even care about me anymore. So as time went on, I thought I had feelings for Cheyanne." He paused feeling my anger at that statement.

"But I don't know she is like a sister to me. I didn't want her to worry or anything so I faked this whole thing. I thought that maybe you would just forget about me or something. Like, I could just disappear but I realized I would be losing my other half. So, it just all went wrong. In the end, I did lose you. And that sucks E." He was now in full tears. I truly did not have a word to say about his explanation. It has me so confused, I almost feel dizzy.

"I... I don't know what to say Grayson." His eyes sadden a little more everytime I call him that.

"Eth. I'm sorry." His voice weaker and softer than usual. His usual deep tone, is gone, and his face is long.

"I'm gonna get Mario out of here, and go. Have fun with whatever shit you're doing here." I stated before walking away leaving the asshole alone to himself. 

I unwrapped Mario and he stretched before coming with me to try and remember whee he parked his care before getting kidnapped by my psycho brother. 

*Destiny's POV*

 Me and Hayes have been cuddling all day and Im so happy. We have literally been doing nothing but eating junk food and chillin out. 

"Hey lil Grier boy." I said in between bites of my chips.

"Hey lil Destiny Renee." He said back, crunching his chips like the adorable baby he is.

"What do you think Sam's baby is gonna be?" I grinned, I think Sam and Cameron's kid wil be the cutest thing ever! Well, maybe just as cute as Hayes' and I's future kid but ya know.

"Well, its Cam so that little thing will probably be an alien life form like him." He chuckled at his own joke like a nerd as I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I think it will be a beautiful little girl and they're gonna name her Destiny, because duh! And she is gonna have Sam's hair and Cam's eyes and she will be fricking perfect and love her Aunt Destiny because they're name twins yas!" I fangirled over the beautiful Dallas baby girl on the way.

"You're so cute." Hayes said after my little fangirl sesh.

"Boy, uh uh. Your girl is a straight potato." I say joking around like usual.

"Destiny. I know we joke around a lot but, in all honesty, you're the most perfect girl. Everything about you gets more and more beautiful and amazing everyday. Everything you say, I latch onto, I never want to lose you or forget one single thing about you. Your existence is a blessing to me." His blue eyes shined in the sunlight coming through the large windows. My eyes filled with tears as this boy's honest words filled me with so much love.

"I love you so much." I said wrapping my arms around his neck and basically jumping on him.

"I love you more. I always will." He said back quietly, meaning it.

*Julian's POV*

"Im gonna miss you. Maybe you could come with us to some of the tour stops?" I said looking at Gracie. Her long blondish hair falling a bit in her face, and she nervously bit her lip.

"I can't Julian. But I hope we can still be friends." She kissed my cheek and Im honestly so confused. 

"Graice! Wait, what do you mean?" I ran a bit after her as she tried walking away.

"Julian, you're gonna miss your plane, go!" She said tears in her eyes.

"I don't care. Whats wrong? what did I do?"

"Im bad for you Julian. Im bad for everyone. Im trying to protect you! Just know I meant everything." She hugged me tightly before walking off. I knew she was gone at that moment. But, should I let her go? I tried not to cry as I walked through security and waited for my plane. I don't know what Im gonna do now.

*Tilly's POV*

Sam and I have been chilling out for a while and I love it. I feel like this is what I needed after everything with the guys that has been happening.

"Sam?" I spoke up as we sat in the living room with blankets on the floor, and pizza boxes on top of those. 

"Yeah Til?" She said biting her slice of pizza.

"Thanks for this. It means a lot to me. But, I have a question." 

"What's up? And you're my best friend, we should be doing this everyday, don't thank me." She laughed a bit before waiting for my question.

" What am I gonna do about Matt and Mario?" I bit my lip, wishing I could take that horrible question back. I wish I could have them both in my life, but one as like a  best friend, and the other as my boyfriend. But, sadly, i feel like it wont turn out that way.

"Follow your little Tilly heart." I gave her a look about her quick and simple response, "What Im bad at boy advice gosh!"

We  both laughed it off focusing back on the random tv show we were watching. I leaned back with my head against the couch. I closed my eyes and I saw him, the boy Im meant to be with. Well done, heart.

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