Party Time

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*Destiny's POV*
"Hey babe!" I say to Emily as she walks in hand in hand with Johnson.
"Hey cutie." She smiled giving me a quick hug.
"Where's Tilly? I thought she would be with you?" I questioned. Her and Tilly are the ones in our little group who are always together.
"Um she should be here. She hasn't texted me otherwise." I'm surprised she didn't know where her best friend was.
We break out of conversation as we dance together while Tez DJ's.
This was gonna be a fun night!

*Chey's POV*
I thought long and hard about the Grayson stuff that has been going on and wondered if it would be rude not to bring him. Ethan decided against quickly saying it wouldn't be good for him to see Tilly and Matt.
"So how do I look?" I smiled walking in front of Ethan who was sitting on our bed. I was wearing a simple black skater dress Ethan had gotten me with some pink high top converse.
"Amazing like usual." He grinned all cheeky as I spun around giggling for him.
"Thanks." I blushed.
"What about me do I look okay?" He said mocking me spinning around all girly like.
"Eh. I guess you like okay." I joked.
"Baby. Im hurt." He fake cried. He does it all the time its pretty much the cutest thing in the world. But I didn't need to tell him that.
"I'm sorry." I pouted standing up to hug him. Our hug was long and warm. He gives the best hugs really.
"Its okay." He giggled kissing my cheek. I actually did love his outfit. He was wearing black jeans, a blue tank top and white High-top vans.
"We should probably get going. Are you sure we should leave him here? I feel kinda bad." I did feel bad but I'm not even sure how Gray is feeling. He likes me or Tilly, to be honest I'm not sure which one. Maybe both.
"He's fine princess." Ethan rolled his eyes grinning, grabbing my hand. We continued out the door and to the party.

*Sam's POV*
"WHAT UP GIRL!" Des yelled as I walked into the door. I saw Hayes and Johnson by Tez playing with the sound board. I know the guys don't see each other much, so I felt bad. I knew Cameron wouldn't leave my side, not tonight.
"Hey Des." I smiled. I tried not to seem like I was too awkward tonight. Im gonna tell them, just not yet. I looked over at Cam who was giving me a sympathetic smile with his arm around my waist.
"I'll talk to you lovebirds in a bit." Destiny smiled before walking over to Hayes.
"Hey Samantha." Em gave me a wave.
"Hey Emily." I said. We didn't talk anymore than that but it was fine I guess.
Cam and I found a seat at the shiny blue stools by the kitchen island.
"So when are you gonna tell them babe?" He questioned, talking a bit loud because of the music playing. I'm surprised the landlord or neighbors haven't said anything yet.
"I don't know. Eventually." I said sighing.
"Sam. I know they'll support you. They're your best friends. They've supported you through everything else, haven't they?" Cam spoke the truth as he was eating pretzels out of a colorful party bowl on the counter.
"Yeah I guess so.." I just wish I could see it the way he does.
Cameron always has such a great outlook on things. He gets a lot of hate with his career, but he always stays humble and so sweet to everyone.
Me on the other hand, I worry too much. And I'm not nearly as famous as him. Ive only done a few YouTube videos with Destiny and he has millions of people watching his every move.
But that's beside the point.
I guess he is right. They are my best friends. What do I have to lose?
The annoying voice in my head says. I hate that voice more than anything. It pushes me to reality and sees that things do go wrong, and something always can. But I try so hard to think it'll all work out from the beginning.
"Babe. Don't worry so much." He breaks me out of my thoughts.
"I can't not worry cam. This is a big step in our lives. And we are still youngish. Plus you our busy. I'm not sure how well this is gonna go over." I start to panic but he grabs both my hands calming me down a bit.
"Hey. We'll make it work." He smiled at me. His brown eyes looking into mine. I'm okay with him. Ill always know that.

*Tilly's POV*
"I have to go find him. I have to go." I cried. Standing up from the cold, nasty concrete outside my apartment.
"Please don't go. I'm really sorry for everything I caused but just go on one date with me. And see where it goes? Please." I thought hard about his offer. He was sweet and I dont know too much about him. Matthew is the love of my life but he couldn't be more pissed right now. He probably has found someone better already. Why not?
"Fine. I'm supposed to be at a party in about 10 minutes anyway. Let's go." I rolled my eyes as we hopped into his car. It was small and silver. Im not really sure what it was but I wasn't used it. I was used to the largeness and comfort of Matt's Range Rover. I start to think of the night when I was upset and we drove and drove until we found a beautiful spot.
Our spot. To be exact. We sat and ended falling asleep. I wore his snapback and it became one of the moments you will never, ever forget.
A moment that you will tell your kids one day, no matter if you get married to that person or not.
"So whos party is it?" Mario snaps me out of my memories.
"My friend Destiny and her boyfriend Hayes. They just moved out here recently." I said giving him a half smile.

"Oh gotcha. Its gonna be simply lit." He smiled over at me before looking back at the road.
"Simply lit?" I laughed. I couldn't stop myself really. Ive never heard anyone say 'simply' and 'lit' in the same sentence.
"Yes. Simply is my word." He said seriously.
"Oh is it now?" I laughed.
"Yes. It simply is." He smiled, I could tell he was blushing.
"Look at us getting to know each other better already." He said after a pause of silence. I liked his smile.
"Yeah I guess." I said trying to brush of the conversation. I wanted to get to know him but I also don't want to. What if I like him? It's always a possibility. But even if I like him, I'll never love him. Not like I do Matt anyway. Right?

To be continued..

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