The Truth

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She pulled me outside locking the door. We headed down the stairs and onto the sidewalk.

"Ems. It really doesn't matter." I sigh rubbing the back of my sore neck. It's been a really long day and I honestly just want to lay down and be away from everything and everyone.
"No it really does." She turns around for a second stomping her black high top converse on the concrete. You can't really control her sass once it's out.
I sigh in response knowing whatever argument I use against hers won't matter at this point. She is walking fast down the long sidewalk as the sun is out and the sky is clear. I stare up at it as I get tired of staring at my shoes. I don't really know what to say to Em in the situation but then again I don't want to say anything. The whole reason I left was because she left first, not that I'm blaming her.
I just want it all to go back to normal. I feel my shoes step on something as I slip and fall back on my butt. Emily swings around as she hears me hit the ground.
"Oh my god Tilly!" She tried hard not to laugh, "are you okay?" She asked reaching both her hands out to help me up. I oblige her offer and dust off my butt standing up.
"I'm okay. I'm okay." I respond kicking the damn rock out of the way so nobody else falls- not that they will. I am probably the most clumsy person that can trip on anything.
"Such a dork." Ems sighs as we begin walking again. Wrapping her arm around my shoulder laughing I roll my eyes. I wish I could be in a laughing mood but it's just not gonna happen.
We walked down the sidewalk for a bit longer without anymore falls as we reach Matts street.
"I can't. You go.." I stop right at the end of the road.
"Come on. We are going." Em pulled my arm shifting my bracelets and my ring. Oh my gosh. My ring. I need to take that off. It's full of fake promises.
"Here we are." Ems says standing at the outside of Matt's gate with her hands on her hips.
"How are we even gonna get in? He probably won't let us in if the gate is shut. Although I had a key to the large gates outside Matts house, I didn't want to go in. And I know after earlier he won't let us in. Just as I look over at Ems pacing back and forth trying to find a way in, they open.
" I'm magic. I told you." She laughed but soon turns serious as she approaches the pathway up to the door. I don't respond but just walk a bit slower behind her. Ugh why is she doing this to me?
Before knocking or anything she opens the unlocked door and barges inside.
"Matthew Lee Espinosa!" She yelled.
"Yeah?" He laughed walking down the rounded steps. Why the fuck is he laughing? This is already awful.
"Boy why are you laughing? You can fight me right now!" She says crossing her arms as I am frozen in the doorway. He looks over at me with a sympathetic smile as I look away quickly. Don't look at me. Please.
"What's going on?" Matt seemed confused.
"What's going on is you being a little fuckboy. Like why would you have another girl over when you have Tilly. Who may I add is the best you are ever gonna get." Damn Em. Harsh. But true.
"Oh my god. It wasn't like that I promise you. You're talking about Andrea? She was here talking about the tour. She does YouTube and is gonna be a guest. Trust me when I say Tilly is my everything. She is the only girl I am and have ever been in love with." He pushes his long hair back placing a floral snapback on his head. He looked over at me as I kick my shoes onto each other. I really don't know what to say.
"You swear on Burnies life? Because if I find our you are lying-" Em starts.
"I'm not. I swear." He laughs that attractive as fuck Matt laugh.
I decide to come finally from the doorway. Ems gives him a stern look as I make my way to the bottom of the stairs looking up at the boy I'm in love with. He stands three stairs up from me looking back as his brown eyes I love so much stare at me. He begins taking slow steps towards me until he finally pulls me up onto the bottom step with him.
"You know I love you more than anything right?" He says locking his fingers around my waist.
"Um.." I don't know how to answer do I know that.
"Yes you do. Because I do. And always have since our first plane ride together." He smiled showing a small dimple on his cheek. I poked it with my index finger giggling a bit.
"Sure." I giggle again rolling my eyes.
"Aye. You're the one hanging out with a bunch of guys." He laughs. What is he talking about?
"Wait. What?" I remove his hands and stand confused.
"Nothing. Just you think I am cheating or whatever but you were hanging out with a bunch of guy singers so." He says almost too nonchalantly.
"How do you know that?" I question he smiles but doesn't respond.
"Was Matt Espinosa following me?" I say in a mocking tone.
"No.. Well yeah. I told Andrea to leave earlier and I followed you. I didn't want to see you crying though. I went to the bathroom at the restaurant at one point and I came back and you were gone. So I gave up after that."
"Yeah.. Where I went was.. Well a story for another time." I laugh as he places his hands back on my waist.
"Okay. But why were you with them anyway?" His tone became concerned.
"I don't know. I do dumb things when I am upset." I look over at Ems who is occupied playing with Burnie.
"You still love me though right Rapunzel?"
"Yes Espinosa. I love you." I giggle as he kisses the freckled bridge of my button nose.
"Wait. Where has Jack been?" I ask looking at Matt and Emily whoever might now. Ems stands up suddenly interested.
"Um. He has been...
To be continued..
(A/n hey guys I hope you are enjoying the story so far! Thanks so much for all the votes and reads. It means so much. :) comment down below your main otp! Milly, Jemily, etc.(maybe even a new couple might be coming? Jally?) Also comment if I should list songs I listen to while writing my chapters! Xoxo,Tilly)

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