He's back

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*Emily's POV*
I put my hands behind my back as the officer put handcuffs on my wrists. Jack didn't seem to be nervous on the outside as he looked at me.
I was scared out of my mind. I never do anything wrong so I don't know what I could be getting arrested for.
"We got a call from someone saying that you two broke into their house and damaged their vehicle." The officer said looking at a paper with some writing on it.
"This has to be some kind of mistake." Jack spoke back with attitude and all seriousness.
"Yeah. Do we look like we would do that?" I just lied. I lied to a cop. Oh my lord what has this boy done to me. I smile thinking of how much more confident I am since I met him.
"Let's go down to the station and get this sorted out then okay?" The officer said not wanting any part of what we had to say.
We got into the back of the car and me, feeling rebellious and confident just leaned over and started making out with Jack. The officer didn't say a word and I smiled at Jack and pulled away. It was something you don't see everyday. Two people in handcuffs making out. Jack just stared at me biting his lip, shocked by what I just did.
We drove about 20 minutes to a local police station. The cop pulled us out of the car and directed us to sit down on a bench inside. Jack was just staring at the wall pretty calmly. I was kinda freaking out on the inside but I felt better with him. I took a deep breathe as another officer asked me to come back into a small room with a table in it.
I sat down and the officer stood by the door.
"Please come in." He told the person walking around the corner. It was Ethan.
*Jacks POV*
I sat on the bench by the front door waiting for Em to come back. I wiggled my wrists in the handcuffs that were now cutting into me. The other officer just leaned up against the desk and stared at me like I was some sort of criminal. Hella awkward.
I sat there looking around awkwardly.
"Why is he here?" Emily rolled her eyes with her cuffed wrists on the table.
"Ethan here told us that you and Mr. Johnson broke into his house and damaged his vehicle.
"How would he possibly know that we did it?" Emily said with sass.
"Because you d-" Ethan was then cut off by the officer.
"He said that you had been bothering him for a while and that you wanted to get back at him for something. What was that you wanted to get back at him for?" The officer said sitting across from Emily as Ethan sat across the barely lit room.
"Um actually he has been bothering and harassing me." Ethan shook his head in denial not being able to defend himself.
"Is that true Ethan? Emily could you give us some examples?
"Well. He tries to ruin my relationship. He stalks me and follows me places and harasses me." Emily said not wanting to remember these things.
"Is that so?" The officer said.
"Yes sir." Emily said back.
Ethan was then taken and put in jail for a few days. He had a newly placed restraining order against him so he would leave Emily alone. Emily and Jack would have been in serious trouble if Ethan didn't have a previous record with these kinds of schemes.
Emily walked back to see Jack standing and out of his handcuffs.
"You are free to go." The officer said to them motioning for the door.
"Let's get out of here babe." Jack said grabbing Emily's hand.
They walked to a restaurant across the street and sat down.
"I love Chipotle!" Emily said sitting down at an outside table. Jack pulled out her chair and smiled.
After finishing their food and talking about their crazy day then walked home. It was a long walk but they didn't seem to mind.
Tilly and Matt were driving around the main town. Tilly driving her dad's old truck around.
"So what do you want to see next?" Tilly smiled as they were at the stoplight.
"Elementary school? High school?" He named things off.
"Ew high school is shit. But okay elementary school it is." She smiled.
Matt said and smiled back wondering what was so bad about high school for her.
They drive just across the intersection or roads and down a hill to a back road. They pulled up to a little school with a playground in front and a huge field with a sidewalk around it.
"Home." Tilly smiled. It had always been her favorite school. It was the place where she was accepted. The place she could be herself. The place she made so many friends. But after that, people start to move away. They gain judgement and it's harder to be you. It was hard for Tilly around 7th grade especially. So many people were moving away and everytime she came back to her elementary school, she was home. She was Tilly.
"It's adorable babe. Show me your favorite spot?" She walked around to the back of the school where there was yet two more playgrounds and another field behind that. She took him over to a huge metal slide and climbed the ladder to the top. She looked down at Matt who sitting at the bottom.
"When I'm up here. I feel like I can see everything. The clouds. The sun. The trees. The animals. The distance. And the future." She smiled down at him.
She went down the slide with her hands in the air and laughed. Matt was now standing up waiting for her to come down. She was pretty lightweight so she went flying off the end. Matt caught her bridal style and kissed her.
"I love you my little girl. I can't wait to see the future together." He smiled at her blushing cheeks and bright blue eyes. He could see the child-like wonder in them.
"I love you too my Matty. And I can't wait either." She smiled and kissed him again. She pulled back staring at his sparkling brown eyes.
They continued to walk along the playground with Tilly pointing out all the memories of these little places.
They sat down on the swings and held hands swinging back and forth. The sun was setting and they watched as the white, fluffy clouds drifted across the sky.
"Whoever gets the highest buys dinner?" Matt smirks at her. She shook his hand officially accepting his challenge.
"You're on Espinosa." She said and began swinging.
They both continued swinging getting higher and higher. Tilly got so high she was looking straight at a tree. She jumped off and landed in the pebbles below.
"Looks like you're buying." She smiled at Matt who then jumped off too.
"What do you want baby girl?" He rolled his eyes laughing.
"Taco Bell!!" She yelled and pulled Matt. He bent down to let her get on his back. He walked holding her slightly tanned legs in his arms. Her long straight her fell down by his face as she leaned to kiss his cheek.
"You're cute my little dinosaur." She smiled looking at the sky. Matt then began making Dino noises and had Tilly laughing in tears.
They got into the car and got Taco Bell. To be continued..

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