The Wrong Direction

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I sat with the guys for a while eating and talking. Niall ate enough for all of us but I found it oddly cute. I think of Matt and begin to feel that heartbreaking feeling again. That boy is everything to me and it is gone. He chose that girl over me. The perfect image of her invades my already cluttered mine and shatters my heart a bit further. What is her name? How does she know my Matt? Or Matt.. Wait. He knows everyone pretty much. Ugh. I need to stop.
(Girl pictured below)

"So do you have a boyfriend? A lovely girl like yourself must!" Lou asks nibbling on some pizza

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"So do you have a boyfriend? A lovely girl like yourself must!" Lou asks nibbling on some pizza.
"Well sort of. I did earlier." I couldn't think of a better way to say it.
"What do you mean?" Niall seemed suddenly intrigued.
"What happened?" Liam added.
"Well. It's kind of a long story.." What am I gonna say? My first love cheated on me when I needed him most? No.
"Oh well I'm sorry about that." Liam was so nice.
"You don't need the asshole." Niall's words are surprising seeing as he hasn't even heard the whole story.
"Niall. Chill." Harry said jumping into the conversation. Jacob was still talking to Ally after about 45 minutes but he had earbuds in so who knows what they're talking about.
"Yeah lad. You don't even know what happened." Louis' accent was just so amazing.
"Well damn you guys. We all noticed her crying when she came up. It had to have been him. Any guy who can take away that smile is a fucking dumbass." Woah. He just met me. Why is he defending me so much? Maybe I should get to Ems.
"Well. I think I should go." I smile trying not to be rude.
"You don't hafta. We're done with this conversation anyway." Lou smiled up as I stand from my chair.
"Yeah. Don't worry." Liam looked concerned still.
"No it's totally fine. I need to get home. My best friend is waiting." I grab my pennyboard and almost leave when I am stopped by Niall tapping my shoulder.
"I can take ya home." The Irish accent makes me smile a bit as I look down and nod. I didn't want to be rude and decline but I appreciate the offer. We walk to the parking space with a bright blue mustang. I like it. But it's not like Matts. Where we had slept together, took rides, and had our special drive and found our spot. My mind adds this to my thoughts and I just. I want to go home. I want Matt. I want things to be normal. But nope. Here I am with this Irish guy in his car, not with Matt. I want him.
Okay Tilly. Chill. It's gonna be fine.
"Alright so where is your house at?" Niall asks shutting his door as I close mine as well. I give him directions and the address as we pull out of the parking lot.
"Where are we going?" I ask Niall noticing that he turned the wrong way.
"Just to the studio. I thought you might wanna hear our new song." He smiled and I returned. I want to scream. I really don't want to hear his song but I can't be rude. I just want to go home.
"Oh okay." Is all I say after all my thoughts.
He continued driving a bit further for about 10 minutes as we pulled up to a huge mansion up a hill. It was probably 3 stories and most likely had an elevator. By looking at it, I could see it wasn't a music studio. How do I get out of here? Ugh.
He walked up to the huge front double doors without even using a key. He looked up at a small camera and the doors opened for him. Um alright. He motioned for me to go first stepping back. I smiled at him stepping into this gigantic room. Stairs wrapped around both sides of the room leading to who knows where. The room was marble it seemed and it was even bigger than Matt's. Ugh Matt. I miss my love. I switch away these thoughts to the huge house I'm looking at. No elevator yet.
Niall showed me around the first level including a huge kitchen, a gaming room, a dining room and a bunch of other gigantic things. We walked up the large staircase, my clammy hands gripped the railing as I just want to leave already. He walked me down a long Hall after a bunch of turns and steps and things to a set of double doors.
He opened them revealing some more stairs. We went down the set of about 4 stairs leading to a huge marbled floor. It looked like his bedroom maybe? Oh no.
He walked talking about what all this awards on a large shelf were for as I noticed his huge bed that looked pretty comfortable by the way. His room was intriguing it was simple. Modern almost. He had several guitars, a piano, and there was tons of artwork. I took in this room inch by inch trying to know more of Niall. But mainly trying to get Matt of my mind. Damn. Matt. I miss his hand holding mine when I'm nervous or him hugging my waist. Okay Tilly. Snap out of it.
"This is so cool" I try to change my attitude.
"Thanks a lot. Music is like my favorite thing in the world." Niall smiled up at some of the awards.
"So this is your studio huh?" I crossed my arms giving some attitude knowing he was lying. I tried to be playful but why would he lie?
"Well. Just thought we could hang out." He sat down on the edge of his simple white comforter with a smile smile. It warmed me a bit, his accent definitely added to it.
"Well how old are you again?" I tried not to seem pushy but I'm in his damn house.
"We're close in age." He brushed of the question quite awkwardly.
"Oh.." I turned around slowly and began walking out when he grabbed my wrist turning me back around. Um what?
"Excuse me? Let go." I stay calm.
"Where are you going? It's just getting fun" I am starting to like Niall a whole lot less.
"I have to get back to-"
"To who? The boyfriend who threw you away? He doesn't want you darlin. But I do." He still has a hold of my arm and is leaning in to kiss me. Me being me I stomp my little size 4 feet on his causing his grip to release.
I bolted out of the room not wanting to be impacted by his words about Matthew but tears stream down my cheeks. I grab my pennyboard when I reach the front door and head home. I arrive after about 10 minutes seeing as Niall's house is pretty close. Good thing he doesn't know.
"What the fuck Tilly? Where have you been? Are you okay?" Emily's words shout through the kitchen as I bolt through the door.
"Um." Really? That's all I could say?
"Um!?" She is quite hostile.
"I met some guys and.." I went on and on telling her the whole story with Niall and Jacob and all that. I check my backpack I haven't taken off this whole time for my phone seeing Jacob must have slipped it in there. Thank God.
"How old is this creeper?" Emily asked after the whole story.
"Uh. I don't know. Look him up?" I suggest knowing Niall has a bit of fame due to his singing career.
As Ems pulled out her phone I grabbed my phone to see if Matt had tried to text or anything. I have about.. 17 from Ems. And 1 from Matt. Should I read it? Before I can think I unlock it seeing my wallpaper is the picture we took when he was holding me in his arms. Ugh. I want that day again. I read the messages from Ems first. Okay I got this.
M: hey Tilly. We really need to talk. It wasn't what it seemed. I need you. Please.
"Tilly the fuck?" Emily interrupted me staring at my phone.
"What? What?" I am so confused.
"Niall? Niall Horan?" She questions with her phone out still on something. I nod in response.
"He's fucking 26 years old Tilly. You're 20. That's not okay." Oh.
"I forgot to tell you the first thing that happened Ems." I sigh.
"Oh God. What?" She takes a breath preparing herself.
"I saw Matt.. With a girl.. In his room." I spit it out finally ad my heart breaks a bit more.
"EXCUSE THE FUCK OUT OF ME? WE ARE GOING TO HIS HOUSE NOW." She said dialing for an Uber and grabbing her backpack. She grabbed my wrist so I couldn't back out.
Well. We'll see how this goes.

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