The funeral

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Tilly and Matt finished getting ready. Tilly curled the bottoms of her hair and put on some mascara.
"Babe can you help me." Matt called from the bathroom. Tilly had a bathroom connected to her room so it wasn't too far away. She was sitting at her vanity by the window. She got up and went to help Matt as she heard her mom yelling something.
"Hurry up guys. You have 5 minutes." She called.
"Help me with my tie?" Matt said holding it up and smiling.
"You're so cute oh my god." Tilly laughed but the moment turned serious pretty fast. She began wrapping the tie around his shirt collar and tied it.
"You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." Matt said with all seriousness. Tilly just stared at his outfit.
*Tilly's POV*
Damn. He looked perfect. His shiny dress shoes, his black slacks, his black dress shirt. The way he slightly rolled up his sleeves. Oh my lord.
I fixed his tie for him which was black and thin with little blue polka dots on it. He knew it was my favorite on him.
I rolled a lint roller on my dress real fast while he ran his fingers through his long messy hair. He was always so self conscious about it but I don't even know why. It was one of the million things I loved about him. I giggled out loud thinking of the days when he always had his hair in a short quiff. The laugh was louder than I thought.
"What?" He smiled looking at me., "Do I look lame?"
"No babe. You look perfect actually." He smirked at me happily and continued "fixing" his hair.
"Do I now?" His confidence was now very high.
"Mhmm." I smiled and played with my curls to get them how I wanted.
"Show me." He moved closer to me. I was no pushed against the sink counter and staring up at his sparkly brown eyes.
"Okay." I wrapped my hands around his neck and put my lips millimeters away from his. He leaned in and I pulled away and bit my lip.
"Oh you little tease." He bit his lip and I ran out of the bathroom to my room. He followed after me as I squealed laughing. I picked up my sparkly black Converse and felt arms pick me up by my waist and throw me over their shoulder. I was now facing his back and tears fell down from laughing so hard.
"Put me downnnn" I whined. I don't know how even on the worst days he makes them amazing. It's truly magic.
"Nope. Not gonna happen." He said laughing. He was already dressed so he walked down the stairs with me over his shoulder. Damn. He is strong.
He carried me down to the bottom of the staircase and my mom and dad were standing ready to go. He continued carrying me as I still am laughing.
"We're ready to go" he said to my parents. My mom and dad laughed slightly and we all walked outside(well some of us thrown over shoulders but ya know). My mom and dad got in and Matt set me down. I was still holding my shoes so I made him pick me up over the muddy spot on the ground. He set me in my seat and went over to the other side shutting my door.
We drove about 45 minutes to a funeral home. This is it. I don't know if I can do this. I grabbed Matts hand because I know I couldn't do this alone.
We walked into the tall building and followed my parents towards the large double doors to the front of the funeral home. I walked along very close to Matt to where I could feel his warm arm on mine. He interlocked his fingers with mine and played with my ring I got from my grandpa a long time ago. He made me smile a slight smile.
My parents were walking around talking to people they knew. Friends, family. They pretty much knew everyone. Me and Matt just kind of walked in the lobby figuring out which of the 4 rooms to go to. We walked past one that was kind of a grieving room, another was storage, another was empty and then. We saw it. We walked through a crowd of crying people and towards the casket. It was surrounded by tons of fresh flowers and photos.
He lay there in a nice suit. He had his military pins on his chest from when he was a Marine. I was always so proud of him for that and loved hearing about it. But the only way I heard about it was from my grandma(they divorced a while back though). My grandpa was too traumatized by everything he went through in Vietnam to talk about it to anyone. Especially his grandkids.
I walked past rather quickly not wanting to look at him. I squeezed Matts hand tightly and we walked to sit in a row for the service.
A lot of people continued piling in so Matt and I decided to go downstairs to get some food. I grabbed a cup and got some Sprite. Matt followed behind me getting Coke. I wasn't too hungry but I walked by the table and grabbed some chips and a cute cupcake and put them on my plate. Matt was back there getting who knows what. The boy is super cute when he eats not gonna lie. I walked through the doorway to a room with tables and chairs to eat at. I sat down at a table by the wall with four chairs sitting around it. I snacked on my food and waited for Matthew. He came and sat down with a slice of pizza, chips, grapes, and a donut. Oh my gosh. They have donuts and I didn't realize it. I admired the chocolate donut with sprinkles as Matt was eating his pizza paying no attention.
"You want that?" He laughed at me sipping his drink. He knows I have a donut obsession. I laughed and shook my head no. Where did he even find this yummy food?I walked back through the room I was in and saw another connected. THE DONUTS. AND PIZZA. AH. I rushed over to the table and picked up a plate. I got two donuts and a slice of pepperoni pizza. I was happier now.
I walked back to the table and Matt laughed at my excitement over donuts and smiled up at me. Like I said the boy is adorable when he eats.
We finished up our food and I sat for a bit while Matt just rubbed my thigh. Considering no one else was down here it was nice to get away from everyone. I was staring at the wall with my head on my hands and my elbows on the table. I could feel Matt staring at me. I turned my head to see him smiling the biggest but goofiest smile ever. I loved it but I just shook my head and giggled at him.
"Hey princess Rapunzel?" He said still not looking away.
"Yes, Flynn Ryder?" I said using our cheesy little nicknames. He used them too knowing it was my favorite movie.
"There is no one else I would rather be with. I just want you to know that." He said sticking his hand in his pocket. He looked up at me pulling out a ring box. My jaw dropped. I waited to see what it was as he opened it.
The opening revealed a sparkling ring.

"It's a promise ring

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"It's a promise ring. A promise that you will always be my Rapunzel." He smiled that adorable smile, slipping the ring on my finger. I sat and admired it and smiled back at him. I hugged him and kissed his cheek thinking 'wow this is the boy I'm gonna marry someday.'
"I'm in love with you Matthew Lee Espinosa." I said smiling at him and kissed his lips finally.
"Did you use my Chapstick when I got up?" I said holding up the Chapstick from the table and laughing.
"I like the the cherry flavor." He laughed and we threw away our plates and walked back upstairs.
The service lasted a while. Family members spoke about him I almost when up but couldn't. I got choked up and stayed in my seat. Matthew had his arm wrapped around me the whole time. I cried into his shirt and he rested his warm, soft lips on my forehead. He kept me safe from all this pain.
After about two hours of talking with everyone and socializing, people began leaving. We were one of the last to leave because of my mom and dad talking to every single person. If it were up to me I wouldn't have even gone. I love my grandpa but that was too hard. The summer air was rather windy and Matt wrapped his blazer around me. We hopped into the car and drove back to the house. Matt fell asleep in the car leaning on me. It was adorable. He eventually grabbed me while I was half asleep and pulled me into him and wrapped his arm around me. I fell asleep too.

"Cause I finally found the boy of my dreams much more than a Grammy award that is what you mean to me" this song played in my head over and over as I kissed Matthew looking up at him

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"Cause I finally found the boy of my dreams much more than a Grammy award that is what you mean to me" this song played in my head over and over as I kissed Matthew looking up at him. My head hurt a little so the words were a bit off but I'm glad he put up with my crazy self. I know I have said it like a billion times but I love that weird boy.

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