Tilly's Birthday(part 1)

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*Tilly's POV*
Ems woke me up pretty earlier to sing happy birthday to me. She gave me a little donut with a candle in it and I blew it out. I stretched as she motioned me to the living room.
I walked out in my Olaf onesie to see Matt, Ems and Jack all surrounding a donut cake(it's Krispy Kreme donuts layered to form a cake shape). I covered my mouth with my hands surprised as I looked around at the cake and some gift bags.
"Oh my gosh guys. Thanks" I group hugged them all and they smiled. We had some donuts and I unwrapped some presents.
The first one was from Jack. It was a huge box wrapped in pink wrapping paper with a huge bow on top.
"Why is this so big?" I laugh happily at him.
"Open it." He said back.
I untied the bow and began ripping wrapping paper when suddenly the box was moving. I jumped back surprised as the sides of the box fell revealing Jack Gilinsky. I blushed looking down. He was the other original Magcon boy I thought was super attractive besides Matt of course.
"Uh hi Jack" I said.
"Hey there." He smiled.
"You got me Gilinsky? Not that I don't like it just-" he cut me off as I glanced over at Matt who was off to the side looking kinda annoyed.
"He's here to sing you happy birthday." Johnson smiled. Oh my god. I figured it out Emily told him about me calling him side bae when we were younger.
I smile anyway even though I felt really bad about this. Matt was just off in the corner while Gilinsky was singing to me.
As he was singing he grabbed my hand and twirled me around. Once he finished signing I changed the subject. "So how are you and Sealove?"
"We're good. We are gonna hang out later. Damn. I love that girl."
"Awh that's adorable." Me and Ems said at the same time causing us to laugh about it.
Gilinsky and Johnson sat at the stools by the island while I opened the next ones.
"That's from me." Ems smiled at me. I smiled back knowing it was gonna be great.
I opened the little floral patterned box to reveal a paper that was folded over. I opened it up and was shocked.
"Oh my gosh. Are we getting tattoos?" I smiled shocked still.
"Yes babe" she smiled back. I stood up from the couch and ran over to the stool where she was sitting by Gilinsky and Johnson. I hugged her tightly.
"I love you" I said to her.
"I love you too my little chicken nugget" I laughed at my nickname that she gave me 4 years ago. Matt was sitting at the kitchen table just watching all this. He had a little black box in front of him. He didn't look happy so I just kinda left him alone.
"Well I'm gonna go take a quick shower and get dressed for Hoodie!" I smiled trying to boost his mood. The other three waved as I kissed his cheek and skipped away.
I took a shower and hopped up to grab a towel. I wrapped it around me and dried on the rug for a second. I walked back into my room to find the clothes I was gonna wear for Hoodie's concert.
I was still wrapped in it picking out an outfit when I heard the door slowly open.
"Hey babe." I heard Matt say.
"Hey" I smiled at him as my wet hair draped down my shoulder.
"I'm sorry about earlier. Just Gilinsky is ya know and you're my princess so yeahh" he didn't really know how to explain it. He rubbed the back of his neck kind of upset. I walked over to him still in my towel and tilted his chin up with my finger.
"Hey. It's okay. You know I only love you. And he loves Sealove. Just friends." I smiled at him causing him to smile that famous Matt Espinosa smile. "That's right Espinosa. You love me."
"You're kinda cool." Matt smirked at me still looking at me. He then grabbed my waist and pulled my wet self to him.
"Um your clothes are gonna be wet." I said giggling.
"I don't care." He smiled at me with his arm still wrapped around my side. My body was pressed against his. His warm self against my cold, wet self. I don't know something about it I loved.
"I have to get dressed" I whined.
"You don't have to." He smirked down at me.
"Shut up you little perv" I pushed him away laughing and looked at him. "Um are you gonna leave so I can get dressed?"
"Do I have to?" He raised an eyebrow.
"I guess not. I can get dressed in the bathroom." I laughed.
"Babeeee" he whined as I walked away.
"You'll live." I leaned down to kiss his nose until he pulled me down on the bed with him.
"I will now." He smiled as I layed there with my towel slipping.
"You're stupid." I giggled making a fake mad face at him.
"Not stupid. Dumb for you. Crazy in love." He said before crashing his lips against mine. He smelled so good. Holy shit. We began making out and he pulled my towel down. I was now laying on top of Matthew Espinosa naked. What just happened?
After about 10 minutes of just kissing ( ;) ) we were just laying there looking at each other. I slipped off Matt's blue t shirt he was wearing and put it on. Damn. A shirtless Matt. I love this. I put it on and it went down to cover about all of my butt.
"Do I look good?" I stand up and smirked at him.
"You can keep it." He said standing up and following me as I walked away. He turned me around and leaned me up against the wall. I giggled at his cuteness and he kissed me on my nose and I stared at his big brown eyes. He wrapped his hands around me and I felt his fingers lock.
"You're so perfect. I want every inch of you to be mine. Every little inch of your perfect skin." He said looking at my legs.
I smiled and wrapped my legs around his waist kissing him. I pulled back after a second and smiled.
"I should probably get dressed. What time is it?" I say with my legs still wrapped.
He pulled out his phone from his pocket and it read 11:15. His lockscreen was palmtrees but I thought we could change that.
"Can you make me your lockscreen?" I smiled up at him.
"Of course." He smiled back.
I kissed his cheek as he held up his phone to take a picture of us. I was still wrapped around him like a little koala bear.
"Yay" I giggled.
"We're pretty cute." He laughed.
I hopped down from his arms.
"I better get dressed." I smiled.
"Okay babe." He smiled back. He slipped on a different shirt he had and put on a black snapback. Damn. He went back into the living room with Ems and the Jacks. I could hear Johnson laughing with him about something. Oh gosh. He told him already. I laugh and roll my eyes continuing to find an outfit.
After searching for a bit I picked some plain black Vans, high waisted blue jean shorts, and Cake Boy shirt I had bought a while back.
I put on my clothes and some socks. I plugged in my hair Chi straightener and let it heat up.
I walked out of my room to see them all just watching TV.
"Hey she's back." The guys smirked.
"Hey babe." Ems said smiling.
"So what's been going on Tilly?" Gilinsky and Johnson smirked yet again.
"Just getting ready." I said walking over to the island to grab a chocolate sprinkle donut.
"Mhmm" they all say as Matt smiles looking at the TV.
I laugh at them and shake my head. I walked back into my room and went into the bathroom.
I brushed through my hair and let it air dry for a second. I began straightening it. After about 15 minutes it was all good and straight. I brushed through it again and let it hang down my back.
I walked back out into my bedroom and picked up my phone from the bed. It read 12 exactly. We had a bit before we went to see Hoodie. It started at 2.
I went and sat down on the loveseat by Matt and he wrapped his arm around me. Jack and Ems were sitting on the couch with Gilinsky just laying on the floor. He kinda looked sad being here without Sealove. I wonder where she was?
"So Jack. Where is Sealove?"
"She's out with Amber shopping."
"Oh okay. Are you guys, ya know, okay?" I said hesitantly.
"Yeah. I think." He got up and then went to the bathroom connected to the living room.
We watched TV for a while. Some good shows too like Finding Carter. Ah. I love that show.
At about 1:10 Matt and I began getting ready to leave. I freshened my mascara and slipped on my Vans. He put on his as well and we told everyone goodbye.
"Have fun babe." Ems hugged me tightly.
"Thanks I'll be back after." I smiled back. They all smiled awkwardly at me as we walked out and hopped in the car.
"I can't breathe Matt. Oh my lord. I'm gonna cry." I said to him squeezing his hand as we stood in line to meet Hoodie.
We were about 15 people back but still so close. I couldn't handle this!

 I couldn't handle this!

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"Awh babe. Don't cry." Matt said hugging me.
"I can't help it! I did this when I met you when I was like 16 too so." I laughed wiping away the single tear that fell.
"Really?" He laughed.
"Um yes. I have been in love with you forever dude. Get with it." I rolled my eyes laughing as the lined slowly moved up. We were now only 3 people away. I took a deep breathe and adjusted my Hoodie shirt and flipped my hair back.
"I'm about to meet Hoodie Allen. Best birthday ever!" I squealed to Matt.
This is it. My turn.
I walked up to him and hugged him so tight. His strong arms wrapped around me.
"Hi babe. How are you?" He said as I closed my eyes still hugging him.
"I'm great. I love you so much." I said crying a bit.
"Awh I love you too. That's a dope shirt by the way." He said pointing at my shirt as I pulled from the hug.
"Thanks. Will you sign it?" I smiled at him.
"Of course!" He pulled out a Sharpie and signed it at the top.
"Thanks so much!!"
"Anything for you cutie." He kissed my cheek and we took a few pictures. I was paying no attention to Matt at this time. It had been only a few minutes and the guy motioned me to move to the next person. He then handed me a little piece of paper. I slipped it in my pocket, gave him one last hug and walked off to wait for Matt.
I watched them bro hug and talk and then take a quick picture together. They fist bumped as Matt walked away trying to play it cool.
I hugged him crying as soon as he walked away.
"Oh my gosh. That was Hoodie Allen babe. I love you so much. Thanks for taking me here." I hugged him so tightly as he hugged me back.
"Anything for you princess. But did he give you something?" He asked pulling out of the hug.
"No. What do you mean?" I played it off because I didn't know what it was. I didn't want Matt to know yet.
We found our seats right in front of the stage and sat down.
"Hey I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be back." I say to Matt.
"Okay babe. Be safe." He says to me. I nod and kiss his cheek standing up. I walk around the maze of a place and walk up some stairs to find a long hallway. It had a bunch of turns and now I think I'm lost. Shit.
I make a left and find a room that seems like it would be a bathroom me being me I open it and go inside.
Uh oh. I am not in the bathroom...

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