*sighs* Ems.

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*Emily's POV*
Has Tilly noticed I was gone yet? I just wish I could go back to myself. My normal self.
I am list in my thoughts as I roll my blue suitcase the cold airport ground. I wish I didn't have to do this. Ugh.
I go through the long process of airport security with no problems and head to some chairs by my flight gate. I decide to check my phone since I haven't checked it since yesterday or so.
I click it on to see about 100 text messages from Jack and some calls from my mother. I don't check them but just continue my game of Disney Crossy Road instead. I feel bad for not answering but I need to make this decision on my own. And with just a few more days until tour, I need to do this now. It will be better for me. For Jack. For Tilly. For everyone.
I hold on to my phone but click it off to look around at all the varieties of people in this large airport. LA is literally so huge. I think about how I had none from Tilly but assume it's for a reason. Right? Right. I assure myself as I get up to stretch my legs and smell some yummy food. I follow the scent scurrying through people a bit dragging my small but heavy suitcase behind me. I didn't want to leave it just in case someone wanted to walk around stealing stuff so I dragged it with me.
I walked past some vending machines and benches filled with sleeping people along with some chairs as well. I noticed one man singing on a chair and it sounded rather good. I walked a bit closer to him going out of my path and start to wonder if he is famous. He might be. He sounds really good. He is singing a lovely song.

No need to change you just need to be the way you were made is just for me, you're beautiful. You break the rules of beautiful.

I smile at the lyrics that are nothing short of perfect. Whatever girl he is singing about sure is lucky. I want Jack to write about me like that. Although it hasn't been that long of a relationship it's easy to say I love him. I replace my thoughts of Jack with the lovely new lyrics I just heard and decide to talk to this guy. I walk up him strumming his guitar alone and still singing the lovely song.
"Hi" I smile waving slightly trying to be as friendly as possible.
"Hi there" he returned the smile and continued strumming.
"You're really good ya know. The song is beautiful. Whatever girl it is for must be pretty special." I sit at the edge of the chair beside him.
"She is. Her name is Bea. I'm actually waiting to see her here. Her flight was delayed so I'm gonna be here another hour or so." He smiled a warming smile disregarding his sad words. I want to know about this Bea he loves.
"So you love her a lot?" I smile. I love love.
"More than anything. She's everything actually." He strummed his fingers across the guitar strings looking off thinking about her probably.
"So how did you meet?" I want to know the whole story really but don't want to seem to pushy as I keep my questions simple.
"It's a weird story kind of. I was with my family in New York City doing some sightseeing. My family was back at our hotel and I was out alone at night.. Well I snuck out actually." He laughed before continuing, " but it was about 2 years ago and I was 17. I was walking down the road looking for a place to eat or something and a girl had tripped in front of me falling into me. I caught her and that's when I looked at the most beautiful girl I had ever saw. And the rest is history." He smiles brightly with his bright white teeth showing as I her remembers this lovely story.
I like this guy. He is so cool. I feel like he will be famous one day.
"I never caught your name though." He laughed a bit clutching his guitar on his lap.
"Emily." I laugh back.
"Jacob. Jacob Whitesides." This name has a nice ring to it. It sounds familiar as well but I brush the thoughts of knowing him aside.
"Well. When you are famous I guess I can say I met you in an airport way back." I laugh and he smiles.
"Yeah. Maybe." He chuckles sounding sort of sarcastic. He wasn't already famous or something was he? He seems so...normal?
"Well I'll let you continue what you're doing." I smile standing up.
"It was nice to finally meet you." He smiles up at me and I'm confused by his choice of words but return the smile.
I follow my previous path and click my phone to see I have about 40 minutes til my flight. I slip it into my shorts pockets.
(Emily's outfit below)

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