Flights to LA

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*Matt's POV*
We got home and Tilly's dad ordered some pizzas. We all sat and watched TV for a little bit. Tilly and I went to bed early knowing we had a 6am flight to catch in the morning.
I lay on the air mattress by her bed looking up at her. She was already sleeping I think but her nose was all scrunched up and she was laying in a ball position. She's a pretty cute sleeper. But who lays like that? Only her. I laugh to myself and close my eyes facing her direction. The door was shut and Tilly's parents went to bed along time ago. As I begin trying to sleep I feel Tilly come and lay by me I wrapped my arms around her as her little self is nestled into me. She was so cold. I covered her up with the blanket I was using and she fell asleep.
*Back in LA*
"Jack. Don't." Emily said crossing her arms. They were on the boardwalk and he was trying to get her to ride this huge rollercoaster at the fair.
"Babe. Please." He said pouting his lip and trying to pull her. She shook her head no walking the other direction.
"Okay fine. You're still cute." Jack said slightly chasing after her and grabbing her hand. She walked towards a huge Ferris wheel. Since it was night in LA it lit up in all different colors. It was something out of a movie really. The sound of the waves, and the adorable couple looking up at the bright colorful Ferris wheel.
"Can we do this one?" She smiled.
"Whatever you want princess." Jack smiled back and the continued towards the ferris wheel.
They waited in line for about 10 minutes talking about random things. Jack attempted braiding Emily's hair for her. Let's just say that didn't work out.
They got up to the front and stepped into the little gondola and sat on the bench. They sat close together because Em was a bit scared. She closed her eyes and buried her face in Jack's chest. His arm was wrapped around her shoulder.
They rode up to the top as the sun began setting. As they arrived slowly to the top Jack whispered, "hey. It's okay. Look at this." She lifted her head still leaning towards him and looked to where Jack was pointing.
The beautiful sunset was in shades of pink, orange, blue and yellow.
"Woah." Emily sighed. They sat on the ride in awe of the sunset but Em was the only one looking at it. Jack was lost in the wonder in her eyes and couldn't look away. She glanced over at him and laughed. "What are you starting at?" She smiled
"Perfection." He said still staring.
She leaned back into him and continued at the sunset. She didn't say anything. How do you respond to something like that really? They were on the ride for a bit and then got off.
They stepped of the ride with their fingers interlocked.
"Ah so cute. You look like a lovely young couple in love." An old lady said to them as they walked past a booth of games. They smiled at her and continued walking. They were easily lost in each other. They both had dealt with a lot throughout their lives so far and they were each other's escape in a way.
~~~~~the next day ~~~
*Tilly's POV*
I turn over and check my phone I see it's 4am. I get out of bed and step over Matt trying not to wake him up. I go to the bathroom and put my contacts in. I pull out my straightener and do a quick job of straightening my long hair.
Heading towards to living room to the kitchen I trip over a little dog toy on the ground. I laugh and shake my head as Rufus comes up and puts his head under my dangling hand. I squat down to pet his fluffy head and kiss his little nose. "Good morning buddy. I'm gonna miss you so much." I continued walking and started to prepare some cereal when I hear the back door connected to the kitchen slide open. It's my dad.
"What are you doing?" He questions. I look around half asleep and see pans out.
"Uhhh" I say back slightly confused.
"You're not eating cereal. It's my baby's last day here. I'm gonna make you a good and yummy breakfast for your trip." He smiles side hugging me. I smile and walk into my room. Looking for a good outfit to wear on the plane, I pick out a PINK racerback tank, shorts, and some Nike roshes. I added a floral watch and fishtailed some of my hair. Matt soon woke up and played with Rufus for a bit as a I packed some stuff up.

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