The Big Reveal(s)

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*Emily's POV*
After getting all ready and slipping on some accessories and my sandals, I was ready. While I was waiting for Jack to arrive I checked my outfit and hair. I was kinda nervous for tonight.

*Cheyanne's POV*
I got into the back seat of the Uber followed by Grayson. I dont really know why Ethan didn't come but I kind of wish he would have.
"Where do you think she is?" He looked at me a bit more calmed down then earlier.
"I don't know Grayson. Maybe we should just go back home to the apartment."
"No. I'm tired of this. She needs to know how to feel." He sighed looking down at his phone as the Uber driver followed the directions I gave him for Tilly's apartment.

*Tilly's POV*
I was cuddled up to Matthews warm body when he leaned down to kiss my forehead.
"I love you cutie." He whispered.
"And I love you." I said spreading a smile on my face. I closed my eyes and cuddled up closer to his warm chest. Our legs were tangled up with each other's and I could smell his Cologne. I loved being this close to him. And nothing could ruin it.

*Emily's POV*
I opened the door to Jack standing there in probably the cutest outfit ever! He was wearing khaki shorts, a plaid button up shirt and vans. Cutie!
"Woah babe." He smiled pulling me by my waist into him. He kissed me lightly on my nose still eyeing my outfit.
"What?" I giggled playing with his hair.
"You're so beautiful, I can't think straight." He sighed looking into my eyes with those bright blue beauties.
"Thanks." I blushed like crazy. I didn't know how to respond honestly.
"Alright so are we ready?" He smiled all teeth.
"Yup." I smiled back as he grabbed my hand in his and led me to his car.

*Cheyanne's POV*
We drove a bit of ways until we reached the apartment complex. I was kinda nervous for what Tilly would think. I don't want her upset especially since her and Matthew were going on tour in just 3 or so days.
We pulled up to the colorful apartments and I pointed out Tilly's for the driver. I hopped out as Grayson payed him and we walked up the steps to the room.
Gray knocked on the door a few times before looking around for someone.
"Is anyone here?" He asked kind of upset and annoyed at the same time.
"I don't know Grayson." I sighed.
"Well text her. Please." His eyes pleaded.
"Fine. But let's not wait outside her door like weirdos. Let's go walk somewhere." I walked down the steps as Gray followed behind me.
We walked down the sidewalk as the night was finally here. I checked my phone to see it was late. I texted Tilly and was worried about what Ethan would think.

*Tilly's POV*
I am on top of Matthew kissing him when I hear my phone. I ignore it because I don't get too many of these moments with him. I'm sure whatever it is, isn't that important right?

*Cheyanne's POV*
We walked for a bit and it began to be cold. I shivered a bit craving one of Ethan's hoodies right about now.
"Did she answer?" Gray asked with concern.
"No Grayson. It's been like 5 minutes. She probably is busy. Can we go home now?" I whined.
"Is there anyone else you can text?" He sighed yet again
"Whatever." I pulled out my phone texting Emily. I continued to shiver because I was in shorts and the night air is cold for Cali.
"Do you uh want my hoodie?" He stuttered noticing my shivering.
"Sure." I said awkwardly. It's not weird.

*Emily's POV*
We drove down to the beach where not a lot of people were. The beach? This is fancy? Okay then.
"Where are we going?" I said as I walked by Jack as he led me down the beach. I saw some rocks in the distance with I think a little cave. Maybe we were going there.
"This way." He smiled at me letting out an adorable giggle.
"Okay." I smiled at him watching the light waves crash on the nighttime ocean. Nothing had ever looked so beautiful. The sky was in colors of blues and purples and the ocean was perfectly colored. It was hard to describe. But I watched it as Jack watched me. I acted like I didn't see him but I did.
We walked for a few more minutes before reaching the rocks.
"Okay this way babe." He pointed to a little entrance through some of the rocks. We walked through and found a cave. Woah. It was so perfect. Strings of lanterns hung around the top of the cave. It was bigger than you would expect but not too big. There was a little blanket with a picnic basket and candles all around the whole cave area.
"Jack." I gaped. This was something out of a movie.
"Yeah?" He laughed a bit.
"This is perfect." I leaned up to kiss him and he smiled back at me.
"I'm glad you like it." He smiled leading me to the blanket. I sat down next to him as he leaned on one hand next to me.
"This is beautiful Johnson." I sighed happily. I stared off at the beautiful sky. The waves crashing reached close to us but not enough to touch.
"You're my everything." He blurted out randomly and I looked at him smiling.
"And you're mine." I smiled back and he leaned his hand enough to place it on top of mine. We didn't bother getting into the food yet but just stared at the sky and ocean.

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