What now?

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"Hey princess Rapunzel?" I said still not looking away.
"Yes, Flynn Ryder?" She said using our cheesy little nicknames. I used them too knowing it was her favorite movie.
"There is no one else I would rather be with. I just want you to know that." I said nervously sticking my hand in my pocket. I looked up at her pulling out a ring box. Her jaw dropped. She waited to see what it was as I opened it.
The opening revealed a sparkling ring.

"It's a promise ring. A promise that you will always be my Rapunzel." I smiled at her adorable smile slipping the ring on her finger. She sat and admired it and smiled back at me. She hugged me and kissed my cheek and I thought 'wow this is the girl im gonna marry someday.'
"I'm in love with you Matthew Lee Espinosa." She said smiling at me and kissed my lips finally.
"Did you use my Chapstick when I got up?" She said holding up the Chapstick from the table and laughing.
"I like the the cherry flavor." I laughed and we threw away our plates and walked back upstairs.
The service lasted a while. Family members spoke about him and I held Tilly the whole time. My arm wrapped around her the whole time. She cried into my shirt and I rested my lips on her forehead. I wanted to keep her safe from all this pain.

But now she is gone and is Mario's girl right? I walked down the boardwalk with Andrea. She had bought me a smoothie to take my mind off of things but it didn't work.

"So that Miami show comin up should be fun huh?" She said excitedly.

"I guess so." I said fake smiling. But in reality moments of Tilly and I played in the back of my mind. I wonder if it'll ever go back to normal? Probably not.

The sun was bright today and I mentally slap myself for wearing a hoodie, especially since it's the same one Tilly would wear. She looked much better in it than I could ever manage.

"Soooo. Nice weather huh?" Andrea says, removing me from my in depth thoughts.

"Yeah. Its kinda hot doe fam."

"True. Take off that hoodie then Espinosa." She laughed sipping her smoothie.

"What'd you call me?" I stopped, dropping my smoothie.

"Espinosa? Thats your last name isnt it?" Tilly laughed. Her hair was curled and she was wearing a cute sundress. Her skin was barely kissed by the sun and her blue eyes were bright.

"Matthew are you okay?" She said. It was Tilly but that wasn't her voice.

"What's happening!" I yelled. I fell to the ground still looking at her.

"I love you Matt. Help me." She started crying.

"What? Tilly. Whats wrong! I love you too. I fucking love you too, I never stopped." I began to cry.

"Help me. I need you." She said reaching her hand out to me.

"I got you. I always will." I said. My eyes wide and as I grabbed out to her, she disappeared. My vision went black for a moment until I looked around.

My sight was half working and I was in pain, not just physical. I saw Carter sitting watching the small TV in the cold hospital room.

"Where is she! She needs my help! Where's Tilly! Where's my girlfriend!" I yelled. It echoed and Carter popped up worried.

"Matt. Calm down." Was all he said.

*Julian's POV*
"Well I better get back to my room. I'll see you." She smiled a half smile grabbing her shoes. I liked the way her cheeks were always rosey. Her light brown hair fell perfectly and her tan skin complimented it. I was easily lost in her green eyes.

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