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*Tilly's POV*
I wake up and rub my sleepy eyes. I run over to Ems room to wake her up by smacking a pillow on her face. She swats at my arm which is funny. As I am slowly waking up I smell something really good.
I walked into the kitchen to find Gracie making some, what looked like lunch. Wait what time is it? I checked the clock on the stove that read 11:30. Wow. I have never slept so late. I pat myself on the back and sit on the kitchen stool out of Gray's way.
"This smells amazing!" I gush checking my phone.
"Thank you! I am making some spicy chicken tacos." She smiles rustling some chicken in a pan with her spatula.
"Oh my gosh yess!" I laugh excited and now awake. I go to the fridge to dig for my drinks. Ems has just now rolled her lazy butt out of bed.
"Ems where are my Caprisuns!" I shout afraid Matt has taken them like he does my other snacks.
"Back of the fridge." She says sleepily playing with her hair. I dig some more to find them and happily walk back to my stool. Ems has seemed kinda distant lately I don't know why. I walked over to her to hug her good morning when the door bell rang. I ran over to it and looked to see Johnson.
"Aye what up J" I say jokingly. We do a bro hug and both laugh.
"Aye T!" He returns my weird hello and walks over to Ems picking her up and spinning her around. She giggles like a girly girl and he places her back on her feet.
"Why are you so happy today?" She laughs now fully awake.
"Well. Your boy's US tour was just confirmed. We are going to 60 US cities baby!" He held his hand up to high five her and she returned.
"That's amazing!" She gushed happily for him. She then looked at me kind of sad. I was hell confused but I just smiled along with Jack's excitement.
"Jack and Jack tour! Yes I'm so fucking pumped!" Jack couldn't stop talking about it. It was weird. Ems would smile at him and be almost worried for me.
"Ems are you okay?" I try not to ruin her cheery mood with Jack.
"Yep." Oh god. She never says that. This must be bad. A one word answer? I'm kinda afraid now.
"You sure...?" Jack is now making the same worried face. It's like something clicked with what was going on. I'm the only lost here. Well and Gray over there cooking.
"Tilly.." Emily says starting to worry me. I thought she would be worried of what I am going to tell her but now it is me who is worried.
"Jack is going on his tour.." She starts fiddling with the rings on her fingers.
"Yeah I know." I'm still confused.
"And I'm going with him." She finished. I sigh and gulp at the same time. I don't know how to feel but hopefully I can make her feel better about it.
"That's awesome Ems! Um I have something to tell you too. I was gonna wait until-" I am cut off by Matthew walking in. He kisses my forehead and wraps his arm around my waist.
"Oh well now he's here." I squeak happily waiting to tell her.
"Okay so what is it?" She questions me as I nervously wait as long as I can. Matt looks down with a reassuring smile and I breathe.
"Matt is also going on tour. And I am going with him." I smile with relief and Ems hugs me as Matt releases.
"Babe! Thats awesome!" She is a lot happier now. I'm not really sure how it's gonna be being away from here. I guess it'll just be like when we were younger Facetime and text constantly.
"Lunch is ready!" Gray smiled although we can all tell something is up. She missed our whole conversation and I ponder what happened with them last night.
I sit down at the end of the table with Matt on my right and Ems on the left with Jack by her and Gray on the other end.
"Gracie this looks amazing!" Jack says already eating into his tacos before we can all even settle down.
"Yummy!" Ems smiles after taking a smile bite of her meatless taco. So basically just a corn shell and cheese. I worry about her eating sometimes. She doesn't eat as much as she should but I don't question it. Matt is just silently but cutely eating his taco.
"So Gray," I start off sipping a capri sun and biting my taco, "what happened with you and Taylor last night?" I smile thinking the news is gonna be good.
"You gettin married?" Ems says in a fake gangster voice like a dork.
"No. Um. Taylor is just going on his Europe tour. And um. I told him to go without me. I have a good job here and I can't leave it for four months. I let him go.." She finished and my heart broke as she sadly ate her taco and sipped some water.
"Babe.. I'm so sorry." Emily said with a crack in her voice.
"It's gonna be okay. You and Taylor will find your way back. I know it." I smile rubbing her back comforting her. She returned the smile and went back to her food.
We all sat kind of quiet for the rest of the time not speaking of anything other than the weather for a while since we didn't want to upset Gray with tour talk.
"Well I better get going. I don't want to bother you guys anymore." She giggles slightly putting things into her backpack.
"You aren't bothering us babe." Ems smiled at her as Jack stood behind her pinching her sides making her squirm.
"Yeah. And we were wondering if you were going to come back? Like if you want to stay here while we are gone?" I try not to mention the tours too much but Emily is gonna be gone for 4 months and me 3. I know Gray doesn't wanna stay at her house with Taylor she will get so sad there.
"Really? When do y'all leave?" She says in her slight accent from growing up in South Carolina.
"We leave in a week." Jack says with Em nodding.
"We leave in like a week or two." I say not knowing exactly.
"Week and a half." Matt corrects me and I roll my eyes at his sassy attitude.
"Oh okay cool. What should I do until then?" Gray asked sitting on the edge of the couch by her backpack.
"You can stay on the couch? If you want to anyway." I smile.
"Okay thank you so much! I will help around the house and feed Cleo. You won't even know I'm here." She smiles hugging me and Em.
"No problem." I smile along with Em.
We then all break out of convos doing our own thing. I walk into my room and Matt follows behind me.
"What do you want to do today babe?" He asked me sitting on my colorful bedspread.
"Um I don't care. You choose." I smile waiting to find out what to pick from my large closet.
"How about we take a hike?" He smiles. We always do the same typical things so I like this idea.
"Should we invite Ems and them or?" I ask standing by my closet in his hoodie and some little shorts.
"I can't focus. You look sexy in my hoodie." He stands up grabbing my waist, "and this bun in your hair." He bites his lip looking down at me.
"Oh my gosh. Boy stop." I laugh as he still holds my waist.
"I can't." He smiles and leans down pressing those full lips against mine. I smile up at him and kiss him again surprising him.
"You intrigue me." He says out of no where. His words shock me as I look at him confused.
"How so?" I raise my eyebrow.
"I just feel like your innocence is an act. And I'm gonna find out you are this little rebellious, dangerous girl." I don't respond just slightly laugh.
"But hey. I could be wrong." He continues. Maybe it was all an act. Maybe he would find out soon.
I give him a sly look and smile. I find myself giving him a wink and turning around going back to the closet. His jaw drops and I laugh looking back at him.
"So are we asking Ems or not?"
"Yeah sure." I don't think he heard the question he is focused on his thoughts of me being some bad girl.
I walk out of the room as Matt stays in his spot and find Ems. I can't find her but her door is closed. Yeah her and Jack are in there and I'm not opening that. I laugh to myself and walk back in my room.
"So are they coming or not?" Matt says waiting for me to get dressed and stuff.
"Nah they're fucking." He laughs at my choice of words and I join.
"Oo maybe you aren't innocent." He says smirking at me.
"Just get out so I can get dressed." I roll my eyes.
"But you're so cute." He pouts and I just shut my closet doors going into my walk in closet.
I grab some yoga pants from PINK and grab a light blue PINK racerback that covers up the top of my butt. I slip on my Nike black socks and lace up my floral Roshes.
I open the doors to see Matt standing there waiting for me right outside. He is in a black t shirt, Nike cloth gray shorts, black Nike socks, plain white Nikes and his long hair pushed back with a headband.

He slips on his sunglasses as I pull my long hair into a high pony.
"Ready?" I say smiling. I am super excited for a relaxing hike.
"Yep." He smiles back.
I grab my phone and earbuds off my dresser as I shut off the light to my room. Matt follows behind me probably looking at how my yoga pants fit me. Gracie seems to be watching TV but she looks asleep so I don't bother waking her.
"Ems we are leaving!" She doesn't answer. I'm kinda worried but I'm sure her and Jack are doing what I assume.
I follow Matt out to his car. I hop in the passenger seat and he just sits and smiles at me before starting the car.
"What?" I say laughing.
"I love you sitting in my passenger seat" He smiles and puts the keys in the ignition.
I put in the aux cord and plug it into my phone. I play one of Matt's favorite songs by Vancouver Sleep Clinic. He sings along as I just watch and listen. It's adorable. I then put it on 'The Way' by Ariana Grande just for my own entertainment.
Matt has always joked that he sings like Ariana so I listen as he sings. He sings her high notes out so much he puts his left hand up in the air for dramatic affect.
I laugh at his adorable singing and play a few songs by DNCE and some other artists like Zayn.
"We are gonna need some snacks and stuff." He says as we pull into a gas station.
I hop out of the seat and walk behind Matt inside. I pick out a Smart Water, fruit snacks and some wheat pretzel sticks. I set it on the counter and wait for Matt who brings up a Gatorade, beef jerky and some other random stuff. He checks us out as we race back to the car. I'm so excited to explore some if Cali I haven't yet.
We drive another half hour or so jammin to some songs.
We pull up to a small dirt lot and I hop out of the high up seat as dust flies. I put my Vans backpack on my back as Matt does the same and double checks he has everything. I stare at his blue reflective sunglasses and adorable headband. He flashes me a quick smile and goes back to looking at a map on his phone.
"Looks like we go...this way. To reach the top." He pointed to the trail connected to the dusty area at the left.
"Okay." I smile not knowing what is in store for us.

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