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"And I'm the most excited to go to London. Shit's gonna be lit, I'll be sure to send you pics."

"Mhmm." I hummed staring into space not even paying attention to a word Bryson was saying.

The room reeked of paint, I couldn't stand the smell of it, but it was going to smell like that for a while.

Bryson was preparing the nursery for baby Trent. The crib was already put together and we already had a mental image of the room layout. The last thing was the painting and Bryson was already half way through it.

"What's good with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Nigga, you ain't Justin Beiber."

I laughed before answering.

"I'm just thinking about what I'm gonna do without you here for a couple months." I sighed. "And you not being able to be there with me at the hospital or to be there for the first months of Trent's life."

"Do you think I really wanna go on tour right now?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Well you seem like your really excited to be going on tour."

"Why wouldn't I be? You know how long I been waitin' to drop a album and do a tour."

"So some tour is more important than your son's birth?"

"What you expect me to do? When I found out you were pregnant I already set up the tour dates and released them to the public. I couldn't change anything!"

"It's not the fact that you can't be there to see your son be born it's the fact that you're acting like the tour is more important."

"I didn't expect you to get pregnant! Everything was already set up for the tour, so it had to come first."

"It would make the situation a little better if you showed some sympathy for missing the birth."

"It would make the situation better if you showed appreciation for the shit I do."

"The shit you do like what?"

"I ain't leave you once I found out you was pregnant like some other nigga would. I pay all the bills in this house and you don't have to pay for shit. The main reason why I'm going on tour is to make money for you, Trent and Harley and all the money I been makin' been goin' to ya'll anyway."

"Okay Bryson, I'm done talking about this."

"You always do that shit." He mumbled thinking I wouldn't hear.

"I always do what?" I retorted.

"Whenever you argue with someone and they bring up a valid point you always get mad and say you're done with it 'cause you know you're wrong."

"Whatever Bryson." I said rolling my eyes.

"You just proved my point."

"I said I was done with it Bryson!"

"You mad at me now, but you gonna miss me while I'm gone."

Knowing how me and Bryson were, we would be arguing all day if we remained in the same room.

I went to the bedroom to lay down and relax my mind. It was hard to find a comfortable napping position due to Trent's kicking and due to my stomach being big now. I just wanted this baby boy out of me.

As I started dosing off I felt the other side of the bed weigh down and a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Get away from me Bryson." I sternly said.

"I'm just tryna make peace between us. This the last day we should be arguin'. Plus, you ain't even got a reason to be mad at me."

"I have every right to be mad."

"If I had the ability to push the tour back don't you think I would?"

"Okay Bryson, I get it. You can't magically move the tour back, it's fine." I sighed. "Maybe I do overreact all the time."

"No matter how aggravating and annoying you can be, I'll still put up with you 'cause that's how much I love you."

"I love you too Bryson." I said pecking him on the cheek. "There's no one else who I would wanna have my first child by."

"And there's no other woman who I would wanna have my first son by."

I smiled from ear to ear just by hearing that.

"How's Trent's room coming along?"

"The painting is all done, we just gotta arrange the furniture."

I zoned out for a while admiring Bryson's features. This was something I did often, that's just how fine he was.

"You good?" Bryson asked snapping me out of my trance.

"Yeah." I replied as Bryson pressed his hand against my stomach and Trent started kicking like crazy something he would do only when Bryson touched my stomach.

"He loves his daddy." I told Bryson.

"Yeah, he gon miss me the most when I'm gone." He smiled.

I swear Bryson and I had the most bipolar relationship. Almost everyday we would argue, to the point where we wanted to rip each other's hair out, but then we would end up making up to the point where we wanted to hug up on each other all night long. Do I really forgive too easily?

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