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"Your test results have come back and everything's the way it should be. Your blood pressure is normal and by our last visit on Thursday you seem to have been healing nicely over the past six weeks or so. Now, it is safe for you to engage in sexual intercourse." Dr. Joseph spoke.

"Yes!" Bryson cheered once he heard the news.

"I wish you the best of luck with the baby."

"Thank you." I said before hanging up.

"You already know what we gonna do tonight." Bryson smirked.

"Can we at least wait until tomorrow Bryson?" I said picking up Trent from his crib.

"Why?!" He semi-yelled. "A nigga had to wait months until I could have sex with you, and now you expect me to wait?!"

"Bryson," I started as I laid Trent on the changing table. "You'll be perfectly fine. You have hands don't you?"

"It's all good. I'll fuck you to sleep."

"Whatever you say Bryson."  I replied rolling my eyes.

As I strapped Trent's diaper he gripped onto one of my fingers tightly. Over the past month he's been more active moving his limbs more, having more coordination and sleeping less often. It's just gonna get worse once he starts crawling and walking is out of the question.

"Ayo I just got a email from TMZ
offering to pay for our whole wedding if we do a quick five minute interview for them." Bryson announced.

"Tell them we're not interested."

"Why? Shit, that's less money outta my pocket."

"I don't want them to ask personal stuff I don't feel comfortable with because you feel like being a cheapskate."

"Apparently we've the trending topic on lots of websites and magazines."

"I don't care, Bryson. I'm not doing it."

"What's the worse that can happen? We answer a few questions and save a couple thousand dollars at the end of the day."

"I'm not doing it and that's it Bryson."

"Oh you're doin' it. I already told them yes when I seen the email this morning."

"I just love how you make decisions without consulting with me about them."

"I wasn't gonna turn down a offer like that Jai."

"You know I like to stay away from the media."

"This benefits us so you can't be all that mad. We go tomorrow at three."

"Whatever Bryson." I responded laying Trent on a pillow allowing him to watch TV, the only thing that kept him occupied for a while.

"Well I'm gonna head to the studio." He announced.

"For what? Didn't you go yesterday, and the day before and--"

"Aight I get it." He cut me off. "You know how hard I've been workin' on this single with Drake. First I gotta lay down lyrics, pick a beat, design the cover and pick a release date."

"How long are you gonna be tonight, Bryson?" I asked.

"We only got the hook down, but I'll make sure to be home early, so I can still get in them panties." He winked. "You ain't gotta worry 'bout me Jai.
Once I get all this music shit out the way I'll have more time for you."

"You said that once your tour was over I could have you all to myself, but obviously that's not true." I scoffed.

"You don't know how long the fans been wanting me to collab with Drake. This'll boost my sales and my fanbase, I didn't plan on doin' any singles any time soon, but this opportunity came along and I couldn't pass it up."

"Go ahead, Bryson. Have fun." I said.

I could tell that Bryson was shocked by my response. Usually, those types of conversations would result in a heated verbal argument. Honestly, it wasn't even worth us screaming our heads off over his job. We've done it way too many times, and I'm just sick of it.

Once Bryson left and I put Trent to sleep, I went to check up on Harley. She was awfully quiet sitting there playing with all of her toys that were scattered all over the floor.

"Harley, make sure you put those toys back in the boxes." I informed her.

"Can you help me?" She asked.

"Yeah." I responded kneeling down to pick up the toys as Harley did the same.

It was quiet for a good minute.

"When will I see my mommy again?" She asked me.

"I really don't know." I responded.

"She said it would be for a while. She told me she was going on a vacation." Harley told me.

"To where?" I asked as if I didn't know the real story behind it all.

"I don't know. I remember watching her snort something white off the table and when I asked her about it she said it was a way adults eat pixie sticks then she left me with my auntie to watch me and my auntie got a phone call. She was sad, and she told me that mommy went on a vacation, but I don't remember her packing anything."

"Well you can ask her about it when she comes back from her 'vacation'."

"She said she would send me postcards and pictures."

"Did you get any?"

"No." She responded looking as if her heart was crushed. "Daddy told me not to worry about it and that you're my new mommy and that you would be a better person to take care of me."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, he always talks about you. When he first met you he always talked about how pretty, smart, and how much he liked you."

Before I had a chance to reply I heart Trent's small cries coming from the bedroom. I rocked him in my arms for a while, and when that didn't work,
I put the pacifier in his mouth instantly shutting him up. He was still wide awake, but at least he was quiet.

I managed to snap a cute picture of him watching TV and I was debating whether I wanted to expose him to the public yet.

What do I have to lose? It has been almost two months, and fans are dying to finally see him.

I posted it on my Instagram page where it got over one thousand likes in the first five minutes.

I posted it on my Instagram page where it got over one thousand likes in the first five minutes

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"You guys asked for it, and you guys waited, so here he is. The loml, my baby boy Trent 💟"

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