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"Hey baby boy." I cooed in a baby voice tickling Trent's stomach as he giggled. "Are you ready to take a bath little boy?" I asked as if he was able to reply starting to undress him.

Today was the first day I brung my baby home. My mother had to work today, so I was gonna be all by myself today. I kept a calendar on my refrigerator counting down the days until Bryson came back home which was in about three weeks.

As I washed Trent up he was splashing the water around and giggling. He was only two days old, but he already knew how to react to certain things.

After I got him dressed he fell asleep like he always did after he got a bath. I laid him in his swing and sat down to catch up on all my shows. As soon as I sat down I the doorbell rang. I sighed and went to go get it.

I swear, my job's never done.

I opened the door to a person who I always was able to recognize. There standing in the doorway with all his suitcases was Bryson.

"You didn't expect me did you?"

I hugged him tightly. It was the most intimate hug we've ever had.

"I thought you're tour didn't end until another three weeks!"

"I managed to work some things out and tweak the tour dates."

"And you never told me?!"

"I wanted to surprise you."

"I'm just so happy to see you! But Trent's in the living room if you wanted to see him and I'll help you put your bags in the bedroom."

When I returned back to the living room I seen Bryson playing with Trent. I'm assuming Trent woke up since he doesn't sleep long most of the time.

"Harley's gonna be happy when she sees Trent tomorrow." Bryson said.

I smiled thinking about Harley too. Even though she wasn't my biological daughter, I still loved her like she was my own.

"I just can't wait to see how she'll react." I said smiling to myself
once again.

Just then, Bryson's phone began to ring. We both eyed it down as it laid on the coffee table between us. I reached to grab it, but even though it was closer to me, Bryson's reflexes were faster and he beat me to it. I managed to have a look at the caller ID and it's said Lexi. Hmm... I haven't heard anything from or about her in a while...

Bryson answered the call.



"You serious?"


"I can't I'm--"


"Aight... I'm coming." Bryson said before ending the call.

"What was that about?" I questioned.

"Lexi's being held down at the police station." He explained to me as he laid Trent back in his swing and grabbed his jacket. "She wouldn't tell me what for, but she wants me to go bail her out."

"And you're actually gonna do that for her?"

"Well," he paused thinking of a logical reason of why he should go bail her out. "Yeah I am."

"With your own money?"

"It's only six thousand, ain't no big deal."

"Umm yes it's a very big deal." I said crossing my arms.

"I don't see the problem."

"When do you ever open your eyes and see things?"

"I'm just doing what's right."

"You need to understand that you can't go out saving other bitches like you don't have an infant at home. Trent's not even a week old yet and we're already having an argument."

"Do you think that I would be doing this if she wasn't Harley's mother?!"

"And are you in a relationship with her? You're spending six thousand dollars on your ex bitch when that money could go toward things that we actually need, especially since we have a two day old baby."

"On my way here I was really praying that you wouldn't start all that bs."

"Every time we fight I'm always the one that hits you with bs right? Well Bryson, I'm so sorry if I'm not too thrilled about the idea that you are still close friends with your baby mama." I sarcastically said.

"I accept your apology, Jailee."

On everything, the only time Bryson calls me by my full name is when we argue or he's just really pissed at me.

"But you can go ahead and do whatever you need to handle with Lexi, but just know I'll make sure you sleep on the couch tonight."

"That's fine, I'll just crash at Devvon's tonight."

"And I'll call Lauren and make sure she doesn't let you into the house. You and I both know I have that type of power."

He sat there staring into space as if he was thinking hard.

"I'm tired of being your mother Bryson always telling you what's right, what's wrong and what you need to do." I said folding my arms.

He sighed.

"Then fine. I won't go."

"You must've been out of your damn mind if you thought it was okay for you to go out there and do that."

"You know me, I try to be a helpful person."

I rolled my eyes having a seat on the adjacent couch.

He sucked his teeth.

"You always catch an attitude over nothing."

"And did I say I had an attitude?" I spat.

"You just got an attitude with me right now! If I said I wasn't going then why you still mad for?"

"I don't even know why you still even talk to that bitch." I said under my breath.

"If we didn't have a daughter do you think I'd still talk to her?

"I honestly don't know Bryson because you did cheat on me with her and other bitches, so I have every right to get upset when she calls."

"I thought we said we were leaving the past in the past. You said it yourself that we shouldn't bring up old shit!"

"Goodnight Bryson." I said heading toward the bedroom. "You can watch Trent tonight."

"There you go ending the conversation when someone brings up a valid point."

"Whatever." I replied.

"How you gon leave me with a two day baby?"

"You're not a first time father." I said once I got to the bedroom laying across the bed.

When Bryson and I first got together we had the best relationship. Of course we had disputes here and there, but we never had heated arguments like we do now. One thing I peeped was that all the fighting and disagreements started when when I first got pregnant. It's true. A child really does take a toll on a relationship.

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