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"Thank you everyone for attending this meeting." My boss announced as we all took as seat at the table.

"I'm more than glad to introduce a new employee. Every one, this is Lauren Victor." He said pointing to the young girl next to him.

"She attends Bellarmine University right here in Louisville and she's going to be an intern here for a while to earn college credit." He explained. "Just so you can get the gist of things around here, you'll be working with Jailee for a little while until you understand what you're doing." He told her.

"God..." I mumbled to myself as everyone else cleared the room.

"I'm Lauren." The girl said holding her hand out for me to shake. "But I guess you already knew that she added as I shook it.

"Jailee." I said.

She seemed nice so far, but first impressions aren't always correct.

"What should I learn first?" She asked me.

"I think first you should know all the rooms here and what they're used for then you'll be able to understand things better." I explained to her leading her down the wide hallway.

"This area here is all the offices. Everyone has their name on their office door so it'll be easy to find someone's office if you ever get lost."

She nodded her head.

"This is the break room. The place where we go for lunch or just for a quick break, but most of the time everyone remains in their office."

We took a few more steps.

"This is what we call the documents room. The copy machine and fax machine is in here and every office has its own printer so you don't have to worry about coming in here to print anything. You can also pick up time sheets here which are to calculate how many hours you spent on each task the boss assigns you." I explained.

"Any questions?" I asked.

"Nope." She responded.

"That's basically all you need to know. All we do here is listen to meetings and fill out paperwork." I told her.

"Should I take notes during meetings?" She asked.

"We're encouraged to, but half the stuff her talks about its BS so I don't any." I honestly said. "But as long as you're good with time management and following directions you'll be fine." I told her.

"Anything else?" She asked.

"That's all, but if you have any more questions you can always call or text me." I said giving her my number.

"I've just been really nervous about this for a while." She admitted.

"You'll do just fine, I'm sure you'll get through this week."

I'm positive since we only had a two day week this week, because of thanksgiving we have Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off plus the weekend. My plans, were to sleep through all of the days, but I'm one hundred percent sure that Bryson will hit me up with plans.

"Mark suggested that I'd work with you for the rest of the day." She explained to me.


"Your boss." She replied.

I always referred to him as my boss and supervisor, since I'd forgotten his name millions of times.

"Well," I started. "I was just going to my office to file some papers then fill out some paperwork which is something you're probably not interested in."

"I would still wanna tag along, just to learn exactly how to do things."

She followed me to my office where we spent what felt like countless hours organizing file cabinets and filling out unnecessary paperwork, but it was worth the pay. Reminding myself about my paycheck was the only thing that kept me motivated to do my job.

"I think we're done here." I said as I glanced at the clock. "Just in time."

It was 4:57, just three minutes from me getting off.

I gathered my things as Lauren gathered hers.

"How was your first day?" I asked her.

She thought for a while.

"Not what I expected, but it's worth all the college credit I'm gonna get soon." She said as I zipped up my jacket.

"Do you have a way to get home?" I asked her as we waited for the elevator.

"Yeah, my boyfriend picks me up. Usually I have my car, but it always breaks down and taking it to a auto body shop every week is way too expensive. But I guess everything's expensive for a college student."

It seems like my first impressions were true, at least I hope so. She seemed really chill and better friend material than Carmin and her BS.

As the elevator took us downstairs and to the front of the building me and Lauren said our goodbyes as I went through the large parking lot searching for my car.

Once I found it I put my key in the ignition turning the heat up since it was  freezing outside before pulling off.

Once I unlocked my door Bella greeted me with her barks and her jumping on me as I rubbed her back.

Walking into the living room I discovered Carmin knocked out on the couch with the TV still on, which I turned off since no bitch was gonna run up my electric bill.

I walked into my room slightly cracking the door as I changed my clothes and tied my hair into a bun since that was the only thing that could tame it.

I crawled into bed turning to the Investigation Discovery channel tuning into multiple episodes of Snapped and Web of Lies. I honestly could watch ID all day.

My phone flashed on and off while ringing as I picked it up it was a FaceTime call from Bryson. As I answered his face popped up and the place he was in had dimmed lighting.

"I'm sorry I ain't get to speak to you today." He said.

Usually, he would call or text right after I got off from work.

"I'm boutta go on stage right now so I was busy for a min."

"It's okay." I started. "Where are you performing?"

"It's some club on the south side called Connections. I just wanted to call you because about time I got off stage I ain't know if you was gonna be asleep or not."

"It would've been okay anyways. I know how busy you be."

"I'm get ready to perform, so I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Good luck baby." I told him before we hung up.


Lauren in MM

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