Chapter 7: He's here!

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"Chris, I told you I'll be alright."

"I know you will, it's just that, I can't keep calm knowing that that new doctor will be here today."

I laugh at Chris for being so worried, but it's proof that shows he loves me, "Well, why don't you stay for a while until you meet him so you can prove to him that I'm already taken, like what you did to my other co-workers years ago." I taunt and he scratches his head in embarrassment as he continues to drive.

In the past, when Chris had first visited the hospital, he made it clear to all my co-workers, especially the male ones, that I was his girl, and that he found almost every man in the establishment having eyes on me. He seemed very paranoid back then, but after bringing me to work almost everyday, he could rest properly.

"Well, I just don't like feeling restless. I mean, he may not even arrive today but..."

"Chris!" I cut him off, "It's going to be alright, okay? I'll even introduce you to him as my boyfriend so he'd quit on me before he can even start!"

Chris gives me a reassured smile and comes in to try and kiss me, but stops as soon as we hear the car from behind us honk his horn. The light has turned green, and we didn't even realize it.

All I could do was just blush in embarrassment as we were caught in the moment that we ignored everybody else, even the fact that we were in an intersection, and hindering other drivers with how cheesy we were being. It was hilarious, but I just laughed it off.

"Yeah yeah! I'm going, you impatient b*st*rd!" Chris laughs as he operates the clutch into drive.

"Chris!" I scold him.

I don't know, but it's become a habit to scold him every time he curses. I know other people around me curse too, but the only ones I have a habit of scolding are only Chris and Kelly.

"Sorry, sorry!" he laughs and continue on to drive as I give him a kiss on the cheek. "Wow! I would really want one on the lips though~!" he says as he points to his cheek as he still keeps his eyes on the road while peeking at me from time to time.

I giggle and playfully pinch his cheek in response, "Concentrate on driving Chris."

When Chris finally pulls up in the parking space, we both get out and ride an elevator to my work station's floor. We arrived at around a few minutes past eight in the morning, but getting to my office seems a bit crowded.

Kelly then grabs a hold of me and pulls me to talk by the side, "Jade! It's the new doctor! He's here!" she squeals silently in excitement.

"Really now?" says an angry Chris behind me.

"Oh! Hello Chris! So you came to mark Jade as 'yours' to the new doctor, huh?" Kelly taunts.

"Hmph! Of course! He'll never get his hands on my doctor!" Chris proudly scoffs off in triumph.

"Yes, yes. I'm only after him~! And Jade! I was right~! He's a hottie!"

I laughed at Kelly's giddiness, "Go get 'em tiger! And, where's Hazel?"

"Late... As always..." Kelly rolled her eyes.

One of the doctors then spots me and calls me over, it's Dr. Fredrick Peterson, a friend of mine who is a Surgeon, "Jade, Cecilia is in there trying to explain the research you've been working on since he arrived at around 7:30, and has just been chatting him up about the place since we can't leave him alone without you to arrive yet."

Cecilia Turner is also one of my closest doctor friends, she's a Dermatologist, but yet, understands most of what I do since she frequently visits me just to talk in her free time.

I then hear Chris clearing his throat to catch our attention. "Oh. Hello Chris." greets Fredrick in a monotone voice.

"Hello Fredrick." he glares back.

"That's Doctor Peterson to you."

"Oh you neve--"

"Quit it you guys!" I intervene so these two won't start a fight. These two have been neck-in-neck ever since Fredrick also proclaimed his love for me and told Chris that he'd steal me away from him. But, it's turned into quite the hilarious rivalry, and I let them be.

"Now's not the time to start your war! Fredrick, is the new doctor in my office?"

"Yes, let's go..." Fredrick leads the way and Chris, Kelly and I follow his lead. Kelly then shoos away all the other staff that are looking in on the scene and then have a sour face from not being able to see anything.

"You'll get to see him work any day you want!" Kelly taunts them with a stuck out tongue as they leave.

Fredrick knocks twice on the door, and was opened shortly to reveal Cecilia. "I'm glad you're finally here! I didn't know what else to say about the place! Although, I would've loved more company with doctor hot-stuff in there~!" said Cecilia in a flirtatious voice.

I playfully hit her, "Cecilia! What would Lloyd do if he heard that?"

Lloyd is Cecilia's husband, and they've been married for three years now. She is older than me by the way. "Hehe... I was just sayin'! Now get in there!"

She tries to push me in forcefully, "Hey! No pushing! I'll get in!" I laugh at her being so persistent.

"We'll wait out here first." Kelly smiles and I shake my head at them.

My gaze then shifts to Chris, as he has a sad, concerned look on his face, "Chris, trust me, okay?" He still has a worried look, but forces a smile and nods at me.

I then slowly turn to the door and swallow hard before knocking on the door and turning the knob to get inside. "Good morning. I heard that you're the new doctor and-" My eyes widened as I saw who was before me. "No way! No way in... Blarg!"

The man sitting on the chair by my table then laughs at me, "Blarg? That is so you Jade."

"I can't believe it's you! Oh my gosh! You got assigned to CS? Oh my land... You're here!" I couldn't stop freaking out as I was happy to be paired up with him.

He then stood up to extend his hand, "I'm excited to be working with you, Dr. Jade Winterson."

I then calmed myself down a bit, but I was still smiling like a doofus. I then accepted his hand and shook it.

"And I to you, Dr. Luke Ritter."


Hey Guys!

You finally know the name of the new doctor! But I know, the first question in your minds is: 'Who's he?'  Yeah... Well, you'll know in the next chapter~! :D Hehehe... Another mystery for you guys... ^_^

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~Kurisu-chan :*

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