Chapter 42: After the Wedding

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The party was on for hours now. Tons of groupies, selfies, and proper pictures were even taken to celebrate this momentous occasion. The mood of the entire day was set to a maximum happy level.

The program then went to the point where the emcee announced that the newly weds would come on to the dance floor to share their dance together and the music that played was right for the occasion. I kinda laughed a bit though, because Chris had already prepared a list of songs to be played for this part.

He's a musician. He SHOULD choose the right songs for us to have a good time. Hehe...

The music that was currently playing was 'Out of My League' by Stephen Speaks. And while dancing and twirling me around, Chris would some times sing lines from the song.

"It's her hair and her eyes today, that just simply take me away. And the feeling that I'm falling further in love makes me shiver, but in a good way."

I giggle as Chris sings those lines and I just hit him playfully on the arm as I was feeling a bit embarrassed as I thought that those weren't just verses to the song, but also his true thoughts right now.

"Cause I love her with all that I am, and my voice shakes along with my hands. Cause its frightening to be swimming in this strange sea, but I'd rather be here than on land. Yes she's all that I see, and she's all that I need, and I'm out of my league once again."

The program went on and on with other couples coming to the dance floor and slow dancing with us. It was such a romantic atmosphere that I felt like time just needed to stop right now. I felt so safe in Chris' arms and so calm dancing slowly with him.

I felt like I needed to, so I let go of Chris in the middle of one of the songs and wrapped my arms around his back and nuzzled my face into his chest. I then began to mutter, "Ah... I don't want this feeling to end. Today's just so amazing that it might just drive me to tears."

Chris then chuckled as he hugged me tighter and kissed my forehead. "I got an even better performance for you, Jade." Chris says as he lets go of me and rushes towards Adam to whisper some things and the crowd questions what is happening as the music also ends. Adam then rushes back to Chris while carrying a guitar and the whispers began to get louder.

[Chris' P.O.V.]

Adam comes back and hands me my guitar as he grabs a hold of the microphone to announce what would be happening next. "Can I have everyone's attention please?"

Oh sh*t! How embarrassing is this?!

"One of the highlights this evening is about to start, and I hope you all would enjoy the show~!"

I didn't tell you to say that! I told to-...

"And now, Chris will serenade his lovely wife!" Adam announces and the crowd gives me a warm-up applause as Adam also grabs a chair for Jade to sit in in the middle of the dance floor. I gulp down the nervousness and start to strum my guitar as I focus on Jade and start to make my way slowly to her. The song was 'Greatest Story Ever Told' by James Oliver.

"Thank you for this moment
I've gotta say how beautiful you are
Of all the hopes and dreams I could've prayed for
Here you are."

I sang and winked at her as Jade just shows a shy smile and a blush.

"If I could have one dance forever
I would take you by the hand
Tonight it's you and I together
I'm so glad I'm your man.

And if I lived a thousand years
You know I never could explain
The way I lost my heart to you that day.
But if destiny decided I should look the other way
Then the world would never know
The greatest story ever told
And did I tell you that I love you tonight?"

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