Chapter 58: Reminisce

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A couple of weeks later, Jade has been put through this and that throughout this entire thing. Some days she'd be fine, some days she'd be unconscious for days, and some days... Some days I'd just hate to live through again.

Seeing Jade suffer so much with this problem of hers makes me suffer twice as much just to see her in this state. I really wanted the operation to happen soon and just thought countless of times and even told Jade countless of times to forget the baby and live on with me. But she wouldn't have any of it. She wanted the baby to live, even if she wouldn't.

That just rips my soul apart!

I love Jade more than anything in this world, so I wouldn't want to trade her for anything. I apologize deeply towards my unborn child, but Jade is my top priority.

Jade's parents have also been staying over at our place for the mean time and visit Jade everyday to check on her, and believe me, when Jade's in pain, it's like a never ending crying party. I don't usually stay at home, since I'm with Jade. Also Jade's father can't stay for more than two days a week because of his work. For now, they aren't here because they're currently doing a bit of grocery shopping.

"We're afraid that when Jade gives birth, something big is going to happen. And this 'something big' is 'something scary' that might be threatening towards Jade's life."

Said one of the doctors to me a week ago when Jade was unconscious again for another three days.

Also, Luke hasn't even taken a step out of his office. I visit him from time to time, and I can see that he is really working his ass off on figuring out a solution on how to cure Jade. I have really deep respect for the guy. He hasn't been exiting his office much, he only goes out to go to the restroom or goes out to visit Jade to talk about the experiments lately to gain more insight.

He goes home at least once in three days to take a shower and get a change of clothes, but he mostly brings two set of clothes to the hospital and sleeps a bit in his office to immediately start working on his samples and research.

It was also my first time seeing the guy with a beard about to grow out of his chin.

Even the food he eats has been little and irregular. Kelly, Hazel and I mostly deliver his food to him, but its Kelly who forces the guy to eat as he is completely infatuated with his work. And I thank him for his dedication.

Snapping me out from my thoughts, I hear Jade giggling gently. I peek at her a little then go back to peeling the apples for her. I snicker a little and comment, "The part you're reading on must be funny?"

Jade giggles again and disagrees, "No... Actually, if you haven't noticed, I've been stuck on this one page for quite some time now."

I then stop on what I am doing and turn to face her, "Then that page might have gotten to you?"

"Buuu~. Wrong again~!" she pointed out, "Actually, this page was quite boring, so I started to daydream."

"Really? What were you thinking about that was so funny then?" She giggled some more, which made me even more curious. "Stop it with the giggles and get to the telling me part." I pouted.

"My my... What an eager little boy." she teased.

"Hey! I am not little and I am definitely not any 'boy'. I am a tall, fine, young man."

"Yes Chris. Yes you are." she smiled.

"I see what you're doing."


"You're changing the topic cause you're embarrassed to tell me what you were daydreaming about. Well, You're not fooling me. Tell meeeeeeeee Jaaaaaaaddeeeeeeeeee~~~~....." I whined childishly and Jade laughed at me this time.

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