Chapter 51: Emergency

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It's around the middle of August right now as Jade is now seven months into her pregnancy.

I keep telling her to stop working and just get a maternal leave as she has to at least rest for two months before giving birth to our little one. But no... She keeps saying that the correct time for her to go into her maternal leave would be four weeks before expected date of birth and that she can still work!

But that's not what I'm sensing!

I feel as though Jade is trying to hide the fact that she needs rest and that she doesn't look quite sturdy anymore than she used to. Sometimes, she even spends more time in the hospital than usual.

Well, at least Dr. Wang calls me at times to let me know that she is watching over Jade and to not let me worry as she would stay over the hospital, not to over-work herself, but to be watched over by Dr. Wang.

Today's her day off from work, so I'm taking the pleasure of watching over her and taking care of and making sure she's rested and not straining herself out even for a second.

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Sometime in the morning, while we were watching a movie together, Jade started to cough a little. "I'm going to go get a glass of water." she says as she stands up.

"I can get it for you." I get myself ready to stand up and bolt to the kitchen.

"C'mmon Chris, I can at least get a glass of water for myself." she smiles as she walks towards the kitchen and I keep my eyes glued on her.

Without reaching the kitchen yet, Jade stops in her tracks and places a hand on her chest. I slowly stood up, concerned and had a bad feeling. To my shock, Jade started wheezing.

"Jade?! Jade!" I yelled as I darted in front of her. I held her shoulders and she felt as cold as ice and looked as pale as a zombie. I couldn't believe my eyes and I began to sweat nervously and feel really scared. "Jade... Stay with me! I'm bringing you to CS!"

When she stopped wheezing, she was trembling so much and looked really weak that I couldn't bear to see her like this. She looked at me tenderly with her pale skin and tearful eyes as she forced out her words, "I'm sorry Chris." before passing out and I caught her swiftly before her knees could even reach the floor.

Holding her in my arms, I called out, "Jade?"

No response.

"JADE!!!" I yelled again. Hoping for the impossible, I punched myself in the face, giving myself a bruised up cheek.


Acting quickly, I then scooped up Jade in my arms and quickly and safely drove us to the hospital where when Fredrick saw me with an unconscious Jade in my arms, it's like he had seen a ghost and immediately called up nurses and told them to rush her to the Emergency Room.

I was following Jade the entire time and couldn't careless about anything else right now, all I wanted to hear, was that my wife, was that my Jade was alright!

Moments later after Jade being rushed into the ER, I saw Luke running, out of breath and looking really unstable. We made eye contact and he then looked enraged, "THE F*CK JUST HAPPENED TO HER?!?!?!!"

"Luke... Please save Jade. I'm begging you... I can't loose her." my voice was cracking.

"I can do that without you telling me sh*t! You better explain everything when we finish!" after those words, Luke went inside to help with the operation.

I could tell what was happening to Jade now was not just some ordinary passing out or something. This was some serious sh*t, since Luke doesn't normally curse, even when he's angry at me. It was only now that I've heard him this pissed off.

Dear God, why now? Why Jade? Please don't take her from me. I know I've done some horrible things in the past, but please don't give Jade all the burden, please don't let her suffer.

Minutes began to feel like hours, and hours began to feel like days. The doctors were taking all their time for Jade in there, I couldn't help but imagine the worst.

No! Jade will get through this! She's a strong woman! She won't give up!

I even forgot that we had a child on the line with all this chaos happening. Please let the child live as well, don't let all this mayhem affect the child's health and growth. I was praying so much from where I was sitting down that I couldn't bare to think of anything else.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps rushing towards me. They were from Kelly, Hazel and Cecilia, since Fredrick was a surgeon and is inside helping out the other doctors. "We got the message from Fredrick's nurse! What happened?!" Kelly yelled as she was gripping tightly on my shirt's collar.

My voice still shaky and myself trying to hold back the tears, I do the best I can to explain, "We were just at home resting... Jade coughed a little and went to get some water in the kitchen... Then she started to wheeze and she apologized and passed out."

"Did she fall to the ground?!" worried Cecilia.

"No. I caught her before she fell." I said and she sighed in relief.

"I was afraid this would happen on her day off at home." mumbled Kelly as she placed a hand on her forehead and started to pace back and forth.

My eyes started to blur again as I mumbled, "What's happening. Is this my fault? Tell me Jade's going to be alright."

"That is what we are praying for too, Chris." said Hazel in a sad tone, which didn't reassure me and made me want to cry.

Then out of the blue, Kelly hugged me while rubbing my back, "One thing I can reassure you of is that Jade is a strong woman. So she will get through this. She stayed strong when you were going through your heart problem, so she will stay strong with this problem as well. Just have faith in her."

Kelly's words made me feel melancholic, but I was fighting my emotions. Yes, Jade stayed strong for my sake, so I will for hers.

"Has Jade still not told you?" Hazel starts.

"Told me what?"

"Hazel!" Kelly yells.

"He has the right to know! And now's the best time to tell him!" she yelled back and this time, Kelly couldn't retort to her.

"What is Jade keeping from me?" I ask, utterly worried out of my wits right now.

The three give each other glances and nods before Kelly stares at me seriously with sorrowful eyes. She inhales and exhales once before telling me the sad truth.

"Jade has Pulmonary Fibrosis."


Hey Guys!!!

There's a big twist to the story, and it looks like Chris wasn't the only one with health problems! What will happen to Jade and their unborn child? Get to know more about Jade's problem in the next chapter.

Btw, I already planned this to happen since book one, it's just... I didn't expect book one to nearly reach 100 chapters, and I didn't want it to go on more, and I thought book 2 was a better solution... :3

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~Kurisu-chan ;*

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