Chapter 20: Ride of My Life

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Jade took her call outside, but judging by the way she's talking, it must be someone who isn't a superior, since she has a fixed expression for a call from them. She looks more relaxed, like she's talking to a friend.

My heart then begins to ache and I grip at my chest as I grit my teeth. Victor then voices out, "Yo! Chris? You okay dude?" everyone at the table then slowly grows silent and turns to me, and I then put on my normal face as the pain slowly fades away.

"Yeah, was just checking."

"Don't scare us like that Chris!" Mae lightly slaps me and everyone joins in teasing me as well.

Minutes later, Jade comes back to the table, "What I miss?" she giggles as everyone was still teasing me.

"Chris was toying with us with his acting skills." pointed out Sam.

"Cool! I wanna see Chris act!" Jade's eyes start to sparkle.

Seeing her so cute and pure like this made me want to tease her for it, "I'll only act if it's a romantic scene with you~." Jade's happy face shifted into an annoyed expression. Seriously, it's hilarious!

"Is it a love scene?" Isaac wiggles his eyebrows.

"Shush it!" Jade slaps Isaac's shoulder and he just laughs at her.

"Why are you still so opposed to 'sexual things'?" Isaac asks making Jade flush out of embarrassment.

"Dude!" I spat, making Isaac look at me in confusion, "Jade's a different girl from all those other sl*ts out there! She's pure, loving, true, and just amazing!"

"So what does that make all of us other girls who aren't 'pure'?" retorted Sam. I began to have cold sweat.

"Oh! No! Sam, I didn't mean it that way..." I try to apologize.

"Nope! I completely get what you mean."

"No, Sam. It's not like that! Forgive me?" I showed her my 'sorry' face, and even though she gave me a glare, she eventually forgave me.

She then heaved out a big sigh, "If only you fell for me first instead of Jade..."

"Sam... Please don't bring up the past. We had a complicated friendship back then because of it, and I'd like things to stay the way they are right now, okay?" Jade pleaded with a smile.

"Awww~!" Sam grabbed Jade in her arms for a huge bear hug, "I want us to stay happy too, and I'm not gonna bring up any bad memories, I was just trying to tease ya! Besides, I love my husband very much as he loves me too."

"That's awesome."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[Jade's P.O.V.]

Two days have past since Chris and I have spent time together with our friends, and they're gonna leave back to Texas first thing tomorrow morning. We're spending our last day together as a group walking in the park with each of us carrying either an ice cream cone, a creamy latte, or a cola.

"Jade... I really wanna see where you work, not just the hospital building, but your work station too." suggests Mae, and all the others chime in too.

Since Chris' work has no true address, my workplace was the only place they could visit. Chris though, kept throwing negative feed backs saying that he didn't want to even let me work there anymore, and I kept opposing to him since I've been working there for more than three years now.

I know. I know. He's still mad at Luke and doesn't want to see his face or even breath the same air as him. He deserves to be mad, but I just worry about his health. I check on him daily, and when I have the chance to wake up in the middle of the night, I check on him while he's sound asleep, and his body seems calm.

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