Chapter 56: Decisions

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"What are your thoughts about our unborn baby?" Chris asks me.

I bit my lip after he said that phrase.

Why did I not see that coming?

I knew he was going to ask me that eventually, it's just, I know very well that he'll be against me. Just from the news that everyone's probably told him by now and all the facts that's filled his brain, there's a higher chance that he will disagree to my wish.

"My thoughts?" I started off, trying not to sound too broken inside. Everyone is thinking for what's best for me, but I don't want an innocent child's life to end without it even starting. "Well... Wouldn't you like to know?" I chuckle a bit to lighten the tension, but I guess that wasn't the case on Chris' side.

"Why are you laughing?" he seemed pissed. I can't blame him though, the situation I'm in is no laughing matter. "I'm serious here d*mn*t!" he said angrily but quietly through gritted teeth.

My small smile then faded to a guilty expression in a snap. "I'm sorry Chris. I was trying to lighten the mood, but guess it was a bad move. I'm sorry."

To my surprise, he placed his hand on top of mine gently, and with a face clearly full of affection and sorrow, said, "I'm sorry to have made you apologized. It was just the mood right now, and I'm not in the right sense at the mean time."

I shook my head, "You don't have to apologize either. I just made a wrong move, that's all."

I then gestured to hold his cheek in my palm and he placed his hand on top of mine while he savored my hand. The pained expression he was making just broke my heart and I wanted to cry so bad. But I held it in and tried to be strong, since I wasn't really in the position to be crying right now.

"Chris..." I began, and he laid his eyes on me, awaiting my words. "I've decided that I want the baby to live."

I was serious. I didn't want to sacrifice a life for the sake of mine, rather, I wanted that life to thrive and live a wonderful life filled with love and kindness from the people around them. I mean... I've lived plenty already, right?

After hearing my proposal, Chris bowed his head, his hand still holding mine up against his cheek as I felt it tremble, and soon enough, I felt a stray tear land on my thumb. Chris then lifted his head back up again and told me with a sad smile, "I knew you would say that. The Jade I know always puts others first before herself... But..." his voice started to crack, more tears pouring out, "Can you please put yourself first in this situation?"

Not holding in my emotions any longer, I gestured for him to come closer while impatiently tugging at him and finally hugging him tightly as I cried on his shoulder. While bursting out with emotion, I felt his hands slide behind my back to hug me as well.

"You know I thought long and hard about this, and I knew no one would listen to what I want for this. But I've ripped myself apart just thinking about for what is right!" I started to whine, constantly tugging on his shirt while my tears were soaking it in the process. "Of course I want to live! I've just started a life where the both of us are legally bound to each other. You are officially mine and I am yours, why wouldn't I want to live for your sake?! You've given me so much happiness!"

"Then why don't you let me continue to give you more happiness?!"

I bit my lip, but gradually calmed myself down, fighting back all the emotions threatening to thunder out. I then softly push Chris away to look me in the eyes. I forced out a smile and uttered out the words, "Because I want our child to experience that happiness. I want him or her be able to live and be embraced by the warmth of their parents. They deserve to live."

"And you don't?!" he objected.

"Of course I do! Don't I?!"

"YES!!! Yes! Yes! Yes..."

"I will keep fighting on for life. I want to live a life where the three of us will live as one big happy family. But... If I do not survive this, and I say 'IF'! I want you to take care of our child and shower them with the love and affection they need. I know you'll be an amazing dad, Chris." I give him a loving smile as I feel a stray tear roll down my cheek.

Chris then grabbed me into a bear hug, "You'd be an awesome mom, Jade. Please be strong."

"I will." I returned the hug, and we shared a moment of ourselves first before Chris broke the silence.

"I should be calling the nurses by now to let them know that you've woken up already." he said as we broke away from the hug and wiped all our tears away.

"Yeah. It would be for the best, and three days out made me feel quite famished."

"I can't believe you're still joking even up till now, Jade." Chris mocked me as he shook his head from side to side.

"Hey!" I whined, "I know nutrients are being supplied to my body to be served as food for when I was out, but you felt the same way when you woke up from your coma, didn't you?!"

"Right. Right. Hunger is a human emotion too." he teased and I pouted. "There's the Jade I love and miss so bad."

"I missed you too, Chris. Maybe even a lot more than how you missed me?" I tried to act cute.

"Dawww... But I should really get a nurse now to check on you."

"Sure! Call Kelly up to check on me if she's free. I would like to discuss some things with her."

"Alrighty then~! I'll get right to it~." he says as he holds the knob of the door.

"Oh! And Chris?" I beam out and he faces me and asks 'what is it', but I motion that I want to whisper. As he is close and bends over to lend me his ear, I make him face me and I give him a little smack on the lips. "I missed that." I said after the kiss and felt my cheeks growing hot. I noticed Chris blushing a little as well, and his shocked expression soon turned affectionate.

Chris gave me a tender kiss that lasted a tad longer than my smack, and as we broke away, he laid his forehead on mine and whispered, "I missed that more." then he gave me a kiss on the forehead before walking towards the door again. "I'd love to shower you with more kisses, but calling a nurse to check on you is WAY important than anything else right now. Understand?" he winked, which made me blush.

"Alright... I'll be here." I giggled as I waved him a goodbye, and he waved back as he exited the room.

As soon as the door shut, I gave it a few minutes as I slowly placed my waving hand back down and stared at my reflection on the glass window in front of me. Through gritted teeth, I tried to stay strong and not cry anymore as I mumbled out the words that I felt strongly about.

"I really don't want to leave this world, Chris..."


Hey Guys!!!

Thank you for always being patient (sorry, you really had no choice but to be patient tho...) and bearing with my stupidity. I hope you will continue to support me and my works~!

And to all those that sent me inspiring and cute messages through comments and my inbox and other social media, thank you so much. I always enjoy reading what you guys have to say and answering them. (I don't answer comments until deemed necessary tho...) But still!!! I thousand, no, a million thanks to all you awesome guys and gals out there!!! :D

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I really enjoy reading the comments, even the simplest of 'lol's'. ^^

~Kurisu-chan ;*

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