Chapter 29: Secret Plans

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"Good morning." I greet my co-workers with a smile.

A week has passed and no one was suspicious of me with the way I dressed. Since, I wore clothes that could hide my marks. And no one could be suspicious since I acted natural and it was also natural to wear such clothes since the weather was starting to get colder.

Tomorrow's going to be the first day of December~! Christmas is nearing and I'm excited, because this'll be my first Christmas living together with Chris! Even though Christmas is still so very far away, I am thinking of something special to give to Chris. I want something original, something unique, something that'd make burst out in the cutest smile possible.

"Paging doctor Winterson~? Yoohoo~? You there?" Kelly waved her hand in front of my face which brought me back from deep thought.

"Oh sorry. Wasn't paying attention..." I say as I then clap my cheeks awake to be aware of my surroundings. "You were saying, nurse Kelly?"

She giggled at me, "I was asking how I could help you with today's patient?"

"Oh that's right! I forgot that the head doctor assigned a patient to me!"

"You did prepare the documents and the devices you'll be needing to examine this person, yeah?" she inquired of me.

"Yeah! I prepared everything yesterday in advance as soon as the head doctor told me. It's right over in the cabinet to the left."


"After we're through examining the patient and recording his data, let's meet in the usual laboratory first so I can prepare the necessary items I need in order to work on a vaccination for his disease."

"Yes doctor."

"Does Luke meet up with his assigned patient today as well?"

"Since it was urgent, the head doctor told doctor Ritter to examine him as soon as possible, since his patient demanded so. So, he examined his patient yesterday and is now working on his vaccination for the patient."

"Oh... He must be busy right now then, since he wasn't in the office."

"Yes. He's with Hazel, probably in his usual laboratory as well."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After we met with the patient, we then spent our time in the laboratory for the research and the creating of samples to study for the treatment of the illness.

"How are things with Chris lately?" Kelly inquires.

"Oh, we're doing just fine."

"Hmm~? Nothing spicy yet?" she taunted, which made me flinch as I remembered last week's madness.

"W-W-What are you talking about?"

"Considering Chris has a wild side, I expected all the flirty, lovey-dovey things would happen, but you'd just brush it off... But...~~ Today's reaction is super new to me~! So... I'm expecting something did happen. No?"

"Something always happens." I try to brush it off normally.

"Always, she says. So things have gotten hotter? I didn't know you already accepted it Jadey~!" she teased me and I throw a rag at her.

"Shut it! I haven't accepted anything like that yet!" I stuck my tongue out at her and she just giggles at my display.

"What haven't you accepted yet~?" says a voice from behind us.


"Dr. Turner!"

"Greetings ladies~! I'm not disturbing anything now am I?" Cecilia asks.

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