Chapter 12: To Love Somebody

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Chris slammed the door of our car and rushed over to us. "GET THE F*CK AWAY FROM JADE, YOU DO*CH* BAG!!!"

Luke let go of me and raised his hands up at Chris who was enraged, "Look... I can explain... Just calm down..."

Chris then grabs a fist full of Luke's collar as he tells him straight, "How the hell do you expect me to calm down after what you've just displayed, huh?!"

"Hey man, I told you that I can explain."

And just like that, Chris gave Luke a great punch on his cheek. Luke fell to the ground and held the spot where Chris had punched him while trying to adjust his jaw because of the pain. "What else is there to explain when I caught you?!!" Chris yells some more at him while coming in to inflict more pain.

Even though my mind was blank, I instinctively ran up to Chris to hug him and begged in a low, terrified voice, "Chris... Please stop... That's enough..."

Chris then inhaled quite a lot of air to heave it all out in one go. He was clearly pissed just seeing what Luke was doing to me earlier. I mean, it's Luke's fault for kissing me! But... It's also my fault for thinking that Luke wouldn't treat me that way again...

"Get in the car Jade." Chris tells me calmly, with a tinge of anger.


"GET IN THE CAR NOW!!!" he spat at me and I cringe in fear as I slowly walk to the car and get into the front passenger's seat.

Luke abruptly gets up to oppose, "Whoah dude! Calm down! Jade's done nothing wro-"

"Shut up will you?!!" he says before turning his back on him to continue, "You're safe for now, but next time..." he faces back to glare at him, "I'm gonna beat the sh*t outta you if you pull this stunt again!"

Chris then gets in the car angrily and drives into the parking space. Maybe he was going to come and get me from work, but he had to see that scene...

After I got out, he locked the car and we then walked to our apartment room. While inside, I closed the door to see that Chris had stopped in his tracks, "Ch-Chris... I-I can tell you what happened..." He then pushes me to the door and I was facing his angry, yet depressed face.


His hand slams on the door behind me and closes his face in on mine, "What did that jerk do to you?"

I was really uncomfortable talking like this with this kind of mood. The anxiety was enough to make me blush intensely, "H-He just hugged me and kissed my forehead, that's all..."

Chris then scooped me into his arms, giving me a huge bear hug which could suffocate me. The next thing he did was cup my cheeks to kiss me on the forehead. Chris then motioned his hands to my arms and slid his face to my side and whispered into my ear, "Was that all he really did?" before biting my ear and motioning to kiss my neck.

I didn't like this at all. Sure, I want to be kissed by him, but not when he's angry! I hate livid kisses!

Because I couldn't handle him throwing himself at me with a tantrum, I pushed him away, my sight all blurry. "Chris! I'm telling the truth!" I begged with my voice cracking, "You're scaring me."

[Chris' P.O.V.]


I didn't mean for Jade to cry! F*CK! I am really pissed at that Luke guy, but I am also pissed for making Jade feel this way.

Jade was practically on the verge of tears just trying to convince me that that was all he did. I don't blame Jade for that to happen, I mean, I am really jealous that she has guys following her, trying to snatch her away from me while I'm not around, and that makes me paranoid.

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