Chapter 47: News

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"Please pick me up at 9PM. Thank you!" was the text I received from Jade a few hours ago, and here I am, going to the hospital now to pick her up. I wonder what's up?

When I knocked on the door and was allowed in her office, I was met with a sour-faced Luke and two demon-faced girls. I was so clueless, I ended up being super tense and said to the awkward-looking Jade that I'd be waiting outside instead.

What the fudge was going on in that office???

After Jade was finished, we had a silent drive back home. I tried making conversations with her in the car, but she sounded too nervous that it made me nervous as well, making me feel stupid throughout the entire drive.

Something happened back at work, didn't it?

"Chris?" Jade finally spoke up when we just entered the living room. "Can we talk?" she asked in a weird tone and I gulped out of anxiety and we both sat down on the couch. Is it something serious? Is it something bad?! Oh God! What is it?!?!!

"Chris... Something happened at work."

"I KNEW IT!!!" I bolted up as I screamed out after Jade told me that one sentence, making her eyes widened and question me. I apologized and sat back down, "Please continue."

"It's nothing serious. I just felt sick and threw up in the restroom."

"WHAT?!?!!" I yelled again and I was worried, "Are you okay? Did you over-exert yourself? Had breakfast gone bad? Was it cooked wrong? Do you need medicine? Should I get a--"

"Chris!" she clapped her palms on my cheeks, "Calm down... I'm fine. See?" she said and gave me a smile.

"I can see that."

"Don't worry, I visited a doctor to confirm it."

"Confirm it?"

Confirm what?

"Chris..." Jade began, making me somehow, even more nervous than I once was, "You're going to be a father."

I froze.

"Ha? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA---guuuhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled and Jade placed her hands on my mouth to prevent me from screaming even more.

"Shhhh!!! Stop disturbing the neighbors!"

"Ack! Sorry... My bad..." I laughed awkwardly, then asked, "So... You threw up as a sign that you were pregnant?" she nodded. "How long?"

"Three weeks and five days."

I then blankly stared at her while I did the math in my head and my face heated up soon after. "I didn't expect it to be that quick." I muttered while covering half my face with a hand.

She giggled, "I didn't either."

"So... We'll both be parents in less than nine months?"

She blushed, "Yeah... We will..."

I just feel so happy right now, I couldn't help but give Jade a kiss on her forehead, "Don't worry. I'll take good care of you so our child will grow up well."

"Thanks Chris, but haven't you been doing so for quite a while now?" she teases.

"Hey! There'll be extra care, since there's a little one developing in there now." Jade giggles and I wonder, "I hope it's gonna be a boy."

"No!" Jade opposes, "I don't want him to grow up being taught by you, you might influence him to be a playboy like you once were."

"But won't he get all the girls?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"I don't want that!" Jade whines.

"I kid. I kid. Of course, I'd teach him so he never grows up to be like what I was. But I'll teach him to be like what I am now." I say as I give a wink to Jade and she blushes.

"Then I'd want our child to grow up smart too so they can be independent, I'd also want to teach them good manners, good sportsmanship, and make them grow up a good person." she started to list all the good aspects.

Sheesh... Sounds like your typical Asian goodey-two-shoes and smart-ass parenting.

Then Jade continued, this time, she looked sincere, "I know nobody's perfect, but I at least want our child to have a good future ahead, even though they won't be something really good or really smart. I just want a child that'll never stop loving us and would always cling to us no matter what happens in life." explains Jade.

Hearing Jade's explanation, I can tell that she's put much thought into it already, and I can feel the much affection she has for a child that isn't even developed quite well yet. "You'll be a great mother, Jade. I know you'll be."

"Thanks Chris. You're going to be an amazing father too! Just don't teach our child anything bad, and try not to curse with them around. I may have stopped flicking your lips every time you curse, but I will do it again if I ever hear you cussing with our child in the room." she warns me.

I then managed a salute, "Roger that captain!"

"So, I'll be trying to finish work as early as I can from now on. So, can you bring me to and from work everyday now? But you don't have to force yourself when you've been called in for work too."

"Sure Jade. I'd be happy to! And don't try to strain yourself out too much. It won't be good for our little developing child in there."

"Also... Don't strain me out yourself, Chris." Jade warns me while moving her pointer back and forth. But I get what she says.

"Haha! I get it alright. But I still won't take that as an excuse for not getting to be intimate with you!"

"I know... You're a tough cookie to crack after all."

"Oh am I now?" I tease as I swoop in to kiss Jade on the lips.

"Fight back those hormones Chris!" Jade mocks me.

"I can't... You flipped my switch." I say as I closed in on her and pinned her to the sofa.

"How in the world did I even turn you on?!" she blushes.

"I dunno... You're just too cute that you end up turning me on for no clear reason."

"Chris..." Jade calls me out in a small voice.

"You know, that's just making the situation worse right now."

She blushed even more, and looked to the side, still embarrassed, even though we've done it several times already. But even though she's embarrassed, it gets me so excited to see her this way.

"F-Fine... But remember the child!"

"Yes. Yes... I won't be a monster tonight. I'll be an angel and take you to heaven."

That was the worst line yet!

And yeah, Jade laughed her ass off after hearing that line from me and now I felt ashamed. But she caught me off-guard and kissed me on the lips and uttered, "Alright Mr. Angel... I have faith in you."

How can I ever get tired of you Jade?


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