Chapter 46: Nausea

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Weeks later after our whole adventure in Paris, we continued out with our daily lives like normal, but with only one thing different. The intimacy.

We've opened up to each other more and have shown more love to each other than we have in the past that its becoming normal. I still can't get used to it just yet as we are still newly weds, but I'm getting used to it for both my sake and Chris'.

Even Valentines Day last week was more intense than the previous Valentines Days we've ever shared with each other. Now that's going to be a memory that would be hard to forget... Haha...

Chris is needy and a bit too pushy, but he really knows how to drag me in at times. He understands when I'm really tired from work and won't strain me, but when I'm not tired but busy and he tries to seduce me, I scold him and we end up joking around with each other instead and having a laugh of it.

Chris may be a wild type, but I love his childish side the most. He's like a wolf in sheep's clothing, if you had to describe it.

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Sometime in the morning, just before lunch at work today, I am working on a few documents with Luke in our office. We were finding a way to cure a disease that has been worked on by researchers and doctors alike for a long time now, and it's been circling our thoughts for quite a while now. Suddenly, my head started to swirl around and my stomach churned.

Why do I feel so sick? I had breakfast, and the food wasn't bad nor expired. We're only working on documents and collected data, so there's nothing to inhale?

Then I felt really nauseous that I had difficulty holding it in. So I bolted out of the office and ran to the closest restroom, leaving a flabbergasted Luke in the office.

Luckily, no one was in any of the stalls to hear my sorry self throwing up. I used to throw-up in the past too when I'd get really fatigued or when I was sick or dizzy. But this time, it just confused me to why I suddenly felt sick. It just hit me and I...


It can't be....

Can it? ...

I paused and gazed at my reflection in the mirror after washing my face and hands.

"It is true that we did it, and that it's common to females who've done it. I'm not delusional or anything right? It is a common symptom... So... Is it? Am I?" I thought to myself.

Am I pregnant?!?!!

I walked out the restroom to go back to the office, but saw Luke standing outside. When he saw me, he approached me with a worried look on his face. "Are you alright Jade? Are you sick? Do you have a headache? Did you eat something bad for breakfast?"

I giggled at him worrying over me. Then I thought about if I was like this at home with Chris around, would he ask me the same questions, or would he ask more? Or maybe try to pry open our medicine box and pull out whatever he can think of would cure me? Just imagining it makes me really giggly.

"Don't laugh. I'm being serious!"

Oops! I got lost in my fantasies there!

"Sorry Luke. It's just cute that you're worrying for me like this. I'm alright, just threw up a bit." and after I said that last statement, Luke's eyes widened and his expression darkened a bit, but he tried not to look so bad.

"Oh... So... Are you gonna go check on it with a doctor?"

"Yeah... I want to confirm it. You can accompany me if you want?" I say and he smiles.

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