Chapter 53: Good & Bad News

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"What DANGER is Jade in?!" I try to ask, my voice cracking but getting higher.

"Jade being pregnant..." he started, his voice cracking as well. "It's a 50-50 percent chance she'll survive."

My heart literally sunk after hearing those words. Just hearing something so serious about to happen to the love of my life just made me crumble into millions of tiny little worthless pieces on the inside.

"I have two sets of bad news and good news to give as well." states Luke.

"What more is there?" I ask, eyes focused on my hands gripping each other while slightly shaking.

"Good news is, Jade was close to finding a cure for her case." Luke says and I lift my head up in hope that there is a way to save her.

"But it's bad news is that if she doesn't wake up soon and not give me more info, it might take longer than usual. The proper date for solving this problem is yet to be discovered. Believe me, I am working as hardest as I can for myself to figure out what Jade was doing with her experiments, she just kept this all to herself and I just concentrated with my own projects too. She's a real genius after all."

"Are you close to figuring it out?" I ask, barely holding back the overflowing emotions.

"I am sorry, but I am stuck in the same place she was stuck in too. I've also been working on a cure for her in secret too, but none of them came close to how accurate Jade's experiments have been, so I've been trying to follow what she had been doing and I have been going through more sleepless nights than she has." he says and then looks at me seriously to continue to talk.

"I know you already know that I've had feelings for Jade, and it's been going longer than you could ever expect, but rest assured, I am slowly trying to move on and just let her be happy with you. I've accepted defeat. But I will not stop caring for her. I want Jade to get through this alive and well, and I want her to smile with all of us again. Don't you think so too?" he asks, his eyes full of sadness and a stray tear streaming down his left eye.

I grit my teeth at the thought, but take a deep breath and try to calm myself down a bit. "Please, just do whatever you can to save Jade. She's a person we all can't afford to loose."

I look Luke in the eyes and he wipes away the stray tear and gives out a tiny grin, "I would've done that without you even telling me."

"Thanks." I sigh and recall, "So, what's the last set of good and bad news?"

I gulp down, anxious, but ready for the ugly truth to face me. Luke then starts, "If, in case things seem more dangerous and I haven't found the solution to the cure yet, there is a way to widen Jade's percentage at living."

"Then why not use that right now?!?!!" I bolt up, waving around furiously.

"It's not as easy as you think it it."

"Why isn't it so f*ck*ng easy?! Why not go with that option?!?!!"

"We've even tried talking to Jade about this in the past few months, but she didn't want it to happen. But maybe you can try and convince her when she wakes up?"

"Why not?! Why doesn't she want it?! I'll convince her!!! I'll do anything to save her!!!"

"What will you think after I tell you about it's counter part news though?" Luke mumbled in a serious tone which shut me up.

With a low voice volume, I murmured, "What's the bad news?"

"In order to strengthen Jade's chances of living, she must abort the child."

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