Chapter 45: Bad Omen

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"Whoah!" Jade suddenly yelled while she crouched down.

"What's the matter Jade?"

"Sorry... My water bottle was leaking so I tried to fix it, but it fell and broke."

"You didn't close it properly then?" I laughed.

"It's all your fault!" she pouted.

"Wha-? My fault? I was just try-"

"HELP!!! SOMEBODY!!! A LITTLE BOY FELL OFF THE BRIDGE!!!" someone yelled and soon enough, people started to gather around the bridge as we stared at the little boy struggling to swim up to breathe.

"He can't swim." I mumbled, and as not noticing it happen earlier, Jade jumped off to rescue that little boy.

The eff is going on here?! Jade?! Sh*t!!!

As Jade was saving the little boy, now she was the one who was in trouble and I jumped in right after her. Jade was drowning. My beloved wife was drowning for chr**tsakes!!! F*ck*ng sh*t!!! You just had to save the boy didn't you?! Think of yourself d*mn it!!!

When I finally got a hold of the two, I managed to swim with them in hand to land. The little boy was back with his mother, but Jade was unconscious. "Jade?" I lightly patted her cheek, but she felt cold. I then placed my ear on her chest to listen to her heartbeat, and as if my sense of time just stopped, so did my brain. Jade was cold, pale, and no beat was heard of from her heart.

"SOMEBODY CALL AN AMBULANCE RIGHT F*CK*NG NOW!!!" I yelled while I tried my best to do CPR and other means of revival from someone who drowned. The people around me just looked and were whispering. The little boy, looking as if he didn't just drown, was looking at me in the eyes as if he was a motionless doll.

I then turned my eyes back on Jade and suddenly little things started to disappear and the bright day turned pitch black. I couldn't see anything nor anyone. The water started changing into a different color and texture. I held up my hand to examine the liquid and it reeked of iron. Blood? BLOOD?!?!!

"" I could hear a faint sound as I was sobbing out all my emotions while I held Jade tightly in my arms, "Chris..." Huh? Was someone calling my name? "CHRIS!!!" The next thing I knew, I opened my eyes to a bright light and my body was hot and drenched in sweat. I was somehow out of breath as well. "Chris?" she called me and I got up and cupped her cheeks with my hands and broke down into tears.



"Oh Jade... Jade. Jade. Jade!"

"What is it Chris? Did you have a nightmare?" she asked me while she started to wrap her arms around me in a reassuring hug and started to pet my head. I started to cry even more, drenching her shoulder with my tears.

"That was such a cruel dream. Don't let it be so..."

"Hm?" she paused.

"Don't do anything too extreme nor too life-risking Jade, alright? I love you so much and I don't wanna loose you."

"Chris? I'm not gonna pull any crazy stunt, alright? It's okay... Please calm down..." she said as she kissed my temple and that was a remedy that calmed me down.

I kissed her cheek and buried my face into her neck as I embraced her tightly, "I love you Jade. I love you so much. Don't you dare die before me!"

I felt a little scoff from her and she hugged me tightly in response, "I won't Chris... I'll stay with you forever." she then pushed me from her and cupped my cheeks, "I love you very very much." she declares and kisses me on the lips. I give her one last deep kiss too before we both started to get ready to go to the airport.

Today's our flight back to LA and these six days and five nights spent in Paris with Jade were memories I don't want to forget. From the fun adventures we had in the morning to the romantic nights we shared together, everything was worth documenting and saving in my memory.

As we were finally on the plane relaxing before takeoff, Jade asked me, "Can you tell me what kind of dream you had this morning?" I just paused and stared at her. "I-I mean, it's okay if you don't want to talk about it... It's just... You looked so troubled in that dream and you were mumbling some stuff out. You were cursing a bunch of times too, but you kept calling out my name..." she then looked depressed.


"I just feel a bit scared, since you dreamed something too terrible and you clung onto me afterwards while crying and telling me that you're afraid of loosing me... I was just afraid thinking if that were ever to happen in reality, I also couldn't bear the fact of loosing. I almost lost you once, and I don't want that to happen again."

I then sighed in relief that Jade would indeed suffer with me gone as well, it just proves that she loves me just as much as I love her. "It's alright... I'll tell you."

"Oh no... You don't have to force yourself."

"Oh but I want to tell you." I said with a sincere smile and she smiles at me back weakly and nods. I then start to tell the story of the nightmare I had from this morning.

"I hope that wasn't a bad omen or anything like that." Jade says worryingly after my story and I scoff and pat her head.

"It wouldn't be. I won't let it happen." I tell her with a smile as I kiss her on the forehead and prepare for disembarkation.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Do you want me to prepare any food Chris?" Jade asks as we just arrive home.

"No thanks. That last meal we had on the plane was too much and I'm full right now."

After turning our phones back on again, the ringing was practically a nuisance to listen to as all the texts started to flood our inboxes as we get our signals back.

"Oh no!" Jade startles me.

"What is it?!"

"I have a lot to finish when I get back to work tomorrow... I might even get home late again..." sobs Jade.

"Ehehe..." I scratch my head, "Looks like I've got work piled up too..." I say as I stare at all the texts and e-mails that I just noticed flooding my phone. Because we had no phone service nor cellular data in Paris, we didn't use our phones. We did go on Facebook, but only to post albums of the many pictures we took while we were in Paris.

Then my phone started to ring. My manager was calling me, "Chris! You idiot! You need to tell me when you're coming home and you NEED to answer your e-mails! Do you know the trouble I've gone through because of this whole adventure of yours?!?!!" he sounds really angry.

"Sorry Dennis... I'll make it up to you."

"You better!!!"

I grin sarcastically at Jade and she just giggles, "I can hear his roaring from here."

"Yeah... He's quite the-"

"Are you even listening to me?!" Dennis yells again.

"Oh! Sorry. Sorry... You were saying?" I wave at Jade and she takes her calls from work as well. We're going to be really busy if we want to catch up with the week we lost at work.

But the last week we had at Paris was a week to remember for the rest of my life...


Hey Guys!!!

Chris and Jade are finally back home and they have tons of work piled up for them to do. The story is yet to progress and many other things will be happening soon~! A happy married life is just the beginning in Chade's story... :3

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~Kurisu-chan ;*

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