== Congratulations~! ==

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You have reached the end of Book 2 of 'The Perv and The Nerd: Wish Come True'~!

Thank you all so much for all the love and support you have given me and this book!

Writing this second book, #TPaTNWCT, was another roller-coaster ride of emotions for me and also the readers. It was fun, and this time a lot of happy cute times took place, but also a bunch of different problems occurred. But now, Chade is happy and well and they now have a family. A five year old baby girl, Crystal; and her little baby brother, Jace, who is one and a half.

I am hoping you will share this book to your friends too and let them enjoy the Chade journey as you have. I hope you did enjoy it though? :3

Now that you've finished the book, now's the best time to go back and leave a vote on each chapter if you've liked them~! ^^ But, if you've already done so, I'd give you a virtual flying kiss and a huge virtual bear hug~! X3

If you are a silent reader, now is the chance to express yourselves in just one comment box or more on how you felt about the entire story. Or send a message to me~! Either way you would like to express, I'd be waiting for it happily... Please, I would very much like a feedback from all of you. ^_^

How were the stories? The epilogue? I hope you guys liked them as much as you did with book one, or maybe more than book one? :3

I am hoping and praying that book one and two will be published someday! Thank you guys for also wishing for it~! :D It makes me so happy~!!! :D

Thank you guys again so much~!!!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Please check out my other completed books as well:

These Waters
Fantasy and Romance based on a dream I had.
Completed. Has four chapters, excluding the words from the writer...
Check it out~! :D

Paranormal Experiences
Horror book based on real experiences from the writer and readers.
Completed (11 chapters), although can be on going if others submit their own stories to tell...
Check it out~! :3

Hana's Dark High School Days
Romance and Slice-of-Life based on a Japanese high school setting.
Completed, having 65 chapters, including the prologue and epilogue, excluding the author's note and congratulatory note.
Check it out~! ;)

The Perv and The Nerd
Book one to the TPaTN series, in case you skipped this one out and read book two first.
Romance, Slice-of-Life, Drama, and Comedy type of book with an American setting.
Completed, having 87 chapters, a prologue, an epilogue, and 3 bonus chapters. (Excluding extra notes from author).
Check it out~! ^_^

My Drawings ^_^
Just a book showcasing all of my drawings from 2011 up to present. I will continue to update on it when I draw more characters. So updating will come at random.
Currently has 79 published parts (including notes from author).
I also take up reader's recommendations on which characters I draw next and will post them when I draw them. So, please feel free to tell me which anime (and or cartoon) character you guys would like me to draw... :D
Check it out~! >.<

Stay Awesome,

~Kurisu-chan ;*

The Perv and The Nerd: Wish Come TrueWhere stories live. Discover now