Chapter 30: More Secrets

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Two weeks have past and it's now the 15th of December. The city is starting to look all jolly and festive since Christmas is nearing.

Although Christmas may be fast approaching, Chris and I have continued our daily lives like nothing exciting is going to happen soon. It strikes me weird, because in the past, as soon as it's the first day of December, Chris would call me up to discuss our plans on how we'd celebrate together. Now, fifteen days have passed since then and still nothing from him.

Instead of thinking negatively, I start to ponder if Chris is trying to hide something from me. Like a surprise! Cause he likes to do things unannounced these days, and it makes me think of something else when he's all secretive like this.

Before going off to work, I see Chris in his music room taking a phone call.

Is it perhaps his work? He does get a couple of projects this time of the year...

I knock thrice and Chris ends the call. Like he didn't even want me to hear who was on the other line. You could've just placed the phone to the side, or dismiss whoever you were talking to properly?

"H-Hey Jade! You going to work?" he sounded nervous for some reason.

"Yeah... Who were you talking to just then?" I inquired like it was no big deal.

"Oh it was Adam... He wanted to call me saying that our managers booked us for some kind of little gig down town." he said nonchalantly.

"Could I come to watch?"

"Maybe... But it's not decided yet. I just didn't want you to hear the details cause if things go through, I wanted to surprise you. But I guess you found out anyway..."

"All you could've said was that it was a secret." I giggled.

"And let you get mad for some misunderstanding? No thank you." he mocked me, but I just ruffled up his hair in a form of getting revenge. "Hey now... Watch the hair!" he chuckled and grabs my wrists to stop me. "Want me to drive you to work?"

"Nah... I can drive myself there, thank you very much~!"

"Alright..." he stands up to hug me, "Have a good day at work Jade..." he says as he plants a kiss on my forehead, and I kiss him on the cheek.

"Thanks Chris... I'll be going now." I say and we wave each other goodbye as I walk out the door and to our car to go to work.

[Chris' P.O.V.]

As I heard the door close, I wait for a couple of minutes before redialing the number. The phone on the other end was still ringing, until they finally picked up.

"Hey! Sorry about earlier. Jade just entered the room."

"It's okay... I understand why you're hiding this from her... Wanna swing by here later on to check on stuff?"

"Sure... I'm sorry to put you through this. But thanks... I'm really happy."

"No problem Chris. I hope this'll work out~!"

"I'll come a little after lunch okay?"

"Okay~! Can't wait to see you then~!"

"Psh! Bye Stacey."

"Bye bye~~..."

*toot toot toot*

I then take it easy and relax on my chair as I have my face stare at the ceiling. Sorry Jade... I didn't mean to lie. I just don't want you to know yet...

[Jade's P.O.V.]

Arriving at work today, the same process goes on. Working on our samples, checking up on patients, discussing possible outcomes of the problems, and the like. Luke and rest of my friends seem to grow less talkative lately and it's bothering me too much.

At lunch time, I decided to discuss things with them. The usual circle was present. Luke, Hazel, Kelly, Cecilia, and Fredrick. I decided to speak up, "Are you guys mad at me or something?"

Luke nearly choked on his Coke, and tried to pull himself together. "What made you think so Jade?"

"Yeah? How could we be mad at you?" seconded Kelly.

"Well, it's just that you guys don't talk to me like usual anymore and I feel lonely..." I point out.

"It's not like we're mad or anything. We just have a lot in mind since we wanna sur-- BWAUHGH!!!" Fredrick couldn't finish his sentence as Cecilia just elbowed him in the stomach. Fredrick crouched down a bit where he was seated to hold his upset stomach and moaned in pain from the impact.

"What Fred-doofus was going to say was that... We wanna surpass these days as soon as possible, because our mind has been filled with how we're going to celebrate Christmas already~!" noted Cecilia and the rest agreed.

"Oh? So... Are we doing the party on Christmas Eve?"

"Sorry..." apologized Cecilia, "But, my husband and I are going out to dinner then, so we'll have it on the 23rd instead."

"It's alright... All's good."


[Luke's P.O.V.]

After we finished our lunch, we all walked together back to our workstations. Jade walked ahead with Kelly and Hazel happily chatting beside her, while I walked with Cecilia and Fredrick behind them.

"You didn't have to strike my stomach like that earlier, Cecilia!" whined Fredrick.

"I'm sorry... You were about to reveal our secret plans for that day!"

"Yeah..." I mumbled, "But is it really alright not to tell Jade about Chris? I mean, it's kinda-"

"Just leave it to Chris. I'm sure things will be alright." reassures Cecilia.

"I hope so..." scoffs Fredrick, "If things go wrong, Chris'll be sure to have a RED Christmas."

"Whoah! Didn't expect to hear such gory things from you Freddy!"

"Yeah? And I thought I was the offensive one!" I laughed at him.

"Guys... I may be a humble-yet-goofy surgeon, but I do have my serious side."

"True dat!!!" yells Cecilia and the girls in front of us turn around and give her weird looks and she just brushed it off like it was nothing. "Anyways, I'll be heading in this direction~. Bye guys~!"

"Bye Cecilia!"

"I'll be going with her, since my office is in that direction too."

"See ya Fredrick!"

I then catch up to walk with Jade and the other three, but I'm still walking behind them. I'm just quietly listening to their girl talk and some talks about Christmas too.

Chris... You better not make Jade sad!


Hey Guys!!!

What's going on with Chris? Things seem fishy! And Stacey's back!!! O.O

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~Kurisu-chan ;*

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