Chapter 17: Lonely

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It's the third night already of Chris' extended work over at New York, and the second night of him not calling me for the whole day. I am feeling crushed, but I keep thinking that maybe he's really busy or he's doing his best to finish as early as possible.

Tonight, I finished work earlier and after dinner and washing up, I decided to slump on the couch in the living room and watch one of the late night drama's that I follow.

"Dwayne! What do you mean?!" the female lead yells at the male lead.

He scoffs, "Did you really think that we'd have a future together? You're not putting me as your top priority. Of course I'd loose interest in you!"

"Wait! Dwayne!!!" she runs after him to slap him across the face and they burst out into an argument.

I then pause, and my attention is away from the TV screen.

Could it be... That Chris has lost interest in me?

Well, I have been putting work as my top priority and haven't been on dates with Chris or have done anything special with each other yet. I know that I don't have much of a sex appeal, and I'm such a nerd. Of course Chris would go for those sexy women who'd give him all the attention!

B-But... Don't tell me that the answer to why he's not calling me anymore is that he's got another girl hooked up with him over at New York?!

Chris is a chick-magnet after all, he's got the looks and the moves to match. But.. I mean, c'mmon! He is my boyfriend and he should be loyal to me! But I guess he'd be tired of me if I didn't pay him any attention or dress up in a charmingly sexy way?

I then pull out my laptop and start searching on articles on how to improve my sex appeal. But stop immediately as the internet had shown me numerous of disgusting content.

That was such a bad idea!!!

I then go to search for my favorite animes to wash out everything I have just read and seen. Then, an idea popped into my head.

Chris looks sexy when he's wearing a long sleeved polo shirt with both of his buttons open!

I then scan my wardrobe for a long sleeved polo shirt; but to no avail, I had none. So, I borrowed one of Chris' and tried it on and opened two of the buttons and looked in a mirror.

How does Chris look so sexy in this and me so sloppy?!

I knew Chris' clothes would be bigger than mine, but I didn't realize that it was huge enough to make me look like a slob!


Feeling depressed, I take off Chris' shirt, throw it on his side of the bed, and wear my jammies on again. I then flop on the bed and pull his shirt in and hug it closely.

It still smells like Chris...

Ugh!!! This is making me feel even lonelier!!!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next day, I went to work again like usual, and today, Kelly had an interview somewhere and Hazel called in sick. So, I was left with only Luke again.

Sometime in the afternoon as we were doing diagnostics together, he calls out to set me straight, "Jadey? ... I'm not gonna concentrate if you keep on sulking like that, you know?" As he told me that, I apologized and bit the gum on my right cheek. I always did this when I felt guilty of something.

"Seriously Jade!" he started to nag at me again, "I'm guessing Chris hasn't called you again today either, and that's why you're sulking! But you just need to go back to being your old self! I don't want to be working in a gloomy atmosphere, and more especially, I feel terrible when you feel terrible too."

I tried to ignore him and just look away, but somehow, the words just came flying out and I stop what I am doing to yell at him, "I'm sorry, okay?! It's just that... Just... Just not hearing from him in any way for almost four days has made me paranoid! Like... Like... What if he's lost interest in me? Or has he found a replacement for me?!"

My sight then turns blurry and I bite my lip as I face away from him to furiously wipe the tears that are urging to pour out. I then hear a sigh and Luke embraces me from behind, "Let go of me!" I try to squirm away as I am feeling angered.

"Stop! Please let me hug you." he begs, but I still try to squirm away as I then feel weaker and the tears start to come out.

"I-I'm *hic* j-just *hic* lonely without him, okay?! *hic*" I cried out as I stopped struggling and let him hug me from behind.

I then feel his embrace tighten a bit, and his head on mine, "Look... I'm sorry I made you feel even worse for bringing this up, but I know that you are stronger than this Jade!"

"I'm not! I'm a stupid, boring girl!" Luke then pinched my stomach, which made me yelp and he laughed. "What's so funny?!!"

He then made me face him, and he wiped away a tear while apologizing. "Believe me, if you were stupid, would you have become a doctor earlier than me who is three years older than you? And if you were boring, then why did Chris even bother with you in the first place?" he smiles gently as he tells me everything, and I just quietly listen as I look away.

"That's true... But I'm not strong enough..."

"Nonsense! You are strong! You're just having a breakdown from being so spoiled by Chris that you are just feeling lonely that you're having doubts and second thoughts. Remember? He waited for you until you graduated before you guys could hook-up; and you also waited that long as well! Don't you remember us talking about how happy you'd be if you guys would really end up together as we were talking about love one day in our college years?"

"Y-Yes..." I mumbled.

Luke sighed, but then shone me a warm smile. He then placed his hand on my cheek and his forehead against mine as he was still hugging me. Feeling a bit awkward, I just placed my hands on his chest to push him away unless anything else suspicious happens. "Jade?"

"Wh-What is it?!" I was unusually nervous. The kind of nervous you feel when you know something's going to happen when you don't want it to.

"Have you cheered up a little now?" he looks into my eyes sincerely.

"Yes..." I smiled, "All thanks to you."

He then patted my head and wrapped both arms around my waist as he closed his eyes with his forehead still on mine. "That's good to hear..."

Now I'm really feeling awkward!

"U-Uhmm... Lucky? I think-" I was going to tell him that we should go back to work, but I was cut off as I hear the sound of the door opening. We both then turned our attention to the person standing in shock at the door...

It was Chris.


Hey Guys!!!

Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!

What'll happen next?!

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~Kurisu-chan :*

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