Chapter 41: I Do

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"Heee... Huuu... Heee... Huuu..." I breathed in and out nervously as I kept pacing back and forth inside the cool room.

"Jade!" screams Jenny, "I don't want you ruining your hair and make-up when you haven't even showed yourself off yet! I worked hard to make you look this beautiful!"

"I know Jenny... I'm sorry... I just... I can't... Stay still..." I mutter and Sam grabs a hold of my shoulders and forces me to sit on a chair.

"You need to just sit here and calm down."

"Relax Jade." adds in Stacey, "Believe me, we were all as nervous as you are on our wedding days. So keep calm, everything's going to be alright." she gives me a gentle pat on the back and a reassuring smile to calm me down a little.

"Fine then... Can I at least have my phone for the meantime?" I ask and Mae gives me my phone. I played Sodoku to ease myself out. It somehow calms me and makes me forget all of my worries as I concentrate on the game instead.

But somehow, thoughts of yesterday fill my mind as I stare at my phone's screen...

(...Last night...)

Chris and I had spent the rest of the afternoon talking about what happened on our singles' night and we laughed as much as we shared throughout those episodes.

We had a simple dinner at home, we both cooked it together, it was fun; although Chris wouldn't stop being all touchy while I was cooking. I told him that if he didn't want to have burns for tomorrow, he'd better stop.

After cleaning up a bit, we got ready to go out just to take a late night walk in the park to calm ourselves down as we began to feel nervous about our wedding tomorrow.

Walking to the park's fountain, Chris wiped the imaginary dust off the edge for me to sit down on and he even held my hand to allow me to sit more elegantly. It was silly to be honest, but it was so cheesy.

Chris then walked in front of me and held both my hands and knelt down to kiss them. I was so embarrassed, I looked around to see if anyone was in the area. Thankfully, we were alone.

Wait... We're alone?! Oh gosh...

My heart is beating triple times it's speed right now... I hope he doesn't hear how loud it is. "That's such a loud heartbeat." Chris mutters and my face deepens in a dark shade of red.

"Y-You can hear my heart beating?"

Chris looked up to me and chuckled, "I just overheard my own heart beating loudly." he said as he placed my hand on his chest.

It really is beating loudly...

"Looks like I'm not the only one who's nervous..." he teases me a little while he pinches my cheek and I pinch him back.

"Let's head back Chris. We need all the rest we can get for tomorrow's special event." I say with a smile.

Chris smiles too and tells me one more time before we get moving, "Sure... And Jade? I promise you that I will only ever love you and only ever cherish you for the rest of our lives. Please, trust me a bit more, even after we get married... No more misunderstandings... I love you. We've been through so much, you must get it by now."

I gave him a gentle smile and a nod, "I know, but you have to explain things clearly to me too, cause I can't help but feel delusional sometimes, Chris. I love you too, so that's why I tend to worry at times."

"Well..." he comes closer and holds my chin up, "Just say you'll trust me and stay mine forever."

"I trust you, Chris... And I was already yours since  more than three years ago." I giggle and Chris crashes his lip to mine as we both go into our own little world.

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