Chapter 26: Chocolate Bonbons

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I'm kinda worried cause Jade has now eaten five bonbons and the bonbons contain chocolate alcohol. I haven't had these since they were expensive, but I've heard how fast this brand can make a person tipsy and drunk.

Jade kept on denying my attempts of letting her drink alcohol in the past, even the one with low alcohol percentage. One, she says she's tried one before and didn't like the taste. Two, she doesn't want to get drunk because she doesn't know what might happen when that time comes. And three, she just hates being forced to something she's sure she doesn't like.

She's okay with me drinking alcohol, but I don't drink too much and not so often; also, I don't get drunk too easily. And knowing that she hasn't taken alcohol so quickly like this in her entire life, who knows what she might do when drunk?!

I'm gonna get an earful of this when she's sober...

Now, she's practically swaying from left to right with a red drowsy face. The alcohol isn't that strong to make her sleep though. I'd say I'm quite intrigued to know what she'll do next...

"Jade?" I softly call out to her, "You okay babe?"

She then lifts her head up and she looks like she's having a hard time balancing herself. Jade glares at me and points her finger at me, "Who're you callin' babe?! Huh?!" she doesn't talk straight.

"You of course! You are my girlfriend, right?" I try to confirm to see if she doesn't deny it.

"I-I am... But! I-Ish too embawassin' fow you tah cawll me dat! Just cawll me Jade like you alwayz dowh!"

Gosh! She sounds like a shy drunk redneck! And it's too adorable!!!

"So, you do love me right? I mean, Luke loves you, so why not choose him? He's better than me after all?" it pains me to say that, but I just want to confirm things.

"What awe you talkin' abowt?! Shuwe Luke's nicshe and awll, but nobody can come closhe to how much I love you Chwis!" she said all that close up to my face. Her breath feels hot and her body too. I'm wondering if I should tone down the heater, cause things are getting a little steamy?

"Now that's a hot way to put it." I tease her. But I set her aside, cause I really need to lower the heat in the room.

"I'm nowt howt! You arreee! Cause yoe da peeeeerv~!" she giggled like some girl who got drunk flirting with a man at the bar. She's had too much bonbons. But her flirting with me like this was interesting. So, I wanted to try and push her limits.

"If I'm such a perv, why are you staying with me? I might attack you."

"I'm stayin' with you cause I love you! But don't huwt me with a mean attack." she pouted.

Gosh, even when she's drunk she's still too innocent!

"Not the mean kind of attack, I mean the 'pouncing' kind of attack." I kinda wanted to seduce her, but she gave me a confused look instead.

"Pownshin'? Whut kinda attack ish dat?!" she literally laughed out loud. She doesn't get it at all. I had to do a face palm. Guess she's still an amateur in this. So, I had to spell it out for her.

The next thing I did was push her down on the carpeted floor and hovered over her. She went silent and had a shocked look on her face and her face reddened even more. "I meant this kind of 'pouncing' attack." She looked shy, but her blushing bashful appearance for me was like an invitation, and I was so turned on.

I could feel my heartbeat increasing and my body itching with desire. Jade was my guilty pleasure and I wanted to indulge in her and take her innocence away. But I didn't want to do it without consent.

Feeling the pulse in my chest beating like a trigger getting ready to shoot, I come up to Jade's face and whisper in her ear, "Jade..." I began, "C-Can I k-kiss you?"

The scene we were pulling right now was making me feel so unsettled, and the drunk young woman below me has gone silent. But her breathing is very visible, since her chest has been rising and falling quickly and largely than I've ever seen before with my days with her. Sh*t! Now I'm feeling quite nervous too!

"You down't have toh ask fow pewmisshun fow a kiss..." she was still slurring, but I was craving for her all over. D*mn it Jade! I'm supposed to be seducing you!

Cautiously and anxiously, I go in to kiss her on the lips, it was only a simple kiss. I backed away and Jade was pouting, "Jade?" I asked her.

"Yow can do bettah dan dat, can't you?"

After that sentence, I just lost it and immediately went in for it with all I've got. We shared all kinds of kisses; you name it, we did it. I wasn't just kissing her on the lips either; I kissed her all over her face, on her neck, even on her collarbone. I even left a couple of hickeys as well.

I was so intoxicated. I don't think it was because of the influence of the alcohol, but because of Jade. Tiny moans have also escaped Jade's lips causing me to kiss her on the lips some more. Then when my hand started to travel up her leg, a static current ran through my brain and I had to stop.

The shock from my actions made me speechless and I threw my entire body away from Jade's. "Chwis?" Jade asked me as she slowly sat up to look at me.

Looking at her, with her dress almost peeled off of her, with the hickeys on her neck and collarbone, I felt like punching myself.

I know we both felt pleasure and what we did was consensual. But... I just felt a sort of feeling like it was only driven out because of the alcohol. And besides, I feel even more angry at myself, since I've promised Jade that I would only touch her after marriage.

I felt angry taking advantage of her when she's vulnerable; and besides, she won't even remember any of this once the alcohol is out of her system. And what's the point of doing  this when she doesn't want it yet? When its only her drunk self talking?!

Jade crawled near me and placed a hand on my cheek as she asked me innocently, "Chwis? What's wong? Did I do shumethin' bad?"

Now I was feeling worse. Jade was too precious, and yet I tried to break her back then. The lust was overpowering me, that I didn't think of what Jade wanted. I took her hand and held it. I looked her in the eyes with a forced smile and told her, "No Jade. I was the bad one. You are a good girl."

After I said that, as if forgetting what I did to her minutes ago, she smiled. Her smile was so pure, like she was happy that things were alright and she did nothing wrong. I wanted to protect that smile and I wanted it all for myself.

Jade then hugged me, which kind of scared me, but I hugged her back. I even kissed her on the forehead to let her feel at ease. Moments later, her grip on me became loose. I checked on her to see that she was now fast asleep. I then moved a bit to lay my back on the sofa and place Jade's head on my lap.

Gawking at Jade's face, I tuck a stray lock of her hair behind her ear and fix her fringes aside her peaceful sleeping face. I just hope I didn't scare you earlier. She's just so precious that I want to treasure her for the years to come and let her experience things when she's ready for them.

If it's Jade, I can tame myself to wait for anything...


Hey Guys!!!

Things almost went out of hand, but Chris knows how to preserve Jade's innocence. And this is what makes their romance long-lasting and true. I bet you guys wanted them to get it on and go wild. XD

And I've just noticed this, I don't know if you guys have. But book one was all Jade's P.O.V.'s, for book two, it's almost now all on Chris~! :D I don't know why, but it's gonna be like that for a couple of chapters more, I guess? X3

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~Kurisu-chan ;*

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