Chapter 33: Don't tell Jade

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Jade woke up with me today to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. But hey, if it isn't annoying, how the hell would I even wake up for work?!

We shared breakfast, and no matter how much I'd tell her that I'd cook, she'd keep on insisting saying that she wants me to 'relax' since she's intruding. But rather, I'd let her relax since she's a guest.

After our meal, and of course washing the dishes together, we went to work together. Since I don't own a vehicle, we commuted together to CS, since my place was farther away than Jade's to the hospital. We went by taxi. I hate 'em, but I gotta go by them once in a while. Or I should just really buy my own car.

We were right on time arriving at work, and the usual was seeing Luke in the office before all of us, just reading the documents, and Hazel as late as usual. Jade did her very best to act like usual, but it seems like Luke catches on fast when it comes to Jade...

"Hey Jade? You alright there?"

Luke is such an affectionate and cool guy; if Jade wasn't dating Chris, I bet she'd be snagged up real quickly by Luke. I kinda feel a little jealous that Jade's got two completely amazing guys in her life, caring about her. I wish that, you know, I'd find a guy kind of like either one of them soon and end up together with them forever.

I'm quite the hopeless romantic... But I'd want my friends' happiness to come first than mine. That's why I'm supporting Jade and doing everything for her and Chris to be happy...

I kind of sound like a Philanthropist here, but meh... Whatever...

"Yeah Luke... Just a little drained, that's all..." I could also feel the grief in Jade's tone, even though she was doing her best to hide it from him.

"If you want to sit down and talk about it with me, I'll be right there for you, alright?" he was sincerely worrying for Jade, like he always does...

"Thanks Luke, but really, I'm managing okay."


We just continued with our work after long moments of reassuring if Jade was alright and if she was okay to work today.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Excuse me." says Jade as she stands up from her chair, "I'll be going to the restroom. I'll be back shortly."



Moments after Jade left, I had to tell Luke. "Luke, please don't tell Jade I told you, but... Jade's staying at my place."

Luke's eyes widened in shock, "What?! Wh-Why?!"

"She had another misunderstanding with Chris and walked out on him because he didn't want to explain the details to her yet."

After hearing my explanation, Luke covered his face with his hand disappointingly, and sighed exasperatedly. "That Chris sure loves to cause problems for his relationship with Jade, doesn't he?"

"Well, we can only leave this problem up to him to explain and solve, now can't we?"

Then the door suddenly opens, scaring the living daylights out of us. "Alrighty Dr. Ritter, the viles are in place and the samples have been checked on, and there seems..." Hazel looked at both of us in a weird way and continued, "There seems to be great tension in this office... Is everything alright?"

Luke and I sigh in relief it wasn't Jade, and I giggled at Hazel's perplexity, "I'll tell ya when it's just the two of us~."

"Ooo~! Spiceh~~..." she wiggled her shoulders around and both Luke and I just laughed at her.

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