Chapter 1-School...

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Laura POV
I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock going off, which meant I had to go to school. Don't get me wrong I love learning but when you get beaten up as much as I do you grow to dislike the place itself and the people there.

You see my mother used to tell me 'don't wait for the perfect moment go out and make the moment perfect' but that's a lot harder than it seems giving the fact I have no friends or a social life and all I do is school work and work part time at Costa Coffee.

I drag myself out of bed and get dressed into a plain T-shirt, black skinny jeans and some trainers plus my glasses of course or I'd pretty much be blind without them.

I quickly pick up my books and shove them in my bag as I'm running late, Urgh I won't hear then end of it from the jocks and popular girls if the nerd/geek is late for class. That's kind of how we work I walk into the place; I call my death trap, they pick on me, beat me up and I stand there and take it but I can't say anything because there's no use. It really brings me down because they don't understand what I've been through and they make it worse. Sometimes I don't know whether I can take it anymore, I mean it would be easy to end it right here right now...but that would show I'm weak and I don't want that in life not now, not ever!

After that Major thought, I head to school, time to get ready for what today brings me...

Walking through the door I already hear people saying 'geek, nerd, useless' and already I can say I've had enough, I'm just waiting for the populars and it will it get worse.

*End of POV*

Laura heads to her locker to get her books for first and second period which starts in 10 minutes. When the populars approach her locker and slamming it in her face.

"You're useless, so why are you here again today? Did our little session last week not teach you well enough? Well...then" Samantha says and shoves Laura right into the walls and pushing her further down to the floor, Laura doesn't fight back but takes what they give her.

"Urgh nerd is now all over my locker thank you, you geek" Ross says sarcastically and pushed Laura over onto the floor where her glasses smash and her lip was also now cut from hitting the floor.

She didn't move a muscle until they were all gone and by now she couldn't see well with smashed glasses and her lip now swollen and cut up.

Laura slowly trudged to class; she was late...

"Where have you been Miss Marano?" The teacher questioned.

Ross was in her class and he just glared at her with a look telling her not to say a word.

"I was nowhere Mr Michael" she said as she slowly approached her seat hiding her face of shame and embarrassment.

"Well sit down you're late and catch up on those notes" he said simply.

"Okay" she said as she copied everything down, a tear left her eye as she thought how was she going to face the rest of the day?

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