Chapter 27

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Ross POV
We all bundle onto the couch whilst my parents drive the bus. We sit and play video games, it was fun for a while but it started to get boring.

"I'm bored" I say to Laura as she turns looking rather tired.

"Uhuh" she replied a plainly.

"Maybe you should go to bed?" I suggest. She just walks off without saying night, or giving me a hug, nothing. I ran after her because I don't think that she's just 'tired'.

I push the door open then close it and lock it so my siblings can't interrupt us.

"Hey Laura are you okay" I say as I sit on the end of the bottom bunk.

"Fine" she snaps with her eyes still shut.

"I know your not" I say.

"Go away Ross" I don't hesitate to reply.

"Not until you tell me what's up".

"Seriously I'm fine just go away" she argues.

"No just tell me what's your problem, is it me? Have I done something?" I ask.

"No I'm fine just leave me alone" she says turning to face the wall.

"Fine" I sigh laying down on my bunk.

I really don't know what's wrong with her and I don't like that she's not telling me. This relationship lark isn't going as well as I thought, maybe it's best not to have a relationship at all.

"Dinner's ready" my mum shouts.

"Okay" I shout walking to the table.

"Where's Laura, sweetie?" My mum asks.

"She laying down asleep in her bunk, she won't tell me what's up either" I frown.

"I'll go talk to her later" my mum says finishing her dinner off whilst I just pick and nip at some food pushing it around my plate.

"I'm tired" I state to the rest of my family as I trudge to the door. I forgot my mum went to talk to Laura. I don't want to be nosey but I want to know what's wrong with Laura, so I press my ear against the door and listen.

"Darling what's wrong?" My mum says.

"I really miss my mum" she cries. "I don't think I can keep living like this bring everyone around me down".

"No sweetie your not bring everyone down and everyone here really cares about you. I know you miss your mum but just remember I'm always here for you" my mum says, my mum is so wise at the best of times.

"Thank you Stormie" Laura says.

I here footsteps coming towards so I pretend like I was about to knock on the door.

"Hello dear" my mums says as she walks past me. I walk into the bedroom.

"Laura I know you don't want to talk to me but please do because we're supposed to be able to trust each other but if you can't trust me I don't think I can handle being in a relationship like that" I said.

"What Ross what do you want me to say, I've had some of the worst things happen to me in my life and you can't just leave them alone, it's the past I want to be able to forget but you're making it really hard to do that" she shouts "I don't think I can be in a relationship with you right now" those words killed me completely.

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