Chapter 26

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Ross POV
Morning light broke through a gap in my curtain and shone on my face, I decided to get up and have a shower. It was nice but something kept bothering me. What if Laura leaves me for someone we meet on tour? No she wouldn't do that would she, but she also very beautiful. I became more worried and decided to step out of the shower and get changed. Walking back to my room I still can't shake the thought from the shower. Hopefully Laura won't notice, maybe she'll still be asleep.

"Hey Rossy" she smiles. Damn, that's exactly what I wanted not to happen.

"Morning" I said.

"You okay?" She asks concerned, I should really tell her I mean she's my girlfriend but I don't want to at the same time but I'm not sure why I don't want to tell her.

"I'm fine, now you missy best get changed so we can pack we're leaving today" I said slightly perking up at the last part, I mean going on tour is so much fun especially getting to go with the most important people in your life.

"Okay, okay I'll get dressed" she says in defeat.

After me and Laura are dressed we walk down to get breakfast which is my favourite PANCAKES!!!!

We gulp them down then I'm back to my room packing whatever clothes shoes etc that take my fancy. Rydel called Laura to pack together you know how girls are? Well I don't but yeah.

Finally finished I go to Rydel's room to see Laura.

"Hey gorgeous, how's the packing going?" I asked hugging her from behind.

"We're almost done now, I'm so excited I can't wait!" She exclaims.

"Same it's going to be so much fun, now there's another girl besides my mum coming too" Rydel squeals.

Both the girls giggle and I'm stood here. This couldn't be more awkward, so I leave going to chill in the living room till we are called to go.

"Okay guys 5 minutes and we are out of here and hitting the road" my dad yells.

"Okay" everyone replies. We all grab our stuff an head to pack it. Of course also fight for which bed we want too.

"I call this one" Ratliff and Rocky yell to each other point at a top bunk.

"No it's mine" says Rocky.

"No I get it" Ratliff replies.

"I'm taller I can reach easie" Rocky point out.

"It's mine now" Laura says climbing up and claiming it for he own.

"No fair" Rocky and Ratliff say walking to other bunks.

"Oh my gosh you are like the best girlfriend ever!" As I laugh at what just happened.

"Why thank you" she says bowing down.

This trip is going to be so much fun I can't wait!

I'm really sorry that this is a rubbish chapter but I had to update. And thank you to all my amazing readers that respected the delay of my story I will try and make the next chapter better with drama or something. Thank you all so much for the reads wow you are all amazing! Stay Rossome!!!! Remember to Comment and Vote!

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